Curl That Hair

I filmed this a little while back. When school was still in session and it was cold. Now just entering July and there are a few disclaimers. I’ve been doing this style so much more now (because of the ease) and I’ve switched the iron I use and my hair is shorter. It’s so much easier to manage now and I can’t wait to film another tutorial on an even EASIER way to do this. But I still love this look and wanted to put this pout there =). Hope you enjoy hair from the perspective of someone that is terrible at it =D.

SOOOOOOO Perfect!!!!! 10 Year Anniversary Surprise

SOOOOOOO Perfect!!!!! 10 Year Anniversary Surprise

Wow, have I taken a LOT of time off blogging!!! Can I tell you how glorious it has been though? And yet, every time I pass my computer, the studio or put on makeup….I….feel….guilt! I feel this anxiousness in my stomach that I should be doing something I am not. I don’t love that, at all. Do you ever feel that way? A pressing obligation? A sense that you owe someone something and you are falling short? Thaaaaaaat’s how I’ve been feeling ladies! I don’t want to feel that way anymore but when I “go away” I feel like I lose half my audience. Am I in this for numbers? Heck no! I had something I was passionate about and I wanted to share….but I will let you in on a little secret (not so secret for those that know me personally). I rely pretty heavily on social interaction. On serving others, on having fun outings with my friends, having everyone I love in the same room having a great time (scenes coming shortly from a Jane Austen party I threw). I short, I LOVE hearing from you. I love the emails I get, the notes, the comments, the feedback! I obviously don’t get that if I’m not blogging so it really is a catch 22. If I want to hear from you, I blog. If I don’t want to “lose” you, I feel I must blog often. I think I may have come up with a solution….it’s actually been staring me in the face LOL. To come up with something, then make a video, then edit and publish it, it takes a great deal of time and effort. I sometimes put it off because I know how long it will take. Sitting down at the computer and just typing out feeling and fun adventures I’ve been having with family and friends? Not as daunting and SO worth the time LOL! So expect to see more of that…………………………………….

So glad I got that off my chest because I am SO excited to tell you about something that just happened!!!!! Yes, I threw a Jane Austen party and had a staggering 57 women in my small home but it was AWESOME!!!! But that is NOT what we are talking about HA! When I have more of the dazzling photos from my wonderful photographer, I will share. THIS post is dedicated to my sweet husband. For three MONTHS he had been planning this without me knowing. Three MONTHS figuring out what we would do for our ten year anniversary. *ALERT* I must say this before I keep going and it sounds braggy (but there will be some bragging because he is AWESOME!). Kev, a few years ago, forgot about doing anything for my birthday (March 8th) our anniversary (May 7th) and Mother’s Day (soooo close to the anniversary). Now before you think me selfish and vain, I didn’t expect lavish presents or a day devoted to worshipping me. My olive language is FAR from getting presents, I am a service gal. I love to give it and am very grateful if I get it. What I was expecting was that he would help the boys remember to draw me my special cards filled with color crayons and probably action figure drawings. I look forward to those every year. I wanted them to sing in the funny way and let me know that they loved me. That’s it….dinner would have been accepted as well LOL. But NOTHING!!!! Not even a mention, except when we got to church and they had the mother’s stand, he realized he had missed a few things. I cried, but I was lucky enough that he was very sweet about it and let me cry in his arms. You moms know how it is to sometimes feel unappreciated yes? So every year after that, our anniversaries have been amazing!!!! He has totally taken it upon himself to plan them (I always say to him I feel like a shuck for not helping). He makes me an itinerary of the day, sometimes two, for what we’ll be doing. It includes the house getting cleaned, shopping, hair done (he knows I’m hopeless lol), dinner for us, movie etc. Here’s the one he gave me this year:
He had been telling me that this one was a special surprise because it was our ten year. I was nervous but excited! So watch as this itinerary gets turned up side down! Please don’t mind the no makeup getting out of bed look ; ).
On the plane about to head out
I spyyyy with myyyy little eye!!!
Saw good ole Tom’s tile while standing in line =).

