Warm Or Cool Undertones…*blush*

Warm Or Cool Undertones…*blush*

One of the basics to knowing what to wear, makeup wise, is knowing your
skin tone. Are you a warm and golden gal or a cool sophisticated lady?
Let this easy guide help you in answering that question and letting you
move forward to “makeup bliss”.

First and foremost, step out into the light (natural please, we want this to be accurate). What do you see when looking in the mirror? Are you seeing a rosy glow or golden tones? Next, get out some of your favorite jewelry (sound crazy? Read on!). Do you mostly own gold or silver? Silver is most flattering on those of a cooler nature and golds are best if you have warm undertones. Whatever you gravitate toward will help you determine tone. Cool huh? Well lets’ take it one step further shall we? Yeah this is fun! Go into that closet of yours and answer me this…when putting a white shirt up to your skin as opposed to an off white and see which looks better? White = Cool and off white iiiiiiiissssss…….you guessed it warm. You are so smart. Here are some more fun facts to help you decide:

– Look amazing in a yellow or orange shirt? Warm
– Inside of your wrist, are the veins more blue or green? Blue = cool Green = warm
– Out in the sun with no sunscreen? (please don’t!) Burn easily = cool Tan well = warm

Congrats!!! After all these years you now know “what” you are LOL ;). Now that you do here are some guidelines to live by, but if you’re like me (I hope I’m not the only one) do whatever the junk you want and wear white all. year. long!!!

*Cool: You look best in foundation that has a
bluish or pink undertone. If you fall under this category, you
generally should stick to jewel tones such as blue, purple, blue-green,
green, magenta, and bluish-red. You’d probably wear white shirts over
ivory ones, and black mascara makes your eyes pop.
*Warm: You look best in foundation that has a yellow
or golden undertone. If you fall under this category, you generally
should stick to earthier shades such as yellow, orange, brown,
orangey-reds, and yellow-green. You’d probably wear ivory shirts over
white ones, and a deep brick-red lipstick would be fabulous for a night
on the town.

Sooooooo were you a warm or a cool? Take the poll in the sidebar to see what undertones are a majority here at Classy!

“cool image” is from jakandjil.com “warm image” is from thesimplyluxuriouslife.com

Kim’s Wedding Makeup

Kim’s Wedding Makeup

If you’re a newbie here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS Feed to get updates on new posts =). Welcome!

 Here is Kim Kardashian’s makeup on her wedding day. Thank you to all of my loyal followers that have put up with some silence the past few months. I appreciate it more than you know and love you guys!!! Hope you enjoy! =)

I can’t say that I was super in love with her first gown. That’s right FIRST! She wore three gowns that night, all very different. Here are some sketches of the Vera Wang masterpieces. What is your favorite style of wedding dress? What did YOU wear? What do you DREAM of wearing??? Send in pictures to dollcosmetics@gmail.com.

Xango Interview

Xango Interview

 Over the weekend I was able to interview Beverly Hollister, Senior Vice President of Xango. I had a lovely time with the “Xango family” as that was the atmosphere at their global convention. Everyone wore smiles, walking from classes, meetings, and the product store booming with music and energy. I was able to steal Beverly away from adoring fans to interview her backstage. As it was my first interview I was a bit nervous but she was so genuine, caring and giving that I was soon very comfortable and felt I was speaking with a friend. I can’t wait to share with you the formal interview once I am all finished with editing. I think that many of you will be interested in Xango’s approach to a more natural, healthy look on the outside of our skin but also the inside of our bodies. Most of us are of an age where skin care is important and an essential part of our nightly routine. I am excited to share with you not only information but quick tips and tricks for the “I’m in a hurry” type mom! Can’t wait, can you??? =)

9/11 Always Remember

9/11 Always Remember

It’s not make up related, but I think you’ll understand.

