Suit N Tie Suit N Tie

Suit N Tie Suit N Tie

I’m alive!!!! Boy, have my days been filled with photo shoots, blogger events, conferences, youth group obligations, fundraisers and family (not in that order ;D). I have soooooo many posts and pictures to share of all mentioned activities but FIRST I have to share a recent trip to the dapper Mr. Mac for the Mr’s new suit! Guys, I’m in LOVE!!!!!! One of my responsibilities in church is being the camp director for all the young women in our congregation/ward. Our huge fundraiser was a carnival and BOY did that take a lot of imagination and hard work…..and I loved every second of it LOL! I’ll post more on that later. At said carnival we had a live auction and the most aMAZing things were donated. 
One such donation was a full suit from Mr. Mac in American Fork, Utah. Guys, this place is leGIT and the owner just happens to live in our neighborhood. Well, I knew the Mr. was eyeing that particular item but I knew a lot of other men were too. I was attending to other duties while the auction took place but BOY did I know that he got it when I saw his face!!! He was pretty excited albeit a little nervous to tell me lol. The day of his suit fitting I posted a pic on IG of the final four suits we were debating on.
The response was heeeaaaavily weighted to suit number ONE. We really did love number four with it’s brilliant blue hue but sooooo many people have wanted it that it’s on back order for forever and harder to get. Weeeeelllllll, we went with……
Number ONE!!!!! After he was measured and taken care of we were told our suit would be ready in a  matter of days! These guys don’t mess around and the finished result was more than we expected. The coat is like butter and the pants fit him like a glove. I demanded a fashion show and after a few minutes of prodding he relented (I think he was excited too but didn’t want to appear too eager ha!). Now, let’s take a moment while the Mr. changes into his new suit. While we were there at the shop with owner Adam Winn, he told us all about the fine quality of suits he carries. Seriously, this man has you covered if you want an inexpensive but well tailored suit all the way to if you want super high end and can drop a few thou. The extensive materials, the ties, the accessories…I never knew I could have so much fun in a man’s SUIT store!!! I was particularly interested in the Happy Socks he has available. Have you guys SEEN these? Am I just behind the times in just now loving them?
I wanted him to buy EvErY single PAIR!!!!! Alas, he said they weren’t really his “thing” (flash backs of a scene from Honey I Shrunk the Kids). The pout commenced…maybe only in my head to save myself from the embarrassment a childish tantrum would have caused in the middle of such a nice establishment and we left….without them.
Ladies, when my man walked out with his new suit and fresh haircut I think I may have actually giggled. As in, my crush has just walked into the room and I am immediately RED giggled. He looked sooooooo good I could have eaten him UP! The power of a good suit ; ). He strutted around a little to make me laugh, then struck a pose that not only made me erupt into fits of giggles but also made it impossible NOT to see the sock he was wearing. HE BOUGHT SOME!!!!! When his suit was ready for pick up and I was off doing makeup, he BOUGHT some!!!! He is a keeper and I love him. I will name him Squishy and he will be mine. The next day at church I couldn’t stop staring at him and decided right there and then that we would need to take a family pic so that I could remember the moment I fell in love with my sweet hubby all over again. Reasons that come to mind and I never want to forget:
He makes me laugh
He is such a good daddy
He is a God fearing man, at church every Sunday with us
He did something that wasn’t his “thing” because he knew it would make me smile
He looks soooooooooo hot in his new suit
He loves me and I love him
You may all commence the awwwwwwwws
 And now the oh dears and head shaking LOL!!!
xoxo Jen
(ps you’ll notice our youngest is wearing his own crazy socks to match his daddy’s. I bought them both a pair of green Christmas socks from the dollar store for crazy sock day. Glad they could be used more than once lol)
Beverly Swimwear Giveaway *CLOSED*

Beverly Swimwear Giveaway *CLOSED*

Good good good, good vibraaatioooooons. Oh I can just HEAR the sounds of summer!!!
However, I may cringe, just a little, when someone asks if I’m ReAdY for summer. I know that in years past, it’s because I could never find a swimsuit that I could be comfortable in AND be modest. Nor was it in fashion to have suits that covered more of my lower half (which isn’t my fav) so they were very hard to find. 
I had found this suit and loved it dearly. When Mr. Kenneth Cole decided to discontinue it I felt impotent and out of control…which I really hate (name that movie). Ladies, I am not a traditional follower of trends. They come and go and make you look utterly ridiculous when looking back through photos lol. One trend that I am SO happy to get behind is the need and desire of more and more girls/women, to be modest. I love love LOVE it!!! Now that summer is quickly approaching I was so excited to team up with Beverly Swimwear because of her amazing patterns, flattering silhouettes, great prices…. AND THEY ARE MODEST!!!!  Aaaaaaaaaand….