 And we are IN!!!! We first went to the Haunted Mansion. It had been YEARS for me seeing it not in Holiday form and Kev hadn’t seen it since he was a little boy. It was AWESOME to see all of the original grim grinning ghosts coming out to socialize ;D. Kev was a little scared but he made it! Then we had to take the picture outside the mansion that we did on our first date….awwwwwww LOL!

Kev loves shooting the guns and I was veeeeery pleased to be invited to said “gun show” LOL!
Standing in the ridiculous line to see some princesses. We are crossing our fingers that our fav Snow White is in there.
HOLD the phone!!!! THIS is what he was waiting to do?????

 After listening to a charming story about Peter Pan, lost boys and pirates, we were chosen to ring the ship bell. They said the power of our love would turn on the lights (it totally did lol). I am also now completely obsessed with turning the boys’ playroom into a pirate ship cabin!!!! (pics coming soon)

We were STOKED to realize some of our good friends were at Disneyland as well!!! We lived with Daniel in Siberia and by their family We had to meet up with them and play with their cute kids. They even let us steal the two youngest so we could bond while they went on some bigger rides. 
 These kids are DARLING!!!!!! We had so much fun with them =). It was so nice to have little ones to have a reason to skip through the main streets and have fun on the little rides.
More rides, laughter, sitting down and people watching, photo opts, yummy food. It was perfect!!!

I ALWAYS wanted to be the rebel spy!!! Just knowing I may have information to save the rebellion was thrilling lol. Not wanting to spend a small fortune on the shirt, I opted for a photo with it ;D.

We have NEVER had a Dole Whip before and were told it was an absolute MUST!!! Just think, 34+ years of going and I never tried this tasty treat! It was most refreshing!
My dad and boys die over this tasty lil Disney sucker but we decided to save them the calories and just send them a pic. We got them even BETTER gifts!!!
Kev had me pose with this…I wasn’t sure why but I wanted to make it as cute as I could ha! Then he said I was still his cute ball and chain….romantic feeling gone! LOL!!!!! And yes, I am wearing my Disney “Happy Anniversary” pin with pride!!!
So sad to say that the Blue Bayou was not my fav this trip. It wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t so blasted expensive….but then they brought THIS out for our anniversary and TOTALLY redeemed themselves! It was so super scrumptious! The best Mickey Mousse ever…they totally need to call it that btw.
When we were done in California Adventure after the second day, I was soooo sad that we didn’t “end” in Disneyland. That, to me, is where I grew up, where we went as a family once if not twice a year growing up. Where the magic is. I went to the ticket counter to see what we could do. The woman saw it was our ten year anniversary (most people guessed two lol), typed on her little computer and handed us two FREE park hopper passes with a Disney gift card. She smiled, “Happy Anniversary you two.”  Yes INDEED!!!!!! We went back to Diz the next day before our driver came to get us for the airport. I am SO glad we asked and that we could breath in our beloved Diz one more time.
Loaded up on the plane, taxiing out to take off all of a sudden we stop. The pilot gets on and says the whole airport is closed due to Airforce One needing to land. wait….what?!?!?
Home again, home again, jig a jig jig. The boys have been helping me in the kitchen lately as I have been teaching them to cook simple recipes. They always want to wear an apron and have said on quite a few occasions how coooool it would be to have a chef hat like Mr. Peabody. When I saw these in the shop at Pooh Corner I KNEW that is what their gift would be. They were so excited and it made us so happy!!! I love this little family of mine and I am SO grateful for such a great hubby that knows my heart, keeps it safe and treats me and these boys so well. I hope they will never doubt how much I love them!!!!!
Wheeeeen you wish upon a staaaaaaarrr………….
MIA…..And LOVING It!!!! =D