Today is 9/11. Ten years ago I was walking downstairs to find my mother in tears. “We are going to war,” She said through choked sobs. If anyone knows my mother you’ll know that she will do anything for her children, loves a good chick flick, cries at almost everything and is one of THE most patriotic people I know. She refuses to sit, no matter where we are, if the National Anthem can be heard playing (and rightly so). It was such a surreal moment to find her so upset and to hear the news reports in the background. I had to get ready for work and while dressing even had the thought, when I go downstairs again nothing will be wrong. She’ll say hi and we’ll eat breakfast. That whole day at work was so somber and just a little tense. Radios and t.v.’s were all on and tuned into the news. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing or hearing. My heart went out to all those involved as I sat feeling stupid and helpless so far away in California. Today in church someone asked what would have been our first thoughts if we had been on the 109th floor. My first thought was,”Not yet. I’m not ready. Have I taught my boys enough? Told my loved ones how much I cared?” To think those thoughts brought emotions to the surface. I want to remember that day if only to feel of the unity we all experienced immediately afterward. The spirit of perseverance; we WILL not be defeated.

When I nannied for a governor there was a sculpture that I would pass everyday of our American flag. It was held together by band aids and safety pins. It was torn in many places and stitched back together. The caption below said “We are holding together just fine”. This country has been through so much. We fight amongst ourselves, have been attacked, had so many wars big and small but we are holding together just fine. It is my belief that God has fortified this land and it is a land of promise. It’s a land of free men and women who live as they see fit. Who can exercise any belief they feel to be just and true. Our past, filled with triumphs and downfalls, is to be remembered. Let us gain strength from our victories and never forget lessons learned from tragedies. I’ll be saying the Pledge Of Allegiance today with my family and I hope you will too. What do you remember about that day?

Reverse the Signs of Aging

Reverse the Signs of Aging

Here the Daily Glow helps us with the secrets to looking younger. Enjoy! =) Take it away Doc!!!

 If you haven’t been protecting your skin,
it can start to give away clues about your age. Fine lines and wrinkles
begin to appear, along with brown spots and rough skin patches caused
by sun exposure. Your skin might be producing less collagen, and dead
skin cells don’t flake off imperceptibly anymore. If this sounds like
your skin, it’s time to turn to anti-aging products and treatments to
slow down, reduce, or even reverse the signs of aging and regain younger-looking skin.
Any skin that’s been regularly exposed to the elements can be
expected to show its age and needs special care to maintain its
youthful look, says Sonia Badreshia-Bansal, MD, CEO and medical director
of Elite MD, Inc. Advanced Dermatology, Laser, and Plastic Surgery
Institute in Danville, Calif.
Your Anti-Aging Action Plan

At-home and doctor’s office procedures can have a visible impact on your complexion, giving you back younger-looking skin.

  1. Protect your skin. The first rule of thumb:
    Prevent the damage. “The best thing to do to protect your skin is
    prevention,” Dr. Badreshia-Bansal says. The sun is enemy number one, so
    you need to wear sunscreen
    with a sun protection factor, or SPF, of 30 or higher whenever you’re
    outside. You also should wear long-sleeved shirts and pants. Protect
    your face and neck with wide-brimmed hats, your eyes with sunglasses
    with UV coating. Dryness is enemy number two, making lines seem more
    noticeable, so choose a moisturizer made for your skin type and use it regularly to keep skin supple.
  2. Apply a vitamin A cream. Prescription-strength,
    vitamin A–based topical gels or creams known as retinoids can reduce
    wrinkles and produce younger-looking skin. “It helps to build collagen,
    which can prevent the development of fine lines and wrinkles, and to
    lighten dark spots,” Badreshia-Bansal says. “We also use it to treat acne,
    and it can help prevent precancerous growths.” Prescription retinoids
    include Retin-A and Renova (tretinoin), Differin (adapalene), and Avage
  3. Bleach your brown spots. You can try lightening
    brown spots (also called age spots) with a bleaching cream that contains
    hydroquinone. “Hydroquinone helps inhibit an important enzyme in
    pigment synthesis,” Badreshia-Bansal explains.
  4. Pick up a pentapeptide anti-wrinkle cream. These
    anti-aging creams stimulate the skin’s production of collagen and
    elastin and are found in some drugstore or beauty counter products.
    “You’re helping to build back the support structure that’s been lost
    through aging and sun damage,” Badreshia-Bansal says.
  5. Peel to reveal fresher skin. Dermatologists use
    various methods to remove the top layer of skin and expose new skin.
    These procedures can help tighten the skin and diminish fine lines and
    brown spots. “By exfoliating that top layer, you’re allowing the
    moisturizers and other products we use to penetrate deeper and work
    better,” Badreshia-Bansal says.
    Procedures include:

