Make It Mondays

Make It Mondays

Sooooooo let’s chat shall we? I remember when I used to come onto this lovely blog of mine constantly. Uploading videos, telling stories and having fun with it all. As time progressed I found it harder and harder to be consistent. Editing videos takes a super long time and is a little draining after a while for me. I still want to make them, don’t get me wrong! Maybe just not as frequently. Then Periscope hit the scene for me. I loved the idea of sharing content and answering questions LIVE! No more editing!!! It was fantastic!!! I have found that it is much easier to be consistent on there as well as IG. SO, if you are not already following me on those platforms and would like to, you can find me under the name @classycozmetics (yes the z is intentional so make sure to type it in correctly) ;). 
I have started doing a series called “Make It Mondays” on Periscope where I share some of my FAVORITE recipes. Tried and true, these will NOT let you or your family down!!! I do warn you though….I am not always a “lean” cook and love comfort foods. Maybe you’ll be able to make these meals once a month to keep that girlish figure LOL…..I’ve lost mine already ha! Since these are recipes that I have used a bunch, I have tweaked them for the ultimate flavor payoff and you can’t find them on Pinterest (till I make it happen). Ones that we have already made are: my famous sausage lasagna, the BEST garlic parmesan chicken and bean muck…..I PROMISE it’s better than it sounds LOL. Today we will be learning my favorite recipe for jambalaya. Oh my word my mouth is watering just thinking about it!!! I usually like to scope in the mornings for these so that you can learn and make it later that night. Come and join us!!!! Just download the app and search for my name in the search bar and you are set. Be sure you notifications are on so that you get a little whistle when I am live.
Super Heroes UNITE!!!

Super Heroes UNITE!!!

When sweet little B told me he wanted to be Superman for his birthday I was blown back, literally. I think I was crouching down to hear his ideas, he sat on my unstable lap and I fell…..but had TONS of ideas hit me all at once that THAT could have been the reason too!!! Oh the ideas for all of the things they would do, eat, learn etc. I think he told me this at the beginning of June and by mid July I was ready to throw him the best super hero bash that I could muster. Both of the boys have about a bazillion dress up clothes (very manly) so their costumes were taken care of. Mine? I can’t ever get a super hero girl costume that isn’t smutty and totally immodest, so I knew I would have to use existing clothes and just modify them a touch. The boys were more than willing to help me so I had them draw, then cut out white stars for my skirt. I made the cuffs out of tin foil and this amazing headband (Pinterest inspired) out of thick sheets of felt and an obliging headband. I LOVE how it all came together!!!

We decided to have all the kids come as super heroes and told them to be ready for training. First we had a laser course set up in the basement (genius idea on my part since I didn’t want the upper levels of the house to get trashed). They needed to rescue poor, defenseless animals and bring them back to safety.

 I love this pic of my oldest. It looks like he’s got awesome dance moves he’s bustin out LOL!!!

The animals brought back to safety!!! And for being such good rescuers, each hero got a Superhero Sucker =).

 Next, each hero needed to work on their x-ray vision by seeing how close they could pin on Superman’s cape. This was super fun since all of them got pretty dizzy lol.

When the kids were done with their suckers, we went out for a refresher course…flight school! Each kid (I only chose a few of the nine kids that were there so I wouldn’t have a nine page post)

I seriously loved these and was pretty impressed with some of their poses =D. My oldest really wanted to be a trainer for one of the rotations and I told him what I had planned and that he could do whatever he wanted that we hadn’t already done. He was SO excited to be Captain America and thought the best thing he could do would be to teach them how to throw his shield. The back of these boxes are pretty random but this kid colored paper to make them look like bricks on the front so kids could bash through them with the shield!!! Genius….and SO bugged I didn’t get a pic of the front! But here are some of the more awesome throws after he taught them some tricks =).

The evil mastermind that has been threatening our fair city seemed to have snuck in during this last activity and planted BOMBS all over the grass!!! Luckily as soon as I told the heroes about this, they were ON it and squashed all of them in NO time!!!