MIA…..And LOVING It!!!! =D

Soooo many things have been going on in our lives and I have had ZERO time to blog…literally! I make mention of a few things that happened to me personally in a video I now have time to edit (it’s like two weeks old). Also, we had a great Spring Break!!!! I wanted to share with you what we have been up to! My husband put in his two weeks at work and decided to take off a week before starting his new job to be with ME! I was SO in love with that idea and began planning immEdiately! I honestly had every single second planned….even the sleeping in or naps of we wanted them. As the dates got closer I kept hearing my friends talk about plans for Spring Break. I thought that was very cute and fun for them and pushed it aside to think of what we would be doing when it got closer. The more I heard about it, the more the dates sounded eerily familiar…wait, the 7-11th???? But that was MY week!!!!! Needless to say, I LOVE my boys, but I was SO excited to date my hubby all day EVERY day for 5 glorious days while said children were in school. I may have thrown a two (okay three) second tantrum in my head before telling myself, “This will be okay. You will still have fun and do a lot of the things on your list…just add two cute boys to the mix.” My planning changed slightly from holding hands and strolling the shops, to running around a  Family Fun Center with tokens and tickets galore! I was the only girl growing up and I am the only girl in this little family so I am used to rough and tough. Maybe that’s why I love this blog so much. It is my girlie outlet =). SO, here is why I have been MIA:
Ironically we were at Kev’s work party when he got a call and was offered an AMAZING new job! There is a magical place called Provo Beach Resort. It may be super chilly outside but the water was warm and inviting inside!!! We love this place and were so excited to go. I wasn’t feeling my best so I misty sat and read while my sweet boys bounced around the place and had a blast!
My oldest has been working super hard on his first car for his first pinewood derby for cub scouts! I love that he designed it, helped cut (scary), painted and glued on his weights. He placed second in most of the races, third in one and got a certificate for all his hard work. I was overjoyed that he had FUN and don’t take it too seriously if his car wasn’t the fastest. Huge relief as a mom =D.
BIRTHDAYS!!!!! There have been so many lovelies in my life that have had birthdays the past month. I love them all and enjoyed every Kneaders trip (at 7 AM) and birthday get together. Isn’t she a doll? Bet you can’t guess her age, I dare you! ; D
INSANITY!!!!! Oh ladies, it has been kicking my J-Lo but I am so grateful for a supportive hubby and for a full week to get up early with him and get it DONE!!! Every morning for Spring Break we were in the basement jumping, twisting, sweating, grunting and breathlessly cursing Sean T LOL!
Day one of Spring break had us doing DEtailed cleaning on the house and then OFF with friends to play at Trafalga. Games, golfing, treats, prizes, bumper cars…the boys were in heaven. Kev even won the jackpot for this jumping game which made all the kids stare and think he was really cool LOL!
After that we went to an art exhibit that BLEW my mind. There were SUCH wonderful paintings (that I have grown up seeing) in all their original glory all the way from Europe. These painting have never left their original “home” and probably never will again. It was so special to share this with the boys. Outside their were art sculptures that resembled Minecraft a little too closely for the boys not to go charging!!! They had a blast and we topped the night off with dinner and ice cream at our favorite spot at Thanksgiving Point.
The next day was ALL about me and Kev cleaning the basement (which was a project on my list for “our week” together). The boys did chores then played out with friends and enjoyed the sunshine. Then we went and saw the Nut Job at the local theatre.
Wednesday was ALL zoo day baby! We had such perfect weather and the animals were being SO hilarious! I could have watched the grizzly bears all day long. They were running after each other, dunking one another and playing around like crazy =). The sea lions were dreamy swimming around and the monkeys (mine) were pretty funny too =). After the zoo we had dear friends over that are moving soon and ended with a little yard work. I loved it!
Thursday was also pretty dreamy. I visited the local temple here with a friend at 5:30am and came home to boys already doing chores….I mean RIGHT????? Love them! Then a good workout and Kev…my LUCKY husband set off to have lunch with one of my FAV singers ever!!!! 
Hilary Weeks is an amazing Christian singer/songwriter and is in the process of developing an app for some of her web stuff. Check her out here because she is amazing!!!
After insisting on hearing EVERY detail we set off to do a lot of yard work. Edging, planting, weeding, mowing, watering etc. It. Was. GLORious!!!!! =D 
That night we were able to have a sneak peak at a new museum in our community. We have been members for years at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, Utah and I LOVE it!!!!! It has a petting zoo, a dinosaur museum that has various museums, events and activities. The gardens that are HUGE and host the amazing tulip festival every year and have fun splash events and concerts. This new museum within the grounds did NOT disappoint and will be such a wonderful addition to all the other attractions! There was a place to hang like a sloth and they would time how long you could do it. A place to see how high you could jump like a frog, how many flaps you can do as a hummingbird, a puppet show, rock climbing, mazes, brain busters, rope bridges, dance halls…that was my FAV!!! There was a screen that spanned one wall of the room that showed a woman teaching you a dance. The opposite wall had a mirror so you could watch her and yourself as she taught you the steps. They had tap, hip hop and country line dances. It was so much fun! That night we ate at one of our fav spots….and I got food poisoning =(. Spring Break came to a CRASHING halt!!! I was confined to my room for two whole beautiful sunny days = (. I am so glad to have had such a wonderful week with the fam so that those two days didn’t feel like it was all ruined. 
So, yes, I was MIA but it’s because life happened to me and it was WONderful!!!! What has made you MIA? Share =)

