What Do You Love?

What Do You Love?

 Get your May favorites in to me before it’s too late! The month is fast coming to an end and I want to hear what you have loved this month. Did you find a great new scent? A facial cleanser to die for? What about an eyeshadow color you can’t live without? hare with the whole class won’t you? =) Email them to me at dollcosmetics@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you!

So It’s Not Monday

So It’s Not Monday

I saw this and thought…yes, this is true. I will pass this onto my ladies with all my love and support LOL. Yeah, I’m a nerd but you knew that ;). Here is what thedailyglow.com had to say about hiring a pro to handle your face on your special day:

Even if you’re not a celebrity, there are certain occasions when you want to look your absolute best. Whether you’re splurging for your wedding or a class reunion, you want a professional image for your new Web site, or you just want a sexy photo for an online dating profile, hiring a professional makeup artist can be totally worth it. I learned my lesson years ago when I did my own makeup for a television interview. I ended up looking so pale and sickly that my mother called and asked if I was ill! Now whenever I do a TV appearance or need to have photos taken, I have my makeup done professionally.

To find a makeup artist, ask for referrals from friends who have been pleased with their makeup. Hairstylists and wedding or event photographers are also likely to know who does good work.
When you contact the makeup artist, ask about his or her professional experience, what type of work she or he does, and what rate you can expect. Ask to see photos of the artist’s work or speak to recent clients.
Depending on the type of event you’re getting primped for, you may have other questions: Is the makeup artist available to work on other members of a wedding party? Will she or he stick around for touch-ups at a photo shoot or TV interview? If so, be sure to ask about additional costs.
Always do a trial run. You’d never wait until the day of a big event to put your dress on for the first time, would you? A trial run will help you and your makeup artist nail down the right look and prevent any ghastly surprises.

SO Stinking CUTE!!!!!

SO Stinking CUTE!!!!!

Do you browse the web? Do you sometimes start at a baking blog with the purpose of grabbing a quick recipe only to find yourself, after browsing her fav sites, then that girl’s fav sites, at a sewing blog (I don’t sew) that is making the CuTeSt accessory bags EVER??? You may have gathered already that this indeed happened to me and I am SO glad! Meet Anngela from Anngela’s Pretty Little Things. This girl can do it all! She is super crafty and a great seamstress. I drool over any images for Halloween and whadda ya know she’s got that too =). Here she shares a brush roll up case that she made at a recent party. Take it away Anngela!!!
The task at hand for this party–a roll-up accessories case! After a few snacks and conversation, we got to sewing. House Party supplied the directions, fabric and thread as well as some freebies while Katie hosted and gave step-by-step directions. Here are a few photos from Sew Woodsy’s house party re-cap post.
I’m diligently sewing my pockets 🙂

Vanessa and I getting our sew on

The roll-up accessory case was meant to be a fairly simple project–and that it was! This is a PERFECT project for any beginner sewer. I planned to use mine for my make-up brushes but the versatility and customizations for this project are endless. This has been a project on my “craft to do” list for quite some time–so this allowed for one more project to be checked off as complete!

Two pieces of fabric
(we used 12″x14″ but you can use any rectangular size–
step 3 explains how you may want to determine your size)
Coordinating Ribbon (approximately 20″-24″ in length; longer if you make a larger case)
Sewing basics (machine, thread, pins, iron, etc.)
Step 1. Pin your fabric right sides facing together along the edges. Sew along the edge of the fabric with a small seam allowance. Be sure to leave a 4″ gap in the center of one of your your longest edges for turning.
Step 2. Turn the fabric right side out, poke out corners and press.

Step 3. To make the pocket: Lay your fabric so that the long side that has the 4″ opening is on the right. Decide how “long” of pockets you want and fold your rectangle from the bottom up. The folded part will be your pocket. Press your fold.

The long white line is where the top of my pocket is folded to–a little less than half-way up

Step 4. Open your fold and topstich the top of your pocket for a finished look. (Be sure to not stitch your pocket to the case–this is just a decorative step)
Step 5. Re-fold your flap. Now it’s time to sew your individual pocket channels: Determine the channel widths depending on what you’re going to hold in your case. I did mine a variety of 1/2″-2″ inch pockets for my various sized make-up brushes. Use either a straight stitch or a decorative stitch to give it flair! You may sew only to the top of the pocket, or you may sew up the entire case–I chose to stop at the top of the pocket. Sew your channels by starting at the bottom of the pocket and working towards the top edge, reinforcing at the beginning and end or your stitch. (see photo below) *Do not sew shut your end pockets*

Notice end pocket is not sewn shut

Step 6. Final step! Fold your ribbin in half and insert the folded end into the 4″ opening. This should be directly to the right of your pocket. (see photo below)

Stitch around your entire perimeter of your case–closing the gap and securing the open pocket ends–and you’re done!

The various cases made by the girls at the party
Holding my make-up brushes and necessities
Enjoy your new case!



Let me first say that I do not know the first thing about “the Twitter” as cute Betty White said. I really am on new ground and it is FAR from terra firma to me! I mean, the bird looks so sweet and innocent right? How hard can it be right? Are any of you on this feathery site? Help a sister out!!!!!

CRAZY Weekend!!!

CRAZY Weekend!!!

So I am doing great in Utah, I really am, I love it…….but I ADORE Portland and have missed it greatly. It’s quirky, unexpected, fun, artistic and fits me like a glove. I was so happy to travel back this weekend for some great times and photo shoots. Friday was packed with rushing from the flight to grab my rental car. Side note, look really cute and somewhat “lost” and the boys behind the counter will pretty much give you anything you want =). Isn’t it cute???

