Toy Story

Tower of Terror

1950’s Snow White

Cooking With Classy – Pork Loin Medallions

This is just the most heavenly meal and you wouldn't believe how simple it is!!! Here to help us is the AMAZING Charlotte from IGs Charlotte Shares. She is all about easy recipes with BIG Texas taste and BOY does she deliver on this one!!! Here's the recipe for you...

Cooking With Classy: Lasagna

This lasagna has been a staple in my home ever since I was little. It is one of the most comforting meals to me for some reason. Through the years I have always given my mom credit for this recipe. I made it exactly the way she did (down to the brand of products),...

Throwing a Spooktacular Witches Night

In my mind there are five things that truly make a great party. A party where, when you leave, you can't stop talking about it and can't wait for the next one. These five things are what work for me and all the bashes I throw and I'm going to share them with YOU!...

Getting Rid Of Toxins In the Home

"Everything causes cancer." "I'm good, I ate all of this when I was a kid and I survived." "I'd rather do what I want and be happy than worry about being healthy all the time." "Organic? That's totally a gimmick." These are phrases I've heard for many years, and for...

Welcome To Sophie’s Nursery

When starting any project do you have a place that you go for inspiration? A store that you love the most? A theme that you just can't get out of your head? As many of you know, I recently did a little bit of an overhaul on my house. Painted almost every wall and am...

Cooking With Classy: Breakfast Burritos

This recipe has to be one of the top if not THE top requested dinners in our family. I don't know why but breakfast dinners aaalllllways sound good to me! Again. I am not the leanest of cooks....or girls lol, so this may be a meal that you can cook sparingly if you...

Cooking With Classy: Bean Muck

I have had sooooo many requests for this simple and somewhat silly meal that I just had to finally get it all down in writing. I say silly because it is just so ridiculously simple yet the kiddos LOVE it!!!!! Okay, here's what you need:  1 jar of salsa, any kind...

Cooking With Classy: Chicken Pot Pie

This scrumptious meal has become a go to comfort food dinner for our family. The boys love it and mom loves the fact that they are eating their veggies =). This recipe is from with a few "Jen" tweaks in there. Below the pie is shown just before baking...

Cooking With Classy: Jambalaya Y’all

Okay, here is what we made for Make It Monday and I have to tell you....I am obSESSED with this recipe. Forever and a day ago my husband worked for a company called Melaleuca and he was over the south district. He was able to go and visit many of those that he...

Make It Mondays

Sooooooo let's chat shall we? I remember when I used to come onto this lovely blog of mine constantly. Uploading videos, telling stories and having fun with it all. As time progressed I found it harder and harder to be consistent. Editing videos takes a super long...