New York Trip……LAST YEAR!!!!

New York Trip……LAST YEAR!!!!

So, let me get this straight, I tease you by saying that I’m going to NY, I visit all of these fantastic places and meet so many wonderful people and I never TOLD you about it?????? How could you let me get AWAY with something like that? I am so sorry!!! The sad thing is now struggling to remember all the details of that heavenly trip and when specific things happened. One of the very first things we did was head over to ground zero. What a reverent, beautiful reminder. I am so glad that we stayed as long as we did and listened to every bit of information. The rain didn’t dampen our spirits but it did lend a chance to use my scarf in different ways ; D.
Just around the corner we found an amazing Indian restaurant tucked in between some shops and ate heartily. Kev was in heaven with all of the options =).
I loved their cute lil cups LOL!
Kev was so amazing at mapping out where everything was on his phone. He was a whiz with the subway and I never worried about getting lost. Before we went we wrote down all the things we wanted to see and asked friends, of course, since we had both never been. Ladies, WE SAW EVERYTHING on our list!!! It was the most jam packed wonderful three days EvEr and I can’t wait for me and Kev to do more world traveling if this is what is in store. I LOVE ebing on the go, waking up early and seeing 5 things before breakfast time. Just love it!!! Well, one thing on Kev’s list was to see the amazing NY Apple store which was pretty close to our hotel.
  It was pretty visually stimulating and happened to be next door to another list item. FAO Schwarz =). The big piano? Yeah, we hit that. Zoltar? Yeah, we spoke face to face LOL. I’m a geek, I know.
 So the whole reason we were able to go on this wonderful trip was because Kevin is a graphic designer and one of his apps was nominated for an award. There was to be a huge banquet and presenting of the awards to those that won. It was so pricey ($400 a plate) that I opted to not go but hit a broadway musical instead. Another couple had flown out as well (her hubby was also nominated for another category) so her and I set out to Times Square to see what adventures lay before us. Thanks to my wonderful friend, who was touring with Billy Elliot at the time, and her counsel, we scored some tickets for Newsies and couldn’t conTAIN our excitement!!! IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!