are you ready for this? 
ONE lucky reader will win a FREE swimsuit of their choosing from the one and only Beverly!!! 
What pattern will you choose? What style? 
It’s quick and easy to enter, here are the deets:
  1. Follow the Classy Cosmetics IG account @classycozmetics
  2. Follow the Classy Cosmetics Blog (psst, that’s the blog you’re reading)
  3. Follow Beverly Swimwear on Facebook
  4. Follow Beverly on IG @bevswim

If you want to earn more entries, head over to my IG account to tag a few friends. You may also repost this on any social media for extra entries (separate comment for each) Please list a comment below with each requirement you fulfill. For the extra entries (tagging on IG) you may comment here as well. The more comments, the more chances you have to win! Now let the giveaway BEGIN!!!!!

You must be 18 or older to participate. If you are not, you must have your parents permission. Non valid or inappropriate comments will be deleted. We will check authenticity of all entries. Contest will run until Monday April 6th midnight MST. After all entries are verified, we will announce a winner.
 And could you DIE???? You and your smooshie mini me can wear matching suits!!!!! I need a girl, I need a girl! ; D
Project Runway Season 14 Casting Call

Project Runway Season 14 Casting Call

I am thrilled to announce that I have teamed up with Project Runway to help promote their upcoming casting call for those of you in the Utah area!!! You could win $100,000 to launch or even expand your clothing line. Do YOU have what it takes?  I only WISH that I had the talent of creating amazing designs and then sewing up a storm….alas, I cannot BUT I can’t wait to see the talent gathered for season 14! The deadline is FAST approaching – Monday March 16th is the last day to submit but have no fear! You can now submit an application ONLINE here! You can also email them at

                        Good luck, and may the odds and ends fabric be ever in your favor!

 Love this dress!!!!
Birthday Month!!!!!

Birthday Month!!!!!

Can I just say that I loooooooove March??? I think from the time you are born, you are made to feel special on your birthday so the whole month kind of has a magical twinkle. I may be getting older and maybe soon I won’t think of my birthday month the same……but I’ve been thinking that for forEVER and yet I’m still so excited every time I see March 1st proclaiming it’s arrival! YAY MARCH!!!!! lol I wanted to do something fun since I love showing my appreciation to all of you and I love having giveaways. From now until my birthday (the 8th), I’ll be giving away things that I love! Right now if you go to my Instagram (@classycozmetics) there is a necklace that I luuuuurv! 
All you have to do is guess where it’s from and it’s YOURS! Head on over to see what to do to enter. Can I also mention how much I love this outfit. It is the epitome of ME! I love how colorful, comfy and warm it is. It’s a great mixture of textures and patterns. The light blue shirt underneath is pinstriped, and y’all know how much I love any kind of stripe. If you didn’t know, now ya do ; ). Do you have any birthday traditions? Any place special you go to eat? Tell me everything!!!
Photos by: Niki Martins
Styling: Jacque 
Pants and Hat: H&M
Boots: Windsor
Blue collared shirt: Forever 21
Green Sweater: Harolds
Good Luck!!! xoxoxoxo
Provo Fashion Week And A GIVEAWAY!!!!

Provo Fashion Week And A GIVEAWAY!!!!

Utah Chic Magazine, Provo Fashion Week, Classy Cosmetics and 24 local bloggers are teaming up to bring you an awesome giveaway featuring clothing by local independent Provo Fashion Week designers.
Provo Fashion Week will be having three runway shows this weekend, February 27-28th.
Friday, February 27th – 7:30PM Ready-to-Wear Show
(featuring menswear, womenswear, swimwear, and childrenswear)
Saturday, February 28th – 3:00PM & 7:30PM Bridal Wear Shows
*All profits from ticket sales will be donated to the Pomelo Project*

There will be 5 Winners!
Prizes Include:
Sunburst Skirt – Natalie Wynn Design
Ombre Ruffle Skirt – Janay Marie Designs
Colorblock Top – ThreeTwoSevenSix
Silk Bridal Jacket – Illume
$100 Gift Card to Bree Lena – Bree Lena
To Enter:
Follow the rafflecopter – all entries are mandatory to be entered to win. All instagram accounts will be looped starting at 9:30AM Wednesday so you can easily follow everyone.
When finished following all accounts and filling out the rafflecopter, leave a comment with your instagram handle and which two prizes you would most like to win!
Giveaway ends Thursday, February 26th at midnight.
5 winners will be chosen at random through Rafflecopter
I was able to go to a preview of these amazing designers last night and was literally drooooooling over the textures, colors and glitz. You will NOT want to miss these shows if you are a Utah gal or miss out on winning these fabulous prizes! Will you be attending any of the shows?

