When You Wish Upon A Site…

When You Wish Upon A Site…

I was so excited to open my inbox to see THIS exciting ad!!! I do so love Urban Decay and NOT just for the primer, although that alone would have me coming back over and over again! Their palettes are to die for and they have amazing single shadows and bronzers. I’m excited to see that they have a pretty good looking foundation line that I must check out at my local Sephora. Okay, do YOU want to get in on this action? Just head over to their site and add anything you want to your wish list. Then cross your fingers, wish upon your favorite star and YOU could walk away with your whole list!!!!! Just to get your creative juices flowing I made my very own wish list public. Check it out and get to wishin!!!

My Husband Does My Makeup

Oh my WORD I was so excited to do this post!!! I had seen some of these tutorials on YouTube and knew I just HAD to do this with Kev. I learned a lot of things while shooting this video. One of the biggest things is that I love my cute hubby. He watches so many of my videos with me so I can show him what I’m doing or ask advice. I now know he pays NO attention at all but does it to be sweet. How do I know this? You have to watch the video! I put out so much stuff for him to use and he passed over almost ALL of it LOL!!! Another thing I learned is that I am really uptight about my makeup = D. I see myself cringing so often! I’m excited for the next tutorial with Kev but we need YOUR help! The next look will be a picture chosen by YOU. Kev and I will choose a picture sent in by one reader and he must try to copy it. It could be off the wall, beautiful, funny, WhAtEvEr!!! I’m so excited to share this with you!!! =D

Smokey Yellow Eye

Smokey Yellow Eye

I found a picture on Instagram that I fell in LOVE with!!! Which btw are you not SO obsessed with Instagram? If not, you SHOULD be LOL =). I love all the different burns and filters that you can put your pictures through. I might just want to live in a world of “Earlybird” just sayin…Anyhoo, this chica had a SUPER fierce yellow eye and I got sooo inspired. Her tag is #alanadawn so go and check her out!!!
Survival Of the Brushless

Survival Of the Brushless

There I was without a brush in the world….okay so maybe two that were in my kit. I was in NEED of some serious makeup and had become SO reliant on those beautiful brushes of mine that I didn’t know WHAT to do!!! As most of you know we moved in to our new house not more than a month ago (I sweat just thinking about it) and wanted to have a housewarming party. The day came and we were almost done with at least five projects and the cleaning was going reeaally well. I LOVE a nicely polished home!!! The party was fantastic, the food good the company GREAT! Not a week later and our newly cleaned home was tarnished……..TARNISHED I tell you!!!!!! Along with every single room, all draperies, home decor, clothes…oh just EvErYtHiNg, my brushes were also among the dusty dusties that were our belongings. This happened Saturday, it is now Wednesday night and I am STILL cleaning *sigh*. I even had to clean my wall ladies!!! Anyhoo, out of this experience came a few great things. One being that if my husband were to see a $250 AC bill then he wouldn’t care since he would pay DOUBLE that rather than clean up the way we had to. Second, it was kind of fun to be a little inventive! = ) You really can see what you are made of in these kinds of situations. Enough of my ranting and raving…ENJOY this silly albeit applicable tutorial ; D.

MAC vs Coastal Scents

Here’s the latest purple look I’ve done. I really love it because all of the colors I used were matte. I’ve found that the more and more I use them the more I become obsessed. Then again all that goes away when I use a shimmer for the first time in months and freak out that my eye looks glossy and wet, to DIE for LOL =D!!! All in all I think makeup is about phases, whatever we are feeling, how much time we have and how inventive we want to be. For me I have been using the CS Blush Palette like it is going out of STYLE!!!! So when I tried this vibrant purple I was shocked at how much I had missed drama. How long it had been! The hubs had requested a smokey eye (Idid them a lot when we met) and I am so very glad that he did =). Anyhoooo, this look is a little different for one very big reason. ONE eye is MAC and ONE eye is from the Coastal Scents 88 Palette. Can you see the differences? There are some of course but for those not ready to shell out almost $15 for one eyeshadow the 88 palette, at $19.99, is a pretty welcomed sacrifice. The colors themselves are so pigmented and long lasting that they performed just as well as MAC all day long (of course I used my Urban Decay Primer Potion under both!). I hope that you enjoy this fun wearable purple and be looking for more comparison tutorials to come!

Follower Fav: Sultry Summer Look

As some of you know our family has been SO busy this summer with vacations, missionary homecomings, swim lessons, soccer, birthday parties and one more…oh yeah BUILDING A HOME AND MOVING!!!!! Some of you have been gracious enough to share with me your favorite tutorials so that I might re-post them. Well cute Emily sent me her fav and it’s a more recent one so some of you may have seen it. The Sultry Smokey Eye? Ring any bells? Well, I know that I LoVeD this one as well and got lots of nice compliments from the hubs ; ). Who doesn’t LOVE that??? Well enjoy it and know that I really am coming back to play with makeup once the school year starts. Both boys in school = a LOT more time =D!!!

Smokey Eye With 88 Palette

Smokey Eye With 88 Palette

So  I found this little ditty I had done a few weeks ago just WAITING to be edited. Can you beLIEVE it?!?!? I was SO excited amongst all the building trauma to bring you something =). I had a request for this picture AND another request to do a smokey eye using the Coastal Scents 88 Palette. Here is ONE tutorial to satisfy BOTH requests. I love being efficient ; ). Don’t forget to send me a note saying which tutorial from the whole blog is your fav and why =). I’ll post them and we’ll all laugh/learn together as we go down memory lane =).