 For all of you So You Think You Can Dance fans here’s Evan from season 5. I spotted him RIGHT away and couldn’t stop watching this amazing dancer. I was so stoked afterward to get to meet him! I cannot even TELL you how sad I am that this picture is so blurry but it’s all I have so I must use it lol. During the performance I got a text (which ANYone will tell you the ushers will flash their lights at you for) from Kevin saying he had WON!!!!!!!! I was so proud that I was busting at the seams!!!!!! I wish I could have been there to clap the loudest for my man and give him hugs and kisses. It was SO hard to sit still after that text = D.
So the city never sleeps eh? Well what about restaurants??? After the show, my friend and I went shopping at the FIVE story Forever 21….yeah it was awesome, met up with our men then went out for some grub. It was only 1am but we couldn’t find a place ANYwhere to go!!! Finally, we went back to the hotel to ask. They said there was a great bar just down the road that had great food. Let me tell you how funny it was to have the waitress tell us there was no room at the bar and sadly there were only tables available in the dining room. Since non of us drink at all we were ecstatic and told her to lead the way to the table!!! I had THE most amazing goat cheese and spinach salad that I still dream about it!!! I took a pic of their sign so I wouldn’t forget where to go at 1am the next time I’m in town LOL.
One thing that is very pertinent to this cosmetics site was visiting my bestie at VH1 the Buzz where she is Carrie Keagan’s personal makeup artist. We showed up that morning, got our lovely security badges and up we went. Jess showed me the beautiful green room where they get all the talent ready (specifically Carrie) and what she uses on her. Do you spy Lisa Loebe in the mirror and me being not two feet away from her??? Love her!!!

                                                              In the best hands possible!

 Carrie asking about Hulk Hogan’s latest scandal.
 Learning about the set.
 Panoramic Kev took of the green room.
 Me Carrie and Jess. Ironic that I reeaaallly don’t like my makeup here!
Kev had never seen Phantom so we went. I had seen it a baziiiiilion times and have seen better but I was super glad he wanted to go and that he appreciates the beautiful art that is Opera.
That night Jess took us out on the town. Kev loves 30 Rock so he wanted to at least walk by the building =). The Jess took us to this sky bar where you could get amazing views of the whole city, especially the Empire State Bldg. This place was new to us though since it was cold, it was outside, they had cloaks for you to wear. Red cloaks, shining in the red glow that came from the heaters. I felt like I was in the den of the Illuminate! Needless to say I don’t know how often they wash them in between patrons wearing them so I opted not to accessorize that night. We had scrumptious hot fries and steaming hot chocolate. Now some things you need to know about my friend Jess are that she is SUPER kind, very thoughtful, selfless and loves God and her Savior and sings their praises without embarrassment. Boooooy when the waitress said she wouldn’t split our little check she had a THING or two to say about that. When she got no satisfaction from her she went to her boss then his until they preformed the simplest of tasks…splitting the check. It was then that I started noticing how NY is not a place to find the best customer service experiences (and how I wanted Jess around for all of it) HA!
 Want to hear a sad yet funny story? That is, if you are still reading this. Mom? Are you the only one? HI! I’ll see you in a few days!!! lol KAY! So I’ve seen quite a few movies where the Empire State Bldg has been in the background. Lovely, majestic, easily recognizable. Well, when Kev and I went to see it earlier that day I walked RIGHT past it!!! He’s like, “Jen, we’re here.” I assured him we weren’t. He wasn’t quite sure how to take that. After all, he had never steered us wrong visiting any landmark. He stood there looking at me (insert me wearing a very matter of fact face). “What do you mean we aren’t here. It’s right in front of you.” “But…it’s not….black.” He was very confused at this point and his face showed it. “In every movie I’ve ever seen, the Empire State Bldg is black.” Crickets chirping, thoughts of wondering if he married Jessica Simpson I’m sure were happening in his head. Sleepless in Seattle, On the Town, An Affair To Remember…..ALL of them showed images of it at night time. Of COURSE it looked black MORON!!! I have to say though, I was a little disappointed =(. Okay stop laughing. I thought it was all black tinted windows not black concrete…or I guess it could have been. Regardless I was happy at that sky bar because my beloved Empire State Bldg was black. Kev still won’t let me live that down.
Now THIS was an awesome day (although I will always remember my feet killing from my boots). We went all around Brooklyn, then walked the Brooklyn Bridge and had some yummy pizza at Grimaldi’s. NOW I know the obsession that is NY pizza, Thanks Kat!!! 

