Walkin In A Winter Berry Land

Walkin In A Winter Berry Land

 There is nothing like a “berry” red lip for the cold winter blues. I myself love wearing all shades of red but do tend to gravitate toward bright with just a hint of darkening around the corners. I’m wearing just that today! MAC Russian Red with a hint of MACs Dark Side (any dark hue will do). Long before the whole ombre craze there was just plain contouring around the mouth and this lip embodies that. I used a red lip pencil that I bought in Russia EONS ago, to line and fill in my lips. Then used my MAC 219 brush (obSESSing over that bad boy as a lip brush right now) to brush on some Russian Red. I then took a maroon lip pencil that I grabbed from a shimmering glass bowl in Forever 21 years back to add some definition to the outer corners of said lips. Last but not least I used my trusty 219 once again, to LiGhTlY add some Dark Side to the outer corners. *WARNING* Dark Side is sooooo pigmented and a dab will really do it (insert promises here on that!). Viola! Your perfect winter lip =). Now keep in mind that you can do this same technique but add YOUR perfect colors in there. Are you more of a blood red gal? Do you gravitate toward a more orangey red? The sky is the limit!!! Send in your pretty pout to dollcosmetics@gmail.com and show me how YOU get through the winter blues =).

Red smudge ;), MAC 219, Dark Side, Russian Red, Forever 21 lip pencil in Berry

*extra tip* looooooooove that gorgeous lip and want to take your face to the next level? Pair it with bold brows and you will be the talk of Tinsel Town muuuuaaaahhhh!!!

Hot Summer Lips

I had posted that I had a few videos where my camera died and cut off the end. Thiiiiiis is one of those =). I am going to post it anyway seeing as the only thing missing is the lashes. Hope that you like it and sorry I didn’t post it sooner so that said lips could have been worn in the actual Summer. There’s always next year right??? ; D


Here is my journal entry that I wrote about me and my friend’s aMAZing day on August 31st. This was the day before our little family packed up and took off for Disneyland. I almost missed out on this day and I am SO glad we decided to leave a day later!!!! Enjoy a look into my funny life =).
Psst…are you awake? I can’t sleep because WHAT an amazing day!!! The plan was simple, Maria‘s birthday was today/yesterday so we were to get ready at my house, go shopping, go to lunch and then to see Sara Bareilles up in Park City. We ended up leaving super late but still in good spirits ready to shop! All the way there and through out we would joke about meeting Sara (yeah right!) and how we would totally be best friends. We found SO many cute things, most of them the last in the shop or just our sizes. Sign of good things to come? We ate at the California Pizza Kitchen for lunch which was beyond yummy and topped it off with a birthday sundae. Then it was off to Park City. Let me tell you one thing about Maria right now. She has been SUCH a dedicated runner that she actually injured her foot and has been wearing a boot for the last few days after seeing the doctor. There were over 5,000 people at this outdoor concert so we ended up parking VERY far away and having to walk quite a bit all the way uphill. I could tell it was hurting her foot so we decided to check out the merchandise and use the restrooms. The line to get in was even longer than the hike to get up there (literally) and hoping the people at the front would have pity on at least her I explained the situation. They let her sit up there as I went to go all the way to the back of the 5 mile line to wait. I had barely left when I ran into someone I had met through my cosmetics blog (love you Heather!). We chatted and giggled about seeing each other and crazy life events. Then she tells me she actually won a radio contest and she was waiting around to meet Sara!!!! Hearing this sent chills through me and I just started laughing and petting her arm, “I just have to touch the person going to meet Sara . Tell her I love her, and that we should be friends and…”. “Excuse me but do YOU want to meet Sara too?” I turn to see the guy in charge of this little group going backstage. After picking my jaw up off the ground he tells me that another person that had one hadn’t shown up and there was an opening. I told him about Maria and he said to go and get her. WE WERE GOING TO MEET HER!!!!! I just couldn’t believe it! We went backstage, shook her hand, chatted, got pictures and I showed her a video of Branson singing her song “Brave”. She loved it (hi, he’s darling LOL) and just like that we had met the girl we had only joked about meeting. EPIC!!! Upon leaving I asked if we needed to go stand in line now (lawn seating so I’m sure all the lower areas were taken). He said we were good to just walk in AND that Maria’s boot qualified her to sit in the handicapped seating. THIS DAY COULD NOT GET ANY BETTER!!!!! We were able to sit right at the feet of Miss Bareilles as we belted out our favorite songs and snapped picture after picture. I could not have imagined a better day and am SO glad I got to share it with such a dear friend. Happy Birthday Maria of mine. Love you!!!! 
Drab To Fab pt 2