Stop the Hair Drama

WHY can I NOT stop laughing at this commercial??? You know the ads before videos on YouTube? I usually can’t WAIT till that lil box on the side counts down the seconds for me to skip it. With THIS video….I watch it EvErY single time!!!!! I love love LOVE it LOL!!!!!
(sorry about the curse word in the title)
Love Is In the Air…and On My Shirt

Love Is In the Air…and On My Shirt

Can you feel it? Love is in the air! To me, it’s coming a little too fast. I usually set up all my candy in apothecary jars (children beware, I save the candy and by now it’s about 6 years old). 
image source: Pinterest

We heart attack Daddy’s room, fun crafts etc. This year? Meh…no idea why. Okay, so maybe I do. When we went home this last December I was about a month and a half along. When we came home, nothing. It’s very upsetting but I know that many have tried a lot longer than our small 4 years have had more loss than me. Still, it makes me sad. I am, however, so grateful for the two boys that are all mine and that I get to watch grow up. They are my loves and along with Kevin, I am so grateful to be a family forever!
NOW, let’s jump to this photo shoot on Saturday, shot by the amazing Niki Martins and styled by Jacque from Looks For Lovelies. I was so super excited to wear this darling Live With Love tee! Darling Amy from Liv and Hope has the most darling boutique filled with goodies and every cent goes to fund the adoption they hope to be blessed

I love that my photographer is super passionate about adoption, having gone through it multiple times. She commented that the all black ensemble including leather and diamonds was so perfect for the topic. “You look strong, powerful. Adoption is an incredibly empowering deal.” I honestly had never though about it that way. Then, as the shoot went on I started thinking about the main feelings I had through all these years of trying. It was that I couldn’t deliver something that women can. A cute lil smooshy to hold and love. That made me feel powerless, helpless. Then thinking about other ways to fill that void in our family made me feel like I did have control. I could take back some of that power and bless more than one life. I can’t tell you how blessed I feel to know the people I know. To be inspired by them….even when they don’t know they’re doing it. I would love to hear your experiences with adoption if you have any. Please leave me a comment or email me at 
Always have to end with a stirring air guitar ballad right?  P.s. this top is soooooo comfy, I may or may not be living in it. Seriously. So comfy! Have a rock ‘n’ roll day ladies!!!
Styling: Jacque
Skirt: Windsor
Nylons: Kohls
Book Club Moments: the Haunting of Hill House

Book Club Moments: the Haunting of Hill House

Welcome all ye that enter in Hill House. The rooms are really quite cozy and the atmosphere pleasant. That is, if you can get past all the twisted sculptures, the cold spot in the upstairs hall, the incessant banging on your door at night,”Mother, is that you?” This book was a fun read for me. Was it the best I’ve ever read? Probably not, but let me share with you a few reasons I would recommend it. I am a fan of imagination. Of not spelling everything out for the reader/viewer. I am a fan of breaths…let me explain. I feel we have entered into an age where we feel our brains need constant information. Not information in the traditional sense but in the sense of cartoons are constant motion, dialogue or action. Movies need to be pushing limits and never leaving you hanging in your seat in suspense. A lot of what I see doesn’t leave me enough time to breathe in what just happened before pushing me into the next sequence. This book was written in 1959 and was a major influence for Stephen King….I mean right??? According to the Wall Street Journal, the book is “now widely regarded as the greatest haunted-house story ever written.” Now, remember what I said, this book is not your typical blood and gore that you have to sing Disney songs after reading just to get to sleep. This one let’s you breathe. There are moments that are slow that I absolutely love because it puts you in the right frame of mind. Alone. Hopeless. The silence engulfs you and it’s almost claustrophobic. What a ‘haunting’ thought yes? YES! 
We were able to discuss this and soooo much more as we gathered in one of our members amazing penthouse in Salt Lake. Most of us met to carpool and we were able to snap a few shots just for fun. The ever amazing McKenzie from Photography by McKenzie came and wowed us with her skillz ;). Check her out here and see how your life will never be the same after knowing her!
Do these not look amazing??? They are Autumn Pear Dumplings with a cream cheese filling. You can see how to make them for your next gathering, party or…I don’t know, MEAL here
Look at us. Aren’t we creepy? Gothic? Haunting? After lots of selfies (lol) we all jumped into multiple cars with our various yummies that we were bringing and OFF we went! Beth welcomed us in to her dark and leery feeling space holding a black cat and sporting an amazing costume complete with a fascinator that was to die for. 
Everything there was amazing and a feast for the eyes. Her bookshelves were ladened with skulls, potion books and portraits that would change before your very eyes. Her fireplace looks like something straight out of a home magazine and the food table, oh the food table….ya know, I’m just going to let you look at these next pictures without my endless chatter. I’ll catch up with you in a few….hours, cuz there’s a lot ; ).
I’m baaaaaaaaack…..did you miss me? lol Wanted to show you a few more fun things. Below you’ll see the older version of the Haunting playing on the wall. Just eerily hanging there, playing.
Do you see these darling cups with stars? I love this little detail and that’s what makes me love this book club. They are all about the details. In the book there is a little girl that has a cup of stars. She doesn’t like to drink from any other cup. It must be from her cup of stars. That night, we drank from the stars =). It was a combo of ginger ale, ginger, lemons and limes. I could have had that all night long!
THIS was super cool! In the book the different colored rooms play a big part in the house. Almost as though they are characters in the book. Beth took us on a “tour” of Hill House by changing the color of the lighting in the room we were in with the click of a button. The messages on the wall were most clear (and creepy) when we “visited” the blue room. Brava Beth, brava! All in all? Another successful book club meeting. We are reading Black Moon by Teri Harman if you want to read along and share your thoughts. Teri will be joining us at our next book meeting which happens to be our yearly retreat. So excited to pick her brain =). If you end up reading it or already have and have questions, leave them in the comments and I’ll be sure to ask her!
Till next time book club lubbers…
20 Facts About Me