 On our last day we went to Hoboken NJ to visit Carlo’s Bakery from Cake Boss and DIED eating all the scrumptiousness!!! I was so impressed with how it wasn’t very busy (maybe one other person in the shop) how inexpensive it was and how very tasty.
We ended up buying even more to take back home to our boys and family.

Loved the display window (worthy of Disneyland), a pic of Kev in the alley where they would always pull pranks and our yummy treats before we ate them right there on a bench like ravenous beasts!
Can’t go to NY without seeing Central Park. It was SO close to our hotel too! We walked around and saw spots that are in our fav movies, hello? One Fine Day, Home Alone, the Muppets!!!  
to the Boathouse for one last lunch with Jess. Again, customer service left MUCH to be desired but the company more than made up for it!
Jess was such a wonderful tour guide and we miss her! If you haven’t already heard, Carrie has left VH1 to pursue other ventures in California so now we get to see her again whenever we go to Disneyland with the boys. Yay!!! =D
All in all, amAZING trip to NYC and am so glad we were able to go. So proud of my hubby, loved seeing historic things, visiting museums, galleries, Broadway shows, seeing friends and spending so much uninterrupted time with Kev. Hope you enjoyed this long over due post/novel/are you still awake??? ; D

New Year, New Thoughts

Eating “clean”, Ipsy find (and love) and going “natural”. I’ve had such a transformation since moving to Utah. There are so many things I’ve been introduced to. Oils, clean eating, lifting weights vs. cardio, I did makeup for my first movie and I learned a lot about fake blood, scars on the face, hypothermia, just so much!!! Here are a few more things that I’ve learned ; D.
Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heeeaaaarrrrrt!!!!! =D It’s Christmas Eve. Can you feel it? Can you tell something special is coming? I remember as a kid, this night held such magic. We would not only read T’was the Night Before Christmas but we would read the even more wonderful story in Luke about our Savior being born in a manger in Bethlehem. We would sit by the lit Christmas tree with all other lights in the house off and feel the words my dad read. We knew they were true. I still do =). It was such a good transition to a peaceful sleep……but how could one SLEEP??? 

Enjoying yummy treats at Grandma & Grandpa’s

I was the only girl with three brothers so I always had my own room. I would sneak down the hall to where they were and we would stay awake all night playing games and guessing at what we would find in the morning. My parents always tacked up a sheet to hide our view if we ever walked past the hallway leading to the glowing Christmas tree. We would have Captain Crunch Berries EVERY year, my brothers chugged Egg Nog like it was going out of style while I sat in the corner gagging at the sight (I may have just gagged thinking of the smell). We would wake up and head down the street to Grandma & Grandpa’s for Christmas breakfast. I can hear the plates chinking, the smell of the bacon, their hugs, her glass Christmas tree candy jar filled with sweets all stuck together. Oh MEMORIES!!! Do we love traditions because they are so familiar? Because most of them are only practiced once a year so they are special? Because people we love teach us them? I think it is a sprinkling of all the above and I LoVe them!!!

Kev and I have been married for almost 10 years and haven’t lived by family for most of that time. We have loved coming up with our own little family traditions but have also brought our own from our separate families into the mix and have just loved the holidays that much more. This year we have been able to help others in ways we have always wanted to and are finally in a position to do so. We told our kids the plan of only one present from Mom and Dad, one from Santa and whatever grandparents or other family members might send. What we would have spent on Christmas has been split up between the Sub For Santa program, people in the neighborhood, acts of service (giving of our time), the United Way, food drives at school and helping lift others spirits in any way we can. The underneath of our tree may be bare but our hearts are SO full and I am SO proud of my boys (seeing as how they are younger) for being so great and excited about our Christmas this year. 