Drab To Fab pt 2

Here’s part two of our fun series. Drab to Fab this time will be all about contouring a touch more and eyeshadow application. That is always everyone’s favorite since the eyes can truly be transformed. Have fun with it and send me some pics!!!
Drab To Fab Part 1

Drab To Fab Part 1

Can you think of times in your life when you just want to look amazing? I know we all want to look good, but have you ever been stuck in a rut? Want to look a step or even a leap better than you normally do? Want to make your boyfriend/spouse go WOW??? Well, I am going to be doing a series (this being the first segment) where we do just that! We go from drab to FAB!!! In this installment we will be going over foundation, concealer, powder and some contouring. Grab your makeup and let’s get ready together!!!

Smokey Brown (Mountains for Earth Day)

Smokey Brown (Mountains for Earth Day)

Happy Earth week ladies! Today is a smokey brown tutorial inspired by the mountains. I have such a beautiful view of the Rockies out our back window and love love LOVE to look at them. It makes me think of all those vacations, camping, snowboarding or skiing looking out at the mountains. I feel super grateful to be able to see them everyday now =). Love this look too!

Don’t you love my model poses? LOL My hubby loved the look and wanted a new picture of me. He was so funny and wanted me to take a pic in the car. He turned on my fav music (blasted it is more like it) and turned on the air full blast (man is it hard to keep your eyes open with it blowing) and was like,”Honey, it’s like a real photo shoot!” LOL!!! Here was the winner chosen to come up on his phone when I call

Happy Earth Week Rainbow Eye

Happy Earth Week Rainbow Eye

Here is day two for Earth week. Today is a rainbow. I like how it starts but LOVE how it ends. Have you ever done that? You know, where you start something makeup related that you think will be great….and it just turn out the way you wanted? I didn’t want to film it all again so I just added a short video at the end of how I changed a few things. Enjoy….or just cut to the end LOL ; D. Tell me I’m not alone in this?
Happy Earth Day Celebrate With A Pop Of Green!

Happy Earth Day Celebrate With A Pop Of Green!

Happy Earth Day today!!!! This week I am going to be doing looks inspired by nature. Our beautiful world has so many gorgeous colors it’s hard to choose what to do first. Today it’s beautiful greens with a touch of sunshine. Different ones this week will consist of blues for water and sky, browns for mountains and earth and some flower inspired tutorials. I’m excited to do them all and share =).

Teal & Caramel Random Tutorial

After opening up my Ipsy bag for the month of March I had this urge to use the colors in there from Yabby Cosmetics. They so PERfectly matched my outfit and so I decided to do a very last second tutorial. Somehow it turned into “deep thinking” and reflections…hope you don’t mind ; ). I have just been thinking a lot about life lately, friends, family and creative outlets. This is definitely an outlet for me and I am super appreciative of you guys for watching, commenting and learning with me. I feel like I am branching out in all areas of my life and was wondering how you guys would feel about me posting about them from time to time. I throw parties for people, I would love to share what I do and the ideas I’ve come up with. I’m on this whole weight loss kick and would love to share recipes. I adORE decorating (love me some Pinterest) and am actually in the process of doing two homes in the area and would love to share crafty crafty things along with decor. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments and if we want to keep to strictly makeup I can create other blogs no problem and keep this one free of those things =). Thanks for all of your feedback!  Love you guys!!!