20 Facts About Me

I was tagged by the darling Aubrey of Dreaming About Someday to tell 20 facts about me so here goes!!!!
1. I LOVE to decorate!!!!! I love to throw parties, I love to help my friends decorate their homes, I love looking at homes and getting inspired! I change the decor in my house for EvErY holiday (unless you’re going to count boxing day or Russian Old New Year’s…not those kind ;D). The apothecary jars get filled with assortments of snowflakes, mints, conversation heats, fabric to match the holiday, mini beach balls, skulls laid on a bed of moss, autumn leaves, pinecones etc. Halloween is my fav and I have more totes for that time of year than any other (even Christmas, although that is coming along nicely too lol). Any excuse I have to transform an area to “take people away” I’m all about that!!!

2. I like bog BOWS and I cannot lie! The bigger the better, as far as head accessories, is what I say! I’m at the point now where when I don’t wear one, I may tilt to one side ever so slightly.
3. I do NOT clean toilets and haven’t since we have been married. I will lick the FLOOR and clean sinks and showers but if you make me clean a toilet I will gag and throw up. It’s not a girly girl thing because I grew up with all boys and do a lot of stuff other girls won’t….but toilets? Am I scared I’ll fall in? I have NO idea but my wonderful hubby has cleaned them and has passed the royal plunger on to our oldest who cleans them every other day. Thank you boys!!!!!
4. I speak Russian. I sometimes feel like it was a dream that I lived there so long ago but I did and I MISS it like crazy!!! My husband also speaks Russian (we met in Siberia) so we try to keep up on it and our kids can speak a little. Yay Russia!!!!

5. I am sooooo in love with my little family, but mostly my hubby. He is the perfect match for me and I don’t deserve him. He knows me better than anyone else and helps me through hard times like a champ. He is the first one I want to share news with and the only person I want to spend eternity with. I miss him most around 3 in the afternoon and always sigh that he doesn’t get off till 5….the agony of waiting to play with my best friend!!! This surprise he did for me on our 10 year anniversary practically killed me and I was so grateful! We share the same goals, religious views, dreams and most opinions (would be terribly boring if we agreed on EVERYthing right???). I love him to the moon and back and hope all of you have someone that takes care of your heart as much as he takes care of mine and our boys’.
6. I used to nanny for the Terminator…before he was the Governator…..and NO I was a good girl and the famous “worker” was a maid, NOT me! lol

7. I ran a half marathon in just under 2 hours but I sooooo want to beat that time. I did my first one in 2 hours 18 min. We had been training for so long and were doing 9 min miles but then my partner hurt her IT band so we took it nice and slow. It was a wonderful race. A few weeks later I left for California to see the fam and my brother and I went out running. He nearly KILLED me but I shaved 19 min off my time! LOL Here he is finishing the St. George Marathon.

8. My dream getaway would be to travel all over abroad with my little family. Kev sent me tons of pics when he was in Armenia & Paris and all I wanted was to be with him! I have been to Omsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Moscow and Estonia. I would LOVE to visit Ireland. I’ve wanted to go there ever since I saw the Quiet Man with John Wayne. The way they speak, the rocks walls and rolling green hills, the cold, the mist…….MUST GO!!!!!!!!

