Cuz I’m An Old Fool Who’s Soooo Cool

Cuz I’m An Old Fool Who’s Soooo Cool

Fashion always has a way of recycling through timeless looks. When thinking of timeless, I’m more inclined to swoon over the 20’s-50’s. It’s more comical if you ask me to look at myself during the 80’s and 90’s. And YET here I am digging into shades that I haven’t used (no it’s not the same makeup, but the same colors) since then. I was the girl that wore the HUGE jeans, had crispy curly hair and sported the almost black lips. For YOUR viewing entertainment I take us back, just a touch as we revisit said lips but put a more “now” spin on it. This is a GREAT look for welcoming in the fall weather. Bust out the berries girls, Jenni from the block is back!!!

Here’s the look with my brand new hat from Target. Here I added a touch of blush just above the contour. It’s Ben Nye blusher in Victorian Rose.

Ombré Lips

Ombré Lips

Found an ombré lip via Pinterest and looooved it. Expect to get an annoying amount of them from here on out LOL! Have you found pics you love? Should we all try them? Either send them to me via email, FB or tag me on Insatgram. Having so much fun with these! Muuuaaah!
Follow me on Instagram at classycozmetics for more pics and updates!
Purple Cut Crease

Purple Cut Crease

Today is all about cutting your crease. That pretty much means putting whatever color you choose in your crease and only blending above that line, never below. Some people are amazing at it and I revere them for it! For example,
This is a technique that I want to be better at so to do that, one must practice! I hope to look back at earlier videos and giggle ; D. Want to take the journey with me? Well, here’s the first one! Hope you enjoy it!!!

Saint Patrick’s Day Eyes

Saint Patrick’s Day Eyes

Top o the mornin to ya! Have I told you lately that I love the color green on my eyes? It is one of “my  colors” from the color wheel and it just makes me happy every time I put it on. This fun little shoot was done by the amazing Miss Sara Marie from Sara Simpson Photography. It was featured on my Instagram Fashion account complete with outfit details. I have been having so much fun sharing my closet with you guys…and can I say that it is a little freeing? I have been one, like a lot of girls, to be down on myself when I look in the mirror. This creative outlet has helped my own what I love and share it. By talking about the pieces that I love from my closet and explaining why they work for me, it has helped me to compliment myself in a round about way. Not to feel conceited (at all) but more so to point out the positive and be happy with me =). I felt the combination of the outfit and the makeup was just perfect for today! Here’s the video tutorial on how you can get your own amazing green and gold glittery eyes. Enjoy!
Double the Lashes

Double the Lashes

Photo Credit: Sara Simpson Photography


Wanted a thicker lash look today so I grabbed TWO pair of my trusted Demi Wispies on each eye. LOVED the bulk that it created and the drama it gave. Used my trusty Cover Girl Bombshell black liner to fill in any gaps making a seamless line across my eye. I am for SURE doing this for a while    ; ). Also, if you don’t already know I am starting a clothing IG account for girls that are not your typical stick thin figure. You can go there and find me at classycozmetics. This outfit is featured there and you can get all the details on where the pieces were purchased.

Photo Credit: Sara Simpson Photography
No Foundation Flawless Face

No Foundation Flawless Face

So who doesn’t want a flawless face? Who doesn’t want to walk around with glowing skin all the time without a care in the world? For those of you that have had acne, scaring, hyper pigmentation, rosacea etc you know that it’s not that easy to walk around with full confidence all the time. Quite the opposite, you want to sometimes crawl in a hole and stay there till you clear up. I have been brought to tears hearing my friends talk about the changes they are seeing in their skin and their faces and how it makes them feel as if they are losing the person they used to be. We damage our skin in so many ways so when it starts showing we wish we could rewind time. What would you say to yourself? I would tell myself to spray tan, to use sunscreen, to moisturize daily, to exfoliate and use lemons to kill bacteria on my face. I would tell myself to STOP plucking!!!! LOL Oh the pictures I have from my youth where I can’t even see that I HAVE brows! Bad Jen BAD Jen! Well, here I am going to show you how to only use powder to create your flawless face. If you have severe redness I still recommend using a green correcting tool before applying powder.
Look at her. She says,”Look at me, I am happy, I am carefree, I have great skin!” Blah blah blah…yes I’m envious LOL!!!
Lily Collins Look

