Demi #2

Demi #2

LoVeD doing this look!!!! I spray tanned….not that you can tell with my lovely computer, and wa able to bust out my NW 25!!!! It made me so happy =). I want a “perma-tan” like NObodies business!!! Have you guys found black and white pictures to send? Remember to comment and tell me what yo think =).

Date In 5

Going along with our 5 min face for work, or just the day, here is a 5 min date look. Is it how all of us hope to look on a date? Maybe not, but hopefully we give ourselves at least ten minutes…right? ; ) As for me, I envision lashes long and flirty, perfect skin and lips that say “kiss me now”!!! But then again I’m married to my best friend who happens to have a KILLER jaw line and dimples that still make me swoon…he better kiss me now, LIPSTICK and ALL!!!! =)
Products Used:
Revlon Color Stay Foundation
MAC Studio Fix Powder in NW 20
Nicole Miller Bronzer
Coastal Scents Blush Pallette
MAC Studio Fix Lash
MAC lip color in Crosswires
Urban Decay shadow Naked
Dark brown brow liner from Cover Girl

Votre Vu Review and CONTEST!!!!!

Here is my review of the French skin care line Votre Vu. I went to a really classy party where this was introduced and was pleased that Marti asked me to review the line. She is an ambassador with Votre Vu and was eager for me to try it out and see the results I was wanting.  I personally wanted to help my poor face even out a bit more after having a reaction to something. My mother-in-law also tried the line for a week and will be giving us her review soon as she is out of town on an extended stay in Utah. I will be placing a link to Marti’s website in the side bar so that you can call her and ask all of your questions =). 

ALSO this is opening for our CONTEST!!!!! All my ladies 45 years and over have the chance to win some fabulous prizes. We have been going over tips and tricks and I hope you have been testing them out! The contest starts NOW (Nov 7) and will end on November 30.  All you have to do for this contest is:

– Be a follower
– Leave a comment here telling me what has gotten better with age ; ).
– Tell your 45+ friends to enter too because I want at least 10 entries for this contest to work

– Email me a picture of yourself so we can make sure no teeny-boppers are walking away with your prize =D.
Have fun and good luck and everyone check out Marti’s site to see what Votre Vu can do for YOU!!!!

Halloween Entries =)

Everyone did such a fantastic job and I wanted to show you all of the entries =). Yay you!!! I LOVE this song and wish it could have gone on longer…..hopefully we’ll have more entries next year and maybe we can play the WHOLE song!!! I would DIE if that happened =D!!!!
And the Winner Is (insert drumroll…….)

And the Winner Is (insert drumroll…….)

Thanks to all of those that entered our third annual Halloween Contest! There can only be one winner of our fun prizes though and that person iiiiiisssss……….Jayme Anderson!!!!! Jayme chose to do art coming to life and here she is as the Girl In the Red Beret by Picasso. Doesn’t she look GREAT????? She has won our contest this year so CONGRATS!!!!!!! There were also many other great entries and I will be posting those later today but wanted Jayme to have her own post =). CONGRATS again and good job!!!!!

J-Lo/Warm Browns and Golds

LOVE this look!!! It makes me want to grab hot cocoa, my hunny and sit by the fire. It just seemed like an understate sexy look. Made me feel pretty darn cute too when my hubby couldn’t stop looking at me, hugging or wanting to cuddle….YAY I MAY STILL HAVE IT LADIES!!!!!!! LOL
Halloween Prizes!!!

Halloween Prizes!!!

As promised here are your prizes for this years Halloween contest I ended up going to MAC and getting a fabulous cremesheen lipstick called Creme In Your Coffee and a lip pencil (Whirl) to go with =). I also grabbed a funky fun liner that I have been holding onto that can be used with the Neutral with a Pop Tutorial. Good luck to everyone and remember to have fun with it!!!