November Favorites

I know, I know, we are SO done with November but I recorded this last week and wanted to get it out and then will come back with a December fav list too. Leave comments about anything that you have discovered in the last month so we can all go and check those things out! Maybe they will be a part of my December favs =)!!!
Were It In Color…

Were It In Color…

This is going to be fun!!! I want to do some tutorials where I take a B&W photo and put my spin on what I think it would look like were it in color. I’ve mostly looked at well known people like Bridgette Bardot (above) so we kind of already know somewhat the feel of their personal look. It could be fun to do random photos too!!! Do you want to play too? You can participate by sending me a photo or choosing one yourself and sending me the B&W then one of you doing that look. Ready? Set? GO!!!

Beauty Blender

Beauty Blender

I’ve been using this Beauty Blender sponge for a week now and I must say…I am in LOVE!!!!! The appeal for me was seeing how many celebs use it and seeing their flawless application. I figured, let’s check it out and see if it lives up to the hype! I. AM. SO. IMPRESSES!!!!!! The beauty of this blender (no pun intended) is it’s small egg-like shape, with the added point, but no edges. No edges = a more streak free application. It is recommended you use this slightly damp so it expands. As it expands, it gets even softer and creates SuCh a smooth application. You use a stippling technique (which I’ll demo in a future tutorial) so that it deposits and blends at the same time. I love using the pointy edge for more control in hard to reach places, like under my eyes and around my nose. One of the BeSt things about this sponge is that it is REUSABLE!!!!!!! Treat it like your mascara ladies and use it for up to 3 months! It comes with a cleanser and a dArLiNg little pedestal where it can dry and get ready to fulfill it’s purpose yet again =).  Add it to the list girls!!!!!
Christmas Is Coming!!!

Christmas Is Coming!!!

So, being married, I know that sometimes our husbands need a little help with what we may want. I know sometimes my hubby gets this panicked look near Christmas Eve and asks for some “alone” time. Out he whisks to the store, frantically calling my mother and all of my friends. I think he’s learned, somewhat, that to start earlier in the month is goooooooood….say it with me hunny….gooooooooood!!!! For basic makeup needs I enlisted that same darling husband to help design this Christmas list. These are things that I would ask for if I were just starting out. You can click on the list and print it out and give it to your someone or buy it yourself, be powerful =). It comes out somewhat small so it can be travel size. If you have any questions on what to get from MAC or Sephora please ask. I could go on forever of what to get and what NOT to spend money on! Merry Christmas!!!