    • Chemical peel solutions to loosen and slough away the top layer of skin
    • Laser skin resurfacing to vaporize the surface skin
    • Microdermabrasion that sprays tiny particles to strip away topmost skin cells
    • Plasma skin regeneration using a stream of ionized nitrogen gas to heat the skin and cause the top layer of cells to flake away
  6. Consider Botox. Injections of botulinum toxin
    have become tremendously popular as an anti-aging therapy. The
    injections relax the muscles under the skin and can eliminate deep lines
    and wrinkles around the face. Botox treatments also can help prevent
    new wrinkles from appearing.

You have many options available to create younger-looking skin.
Factors including cost and the recovery time associated with procedures
like peels will help you decide on your best course of action.

What’s Your Favorite Bronzer?

What’s Your Favorite Bronzer?

As I start to contemplate the end of summer I am finding ANY reason to get out into the sun. To feel the warmth and lounge by the pool with my boys. What will I miss? What are the staples of summer for me? #1 Summer activities: swimming class, picnics, park dates, BBQs, and lounging at the pool (face FULLY covered of course!) #2 The food: Watermelon, cherries, corn on the cob, avocados perfectly ripe, summer salads…oh the list could go on and on and on =). #3 Bronzer for that sun kissed glow! There is nothing like a healthy glow in your skin and bronzer is JUST that! What is your favorite bronzer?

Now I know that all of us have seen the effects of bronzer overload. Oompa Loompas among us, if you will. There is nothing worse…well, few things worse than over application of something as drastic as bronzer. When applied correctly it can enhance your face, sculpt and chisel and give you a healthy “no sun” glow. Remember our three? I talk about that a lot when dealing with bronzer. If not, check out this video. It’s packed with loads of tips and tricks when contouring your face. Some people are what I like to call, bronzer deficient, or bronzed and confused when knowing how to pick out just the right one for you. DON’T BE ASHAMED or even embarrassed. We ALL have gone through it, myself included, but there is help without going to group meetings =). Make sure to pick out a bronzer with as little to no sparkle as possible. Sparkle attracts the sun and therefore is “pulled out”. A matte bronzer in the hollows or sunken in parts of your face will deepen them ever so slightly giving you dimension and killer “curves”. If you crave that sparkle then choose a highlighter or shimmer powder to dust just above said bronzer. Just remember that less is more and more = oompa loompa. Happy bronzing while we still can =).

Smokey Eye Request

Smokey Eye Request

Shelby, you have been SO patient and I appreciate it. I get so many requests and I get to them all as soon as I can. They are all so gorgeous!!! Thanks for all of the requests and keep them coming. You can now find me starting my boards on Pinterest under Classy Cosmetics =).

P.S. Do you have the Instagram app for your phone? I {heart} it in a major way! You can do this kind of effect with pictures taken with your phone. My husband does such a great job that I am trying to hire him to do ALL of my photos on the blog ;).

Hair Must!

Hair Must!

THE SCOOP: Pita described Kors’ collection as urban beachwear, and created a hair style to complement that laid back vibe. He literally split the back of the hair into two sections and double-knotted them like a shoelace. There was lots of texture, too.

