Sexy Eyes

Sexy Eyes

image from Pinterest
Hi there makeup lovers!!!!! I am excited to be back and doing such a dramatic, fun, smokey eyes for you today. The BEST part of this whole thing is that MOST everything comes from the drugstore!!! Not everything though, and for the items that aren’t I made sure to use VERY inexpensive products that are just a click away on Amazon =). I wanted to kick off this warmer weather with a sultry sharp eye and have been so taken away with this pic that I want to lighten my hair for the first time in 12 years!!! What do you think? Should I take the plunge???
Makeup Bag To the Rescue!!!

Makeup Bag To the Rescue!!!

Image from Google

Wanted to start trying to carry a makeup bag around with me again. Here’s hoping it sticks this time. Especially because THIS time I was SO glad I had it when I did!!!! I always get very “honest” remarks from youngsters at school so I though NOT TODAY KIDS!!!! LOL I even had a lady after I was done volunteering and checking out say, “You always look so put together and lovely.” Boy was THAT a compliment considering I thought I looked pretty mediocre. What do you have in YOUR makeup bag? What can’t you live without? Comment below!

Flawless Kim Kardashian Makeup

Flawless Kim Kardashian Makeup

Saw this picture and was SO captivated by it. Love her or hate her, she knows how to wear her makeup! Her makeup artist has sent girls all over reeling trying to make their cheekbones as pronounced, their eyes as dreamy, their lashes as long and thick and lips as pouty as possible! Sure, they airbrushed the JuNk out of this photo but still…..beautiful!!!!! In this video I teach how to achieve this gorgeous look with two different lips. One with the orangy red she sports and the other with a very glossy nude lip. One thing I was most impressed with as I went through doing my eyelashes was that I thought my demi whispies might not be good enough to match hers. I ended up doing a good coat of mascara on them and they TOTALLY proved worthy!!!!! SO fun to find that something you already had, something you thought was only good for one thing, surprises you =). I don’t feel the need to go out and get different lashes when doing Kim looks. Tell me what you think and which lip is your favorite!
Snow White Makeup Tutorial

Snow White Makeup Tutorial

The beautiful princess Snow White is known far and wide for her kindess, charm her beautiful snow white skin and ebony black hair. I was asked to dress up as this iconic Disney princess for a little girl’s birthday party last week. I thought I might share how I got ready. I am scheduled to do this again next week and think I might have to reference my own video =). Hope that you enjoy it!
Happy Birthday Jennifer!!!

Happy Birthday Jennifer!!!

Today is a super special day! It’s my Dear friend Jenny’s birthday!!! She did a completely fanTASTIC look in January and I wanted to hold onto it till her birthday then post it for you =). Take a look at THIS!

I absolutely LOVE how dramatic it is and how well she blended. Would you like to get this look too?? These are the products and colors used =):
– NYX Jumbo Pencil in Milk all over lid 
– Coastal Scents 88 palette
        White on the inner corner
        Middle column she faded the lightest teal to the bright blue (3rd from bottom)
        Black in the outer V & into the crease a touch
– Demi Wispies in black
Good Job Jen and Happy Birthday!!! Send in your birthday eyes or your completed look to Classy and we’ll post it on your birthday =). Have a happy Saturday!
The Grinch In February???

The Grinch In February???

LOL so I totally found this on my memory card about a week ago. I was asked to do the Grinch’s makeup for a Christmas party and had to practice. I figured the best way to see what I liked and what I didn’t would be to film said “practice”. There are quite a few things that I liked and for SURE some things I ended up not doing. No masks were allowed at the party and the guy playing the Grinch thought I was just going to do a few freckles on him. Little did he know….hee hee hee. So here I am in all of my Grinch glory. My camera died on me toward the end so it cuts off before I finish but I put some pictures in there of the final product. Hope you guys enjoy!!! BTW, what are you doing for Valentines Day???
Here’s the guy that played the Grinch. He did an awesome job and never broke character! =)
Make Those Blue Eyes POP!!!

Make Those Blue Eyes POP!!!

This is probably one of my most requested tutorials. Not this one specifically, but in general. A lot of girls want to know what colors will make their blue eyes stand out. I’ve always dreamed of having super dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. It’s just a combo that I find stunning! Alas, I’m a brown eyed girl 😉 but still love it! I have done a tutorial for the summer time and here is one for the winter. It is the same general idea but a few different colors.
P.S. Be looking soon on the blog for a giveaway from Shabby Apple!!!!! Here is the outfit I wore in the video =):
Kev’s Rainbow Eye

Kev’s Rainbow Eye

Here is video #2 for me and Kevin. I know it took forEVER for us to get it uploaded but my computer would NOT process it for the life of me. The first video is where he had to take all my product and do my makeup blindly. Then we had readers send in a bunch of photos for Kevin to try next time. The one that he chose was a rainbow eye sent in by Stacey. 
Here he is using the picture and trying to match it. At the end there is a Q&A where he asks how to fix common mistakes. I think he did a great job! =) What do you think???
False Lash Routine {updated}

False Lash Routine {updated}

image from Pinterest
I have one other lash tutorial but you know how things change over time =). This one is solely dedicated to the application of false lashes instead of a mini tutorial withIN another tutorial. It takes practice to master lashes but NOT much!!! You would be surprised how easily it will come to you as you do it often. It now takes me less time to put on my lashes than to perfect a few coats of mascara. 

I also love to use different kinds depending on my mood. You’d laugh if you say the different pairs I have in my bathroom. Do I feel “saucy”? Then I would wear something like these:

I like the separation effect where certain points are longer and thicker. More often than not I opt for romantic and whispy for dates with my hunny like these:

What is YOUR style of lashes??? Where do you get yours if you wear them? Also, this is a terrible picture because photography is not a strong skill of mine but here is the outfit I wore in the video.

Dress: Forever 21
Bow: Forever 21 (almost 3 years ago)
Navy blue cardigan: Forever 21
Navy blue leggings: Forever 21 (are you sensing a pattern LOL?)
Teal knee length socks: Target