Lily Collins Look

I THINK SHE IS STUNNING!!!!! Yes, I was just shouting…but can you blame me? Now I see collections come and go. I’m not one to run out and buy every single one like most beauty bloggers. Would I love to review them? Well sure! but when does the madness stop? Do I really want to spend all of my money on makeup when I already have a ton of it (and most of the colors that come out I have a duplicate for)? Not really. This launch made me sit up and take notice though and I will be matching everything I have to see what can be used in place of then getting the REST if I don’t have it. Maybe I’m just loooonging for Spring (I am btw) or maybe it’s time for me to start makeup shopping again. It wouldn’t be too out of line, I mean, I AM a beauty blogger. It’s what I do! =) What cosmetics collection made YOU run out the door to get it?

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heeeaaaarrrrrt!!!!! =D It’s Christmas Eve. Can you feel it? Can you tell something special is coming? I remember as a kid, this night held such magic. We would not only read T’was the Night Before Christmas but we would read the even more wonderful story in Luke about our Savior being born in a manger in Bethlehem. We would sit by the lit Christmas tree with all other lights in the house off and feel the words my dad read. We knew they were true. I still do =). It was such a good transition to a peaceful sleep……but how could one SLEEP??? 

Enjoying yummy treats at Grandma & Grandpa’s

I was the only girl with three brothers so I always had my own room. I would sneak down the hall to where they were and we would stay awake all night playing games and guessing at what we would find in the morning. My parents always tacked up a sheet to hide our view if we ever walked past the hallway leading to the glowing Christmas tree. We would have Captain Crunch Berries EVERY year, my brothers chugged Egg Nog like it was going out of style while I sat in the corner gagging at the sight (I may have just gagged thinking of the smell). We would wake up and head down the street to Grandma & Grandpa’s for Christmas breakfast. I can hear the plates chinking, the smell of the bacon, their hugs, her glass Christmas tree candy jar filled with sweets all stuck together. Oh MEMORIES!!! Do we love traditions because they are so familiar? Because most of them are only practiced once a year so they are special? Because people we love teach us them? I think it is a sprinkling of all the above and I LoVe them!!!

Kev and I have been married for almost 10 years and haven’t lived by family for most of that time. We have loved coming up with our own little family traditions but have also brought our own from our separate families into the mix and have just loved the holidays that much more. This year we have been able to help others in ways we have always wanted to and are finally in a position to do so. We told our kids the plan of only one present from Mom and Dad, one from Santa and whatever grandparents or other family members might send. What we would have spent on Christmas has been split up between the Sub For Santa program, people in the neighborhood, acts of service (giving of our time), the United Way, food drives at school and helping lift others spirits in any way we can. The underneath of our tree may be bare but our hearts are SO full and I am SO proud of my boys (seeing as how they are younger) for being so great and excited about our Christmas this year. 

My oldest (above) and I lay awake talking about Christmas and how it’s a little different this year. “Mom” he said, “Do you know what I like best about this Christmas?” “What Love?” “I loved taking those presents to all those families that wouldn’t have had a good Christmas. When they smiled and saw the bags we brought, that was my favorite present. I want to keep making people smile. Are we doing this again next year?” {insert heart MELTING right then!!!} “Yes, Kayson. We will do this as long as we have the means, and even when we don’t, we can always give our time and talents to those that need us.”
Speaking of talents…… ya didn’t think I could ROCK Mrs. Claus for our local high school did ya? Well, you’d be wrong!!! HA!

Is that not one of the funniest things ever? I know I would have to do a double take every time I passed the mirror =D. It was so much fun to read to little kids and pretend I was married to a waaaaaay older man with a lot of power ; D. I used a lot of Ben Nye makeup for this look and the NYX Jumbo Pencil in milk for my hairline and brows. This year held a lot of parties for our family too. One was Kev’s work party up in Salt Lake at Little America. I loooooove when the invite says formal & you can take it up a notch!

I opted for this bad boy from BeBe and did a deep red wine lip. Head didn’t seem complete without a loud obnoxious bow so I added one last minute and pearls from H&M.

I hope you have the merriest of Merry Christmases and are able to feel peace, love and joy this season. And if you have any room left over, try a bold lip with gorgeous lashes to top everything off =). Love you all!!!
P.S. Our family pictures were taken by the lovely Sara Simpson and I HIGHLY recommend her for your photos! She travels and is SO good with kids I can’t even tell you!!! Let me know if anyone would be interested in a giveaway from her!!!