I was so pleased with my cute little ride and rushed off to my first appointment….shopping with my dear friend Nicole!!!!! I had missed her so much and it was so great to hit up our favorite haunts and eat yummy food. The next morning I awoke at the crack of dawn to bid farewell to Nicole and head out on the road to the wedding. The bride was lovely and her bridesmaids charming. They were all so beautiful it made my job super easy.

 Next I went straight to the airport to catch my flight down to California. My “who did you sit by” companion was Mary. A lovely woman from Sacramento who had just been visiting her daughter and very first grandson. We chatted and laughed talking about babies and my life when I lived in Siberia. We walked out together, rushing somewhat as I had to get home quickly and she had to pick up her cute pup before the kennel closed. I was then met by a tall dark and handsome man that I lovingly refer to as Dad and we rushed to my childhood home to get my little sister ready for her Senior Ball.

 It was wonderful to spend time with my family and meet some smooshy nieces and nephews I had not yet met. That night my Dad took me and my sisters-in-law, my grandmother and great grandmother, in from Hawaii, out to our fav restaurant where we just sat for hours eating, talking, laughing…it was a dream. I left the following evening and was lucky in my travels again in the “who did you sit by” category. Lovely Christine was my companion on this leg of the trip and we talked as if we had known each other for years. Her daughter was off doing service in New Zealand and was named Jen as well. Unfortunately it was SUPER windy upon arrival and we had to circle for what seamed like FOREVER in gusts of wind in a tiny plane. Needless to say I enjoyed the lunch my mother so lovingly made for me before I left but didn’t keep it down. Christine, you are a beautiful soul and I thank you for the patience and grace under fire that you exuded =). YUK! I am now home, safely on the ground, in my pjs still and about to take a nap!Just wanted to fill you in on some fun times and leave you with some glow wisdom that I thought was pretty appropriate =).

 Whether your next flight is 2 or 12 hours, here’s what to do to keep looking fresh on board and when you land:

  • Slick on a thick layer of lip balm as soon as you board the plane. Sticks can be waxy and drying, so look for a balm in a tube or pot. My new favorite is Lavanila’s Healthy Lip Shine, which contains apricot, jojoba, and sunflower oils and shea butter. I’m also a fan of Kiehl’s Coconut Scented Lip Balm, as well as Aquaphor, which you can find in any drugstore. For a little natural color, dab on a bit of lipstick (not a thick layer) first. The color will stay on even when you reapply the balm.
  • Carry a lubricating nose spray. Dry, stale airplane air can irritate sensitive nasal passages, especially if you have allergies or you’re recovering from a cold. And there’s nothing worse than getting a nosebleed at 30,000 feet in cramped quarters. Look for a nonmedicated saline solution like Ocean Nasal Spray (available at drugstores).
  • Pack moist towelettes to wipe off oil and makeup before you land. It’s impossible in the plane’s closet of a bathroom to wash your face with one hand while pressing the faucet with the other. Basis So Refreshing Facial Cleansing Cloths are individually wrapped and contain aloe, chamomile, and green tea extract.
  • Keep everything in a small Ziploc bag in the outside pocket of your carry-on for easy visibility and access.
Fantasy Fairy Makeup

Fantasy Fairy Makeup

This is just whimsical fun =). My fav is seeing my youngest Branson in the background. He kept saying (with a confused look),”Um. you look (pause) pretty Mommy?” Yes it was in the form of a question LOL. I have to admit that I didn’t love how the brown line underneath turned out but practice makes perfect right? =) Come with me to a land of fairies. If you want to blend in, you may want to try this look out….okay I’m a geek but ENJOY!!!

Mature Makeup Conversation

Here are a few things that I wanted to share with my ladies that are of my more “mature” audience =). I’ll have some more tutorials coming up on age spots, under eye circles, foundation application, colors and lipstick application.

The Glow And J-Lo Win the Book!!!

The Glow And J-Lo Win the Book!!!

 Many of you watch her on American Idol and have asked for more tips on how to achieve her gorgeous look. So I turned to my friend Scott Barnes, who was her makeup artist for more than 10 years and whose book, About Face, features Jennifer on the cover. Scott points out that Jennifer often pairs a smoky eye with pale lips. This combination can look polished for daytime or glamorous at night, depending on how much “smoke” you apply. Here’s how Scott does it:

  • Line the inside of your upper and lower lids with a black eye pencil. Scott’s favorite is Maybelline ExpertWear eyeliner in Velvet Black. First he flames the pencil with a lighter or match; this softens it and makes it easier to smudge. But be careful! Let the pencil cool and test it on the back of your hand before using it. He also uses the pencil to fill in between the upper and lower lashes to make them look thicker.
  • Use an eyeshadow brush to apply brown or gray shadow in the crease. Sweep the brush back and forth from the inner corner to the outer corner to build up color and give your eyes depth. (For Asian ladies who don’t have an obvious crease, feel where your brow bone is, then move your finger down until the bone stops and your eyeball starts. That’s where your shadow should go.) Bring the shadow above the crease and under the brow bone, but leave a space between the shadow and your brow as well as the middle of your upper lid. Then take a shorter, tapered brush and use the same shadow above and below your eyeliner making the line thicker at the outer edges of your eyes. Blend well so it doesn’t look stripy.
  • Use your finger to dab on shimmer in the middle of your upper lid. Scott likes gold (with brown shadow) or silver (with gray shadow). As he says, “When you look down, there’s something happening on your lids.” For evening, dab a bit more shimmer on your brow bone, between your shadow and your brow.

Want to win an autographed copy of Scott’s book? Send an email to Submissions@AskJessicaWu.com and tell me your favorite J Lo look. I’ll choose one at random and announce it in an upcoming Shout Out. Good Luck!