My oldest (above) and I lay awake talking about Christmas and how it’s a little different this year. “Mom” he said, “Do you know what I like best about this Christmas?” “What Love?” “I loved taking those presents to all those families that wouldn’t have had a good Christmas. When they smiled and saw the bags we brought, that was my favorite present. I want to keep making people smile. Are we doing this again next year?” {insert heart MELTING right then!!!} “Yes, Kayson. We will do this as long as we have the means, and even when we don’t, we can always give our time and talents to those that need us.”
Speaking of talents…… ya didn’t think I could ROCK Mrs. Claus for our local high school did ya? Well, you’d be wrong!!! HA!

Is that not one of the funniest things ever? I know I would have to do a double take every time I passed the mirror =D. It was so much fun to read to little kids and pretend I was married to a waaaaaay older man with a lot of power ; D. I used a lot of Ben Nye makeup for this look and the NYX Jumbo Pencil in milk for my hairline and brows. This year held a lot of parties for our family too. One was Kev’s work party up in Salt Lake at Little America. I loooooove when the invite says formal & you can take it up a notch!

I opted for this bad boy from BeBe and did a deep red wine lip. Head didn’t seem complete without a loud obnoxious bow so I added one last minute and pearls from H&M.

I hope you have the merriest of Merry Christmases and are able to feel peace, love and joy this season. And if you have any room left over, try a bold lip with gorgeous lashes to top everything off =). Love you all!!!
P.S. Our family pictures were taken by the lovely Sara Simpson and I HIGHLY recommend her for your photos! She travels and is SO good with kids I can’t even tell you!!! Let me know if anyone would be interested in a giveaway from her!!!

Ode To My Bow

Ode To My Bow

Ode To My Bow Bracelet
I love you, I love you, I love you 
I do.
I love you, I love you…..
and now I am through.
LOL I really am so in love with this thing. I wear it any chance that I can. Whenever an outfit needs a touch more class, a touch more bling, a statement! I rocked it around Disneyland a few weeks ago, then up in Sacramento for my little sister’s wedding (guess who the makeup artist waaaaas??? lol). I have gotten so many comments on it that I had to share where YOU can get it too. Are you ready? Click here before they are all gone!!! and go to Chic jewelry. I can’t believe it’s only $15.99!!!! The owner of this fabulous site is Summer and is a dear friend. She will take care of you for SURE!!! Her button is on the side bar of the blog or you can click here to go to the homepage of her site. Happy shopping and bow wearing!!!!!
Yippee Skippee!!!!!

Yippee Skippee!!!!!

So you know when you see something and you just MUST have it because of the prettiness of it? The sheer perfection? I love bows, this you all know, and I found the most beautiful pearl and rhinestone ring at Forever 21 years back. Well, my good friend Summer happens to be a fashionista and a HALF sharing her love of all things beauty through TV appearances, blogs and is the owner of the online boutique A Tres Chic. She happened to post on InstaGram the MOST perfect bow bracelet and I about FELL outta my chair (true story, it almost happened!). I had to share it with ya’ll since you might want to nab one before they are all gone! Behold it’s perfection:
It yearns to be on my wrist this SECOND! It calls to me….”Jen, Jen, I am a bow. You are not complete without me…..Jeeeeeeeeeen…..”. Almost haunting right??? Well me and the fam are all geared up to visit the ole stompin grounds of Cali next week and I am SO happy to be adding this little accessory to my packing list. Disneyland won’t KNOW what hit em!!! BTW Summer’s button is just on the side there so feel free to click and get yourself one so we can be twinsies ; D.
Interview With Nichole Huntsman

Interview With Nichole Huntsman

Loved this interview with Nichole. I really believe that she is hungry to help others in the best way possible. Soooo many good tips about low calories diets and why they don’t work. What can Revolt do for you? Why did she start? Why do we all “yo-yo diet”? What happens when I get to my goal size? Watch it!!!!! I am getting ready to go home soon and I want to get fitter than I am. SO happy with how sculpted my arms are getting, my butt is lifting (miracles happen) and my weight is staying at 129. How are YOU staying fit this summer?