“You know Michael’s boys and girls, ” Page said when describing the makeup. “They’re healthy looking, with a bit of sun and wind on their cheeks, like they’ve just come from an active, beach vacation.” Flushed cheeks were the focus with some brown accents around the eyes.

GET THE LOOK-MAKEUP: All makeup by Shiseido. Page used Luminizing Satin Face Color in Orchid, Tea Rose, Petal and Carnation across the bridge of the nose and cheekbones to punch up the “healthy” look. He rimmed the eyes with a bit of Luminizing Satin Eye Color Trio in Strata. The lips were bare except for a tiny dab of concealer to take the color down a notch.

GET THE LOOK-HAIR: Pita spritzed the hair with lots of Bumble and bumble Surf Spray to add waves and texture. Then he left a chunky section of hair loose in the front and double-knotted the back of the hair, to give an effortless look to it.

Glow Wisdom

Glow Wisdom

Faking A Brow Lift:

It’s an annoying fact of life — as well as heredity and gravity — that our eyebrows start to get a little heavy once we hit a certain age. I knew it was happening to me when my eye shadow started to crease and my upper lids got crepey. While brow-lift surgery can reduce the droopiness, the results, which can sometimes look scary and unnatural, are permanent. Here are some other ways to fake a rejuvenating brow lift:

Get a lift with a high ponytail. Celebs like Penelope Cruz (at the premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides), Reese Witherspoon (at the Oscars), and Kim Kardashian show that this sleek, classic look never goes out of style. A high ponytail lifts everything up and back. Just don’t wear this style too often or you may pull out some hair.
If ponytails aren’t your thing, try taking a small piece of hair (about a quarter inch) from each temple and pull the pieces up and back. If your hair is long enough, tie the pieces together in the back, high on the crown, and hide the tie under the rest of your hair. Or, if the pieces are too short, pin them securely above and behind your ears.
In the office, one of my favorite minimally invasive procedures is a brow “lift” using an injectable filler, typically Restylane or Juvéderm. I put a tiny bit along the underside of the eyebrow, to replace the fat pad that shrinks over time. This gives a subtle lift to both brow and lid. But the injections must be made carefully and precisely, so you don’t end up looking like a Neanderthal.
Many of my patients get great results with a drop of Botox below the brow. This widens your eyes, makes the upper lids less heavy, and lifts the outer part of the brow. If done incorrectly, though, the Botox can make the lids and brows droop, so be sure your doctor has a lot of experience in treating this area.

Keep Your Makeup Fresh:
 When celebrities are shooting movies, they have to look fresh for as long as 16 hours at a time — of course, they have makeup crews standing by to powder their noses and freshen their blush. How can the rest of us still look polished hours after we’ve applied our makeup? If, like me, you barely have time to look in the mirror during a busy day, try these tips to keep your makeup looking fresh all day long — and through dinner as well.

Use a makeup primer like Urban Decay Primer Potion to help smooth dry patches and calm flaky skin. Your foundation will go on more evenly and last longer. If your skin is oily, look for a mattifying, oil-free primer like Vichy Normaderm ProMat Ultra Mattifying Oil Free Lotion.
Use waterproof eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara. Waterproof formulas resist humidity, sweat, and greasy skin, so your makeup will be less likely to smudge and smear. No more raccoon eyes!
If you reapply powder several times a day, it can mix with your skin’s natural oils, settle into pores, and become cakey and creased by the end of the day. Instead, use oil-blotting sheets to control shine. I like Clean and Clear Oil-Absorbing Sheets or Shiseido Pureness Oil-Control Blotting Paper. In a pinch, you can use Kleenex or even clean toilet-seat covers. But don’t use toilet paper to blot — it has too many fibers that can stick to your face.
If you have a last-minute meeting or date after work and you don’t have time to redo your eye shadow from scratch, blot first, then use a shadow brush to “reactivate” the shadow and eliminate creases.