9. My face gets BRIGHT red when I exercise and then goes purple. Not enough oxygen? God thinks purple would look good on me? NO clue but boy does it get red!!! When I started running cross country in high school I did so because I wanted to be around my brothers. I really looked up to them, although I wouldn’t tell them that at the time. I wanted them to be proud of their sister so I ran hard…….but I was also a very insecure girl. The fact that I got so red wouldn’t have bothered most people but it mortified me. Unfortunately it kept me from showing up to practices and I would shield my face during races. So sad. Luckily it’s better now. The redness and the self esteem ; D.
10. I am addicted to Instagram. My hands shake if I don’t check it every now and then. But do not fear friends…acceptance is the first step to recovery and I am setting limits. I will be well soon! But seriously though, I love looking at pictures! I need to be better at taking them though ha! I love to see beautiful photos and dream about the places in them, the makeup used on shoots, clothing, seasons, memories….I LOVE that we live in a world where we can capture time!!!

11. I am an EATER!!!!! Seriously, I have very few foods I don’t like to eat.  My mom said I got my first tooth when I was only 3 months old. I’d like to think it was to get going with eating solids already! These, however, are foods I shy away from: Chili, bean with bacon soup, split pea soup, sweet potatoes (gag) and until recently enchiladas. My friend Sheryl made them whilst I was visiting her in Texas and I loved them!!!! Seriously She, I loved them!!! Some of my fav foods (how much time do you have?) are Borsh (there is and never should be a “T” on the end of that word), salmon with mashed potatoes and asparagus, monte cristo sandwiches, cream of pumpkin soup, salted fish salads from Russia, Chinese food and sushi! My heart may be breaking a tiny bit thinking about all these foods and having my poor mouth hurt from the dentist *sniff*. Look at it, all hail the Monte Cristo!!!! I’ll have to share the best recipe with you soon!!!
12. Speaking of Sheryl, she helped me with this one. She says to put that I get horribly car sick (true story) but I’m hilarious on Dramamine (also a true story). I hardly EVER take medicine because it affects me so easily. Let’s just say there was a road trip, I was on it, she was on it and one other friend, I took Dramamine, they laughed. End scene.
13. I sing/speak more than I actually speak. This is a realization others had to convince me of. When faced with it, I denied it, then everyone broke into song with MY very own words. It happens a lot while I am doing makeup so lucky you if I’m workin on ya…or I’m sorry.
14. I feel ANY situation in life can relate to FRIENDS and I quote the show often, very often!
15. I adooooooooooore reading. My dad used to read to us all the time and from his love of books, came my love of books. I get sad when I’m finished with a really good story because I feel I am parting ways with the characters I have grown to love. It’s like, can’t they just live on in a reality series that I watch every day??? Is it too much to ASK??? I would much rather turn pages than read on a computer or listen to an audio book. Unless it’s the guy that reads the Harry Potter series. He is a GENIUS!!!! I’ve already told you guys about the AMAZING book club I just joined. You must check out all the details from our most recent meeting including the menu and recipes!!! Click here to see.

16. I love my friends and would do anything for them.  I don’t have a “type” of friend that I get along with best because I like being friends with EVERYone! I invite everyone to parties because I love people. Chances are, if I know you, I consider you a friend and would do anything to help you out. Unless you are mean or don’t get along well with others (how many times must we learn about this type of person on the Bachelor/ette to NOT choose them?). If not, come on by for cocoa and a nice chat!
17. I have sweaty hands….OH THE EMBARRASSMENT!!!!!!! I would let NONE of my boyfriends hold my hands…ever! My husband sometimes grabs my hand, doesn’t let go, then says sweetly right into my eyes,”I don’t care. Never have, never will.” He melts my heart. I think it’s gross. My brother also likes to remind me that I sweat on my face if I eat anything too spicy….thanks Jason.

18. I danced for MTV when I lived in Southern California. We opened up local clubs, danced back up for up and coming artists and appeared on a show called Global Grooves. We danced on the set of that 70’s show, in front of the Hollywood sign and at the Santa Monica Pier. Super fun, but alas a looooong time ago.
19. I am a morning person AND a night owl. I’ve often been asked, since I don’t drink coffee or caffeine, how I wake myself up in the morning….well, a good dance party with an exceptional shimmie never hurt anyone right?
20. I have never tasted a Coke in my life (gasps from women in Utah). Nor do I plan on it. Like I said, no caffeine for me hence me never planning on it. Back in the day I was a Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew girl. I smelled it once and thought it smelled nasty.