 After all water balloons….I mean, bombs were safely squashed we thought we might take a break……until……

 The evil villain has been SPOTTED!!!! Aaaaaaand he may have borrowed things from the hostess he didn’t ask for (insert me blushing that nine innocent children are about to see my husband in MY unmentionables!!!!)

 He came out of nowhere and challenged all the super heroes!

Little did he know that I had already armed our heroes with all they would need to take him down.

 And were they EVER ready for the challenge!!!

 Down villain, DOWN!!!

Birthday boy’s turn.
With the villain defeated, in jail and the city safe again, it was time to take a much needed rest and replenish with some yummy refreshments.

 Invisible Punch will always give you a boost of electrolytes (and not be sticky lol).

 B’s fav snack is Cheetos so I knew this was a must. I printed out comic pages on our printer, made funnels and filled them with said snack.

 Kryptonite Krispies were a hit! Even Superman was able to eat these since I mixed up the ingredients a bit to leave out Kryptonite =).

 Cake colors were picked out by the birthday boy so, of course, it was blue frosting, red cake mix and sprinkles with the same colors.

Love that curl in the front!
Here are a few more extras from the party including set up, goodie bags, presents and a mini photo booth set up for everyone to pose! We had such a good time and can’t wait for further adventures next year!

 To make decorating more manageable, I sectioned off a smaller part of the basement and started making my faux buildings.

 These were all around the basement and looked like the skyline of Gotham City =).

Had a few of these hanging from the ceiling with fishing line.

Love how these goody bags turned out. SO much fun to make!!!
Home Tour Kitchen, Mud & Laundry Room

Home Tour Kitchen, Mud & Laundry Room

Now I know you guys asked me FOREVER ago to do this so I apologize but here is the first part =). I would always try to shoot a room or two but then it would e time to get the kids, time to eat, errands to run etc. I’m so glad I got up, got ready, cleaned this area and had time to get it on film. My house really isn’t anything that amazing or ornate but we sure do love the memories we make here so it makes it amazing for us. Nothing will be as important in life as what you do and teach within the walls of your own home. Make it one that is simple, elegant, big, small, whatever, but full of love =). Welcome to our home!


Sadly the time elapsed for our winner to claim her Norwex rags so I had to choose a new winner. That should come as GREAT news to the rest of you!!! Okay, so I put the numbers into and here is the new winner!!!!

Please oh pleeeeaaaase contact me so that I can send you your fabulous rags that you are just going to LOVE!!!!! Congrats =).

Norwex Winner!!!

Norwex Winner!!!

Thank you to everyone for participating in our Norwex rag giveaway!!! What a great response to such a wonderful product. I, myself, am having a Norwex social soon to share with more friends and family these great products. LOVE them! =) Okay, onto the winner. Many were called, ONE was chosen. That person is {drumroll please}
Congratulations, you have just one two Norwex cloths of your very own!!! You are going to love the way they clean, disinfect and wash all of your makeup off! Please contact me via email within 48 hours to claim your prize and to give me shipping information. If I have not heard from you within that time frame I will have to choose another winner (so please email me!) =). Stay tuned everyone for more giveaways and more makeup posts. Hugs!!!
Norwex And A Giveaway!!!!!

Norwex And A Giveaway!!!!!

Have you heard of Norwex? Am I the first to tell you about it? I hope so (giggle) =D. I happen to love Norwex products and have seen the rags in action many times. I own a few and can’t wait to get more! They last forever and are SUPER effective at cleaning everything. The first time I was introduced to them I was super skeptical. I mean, really? A rag that can clean with just water and can disinfect itself within 24 hours? Sounds too good to be true right? RIGHT! Fast forward to NOW and I am convinced. What were the key factors in my conversion you ask? Well! 1. At my first party I took the challenge to wash all my makeup off with just water… WORKED!!! (I had even done a super smokey eye that day) and 2. (prepare yourself) Raw chicken was rubbed on the counter (gross) then swabbed so we could see the bacteria. Then it was cleaned with a Norwex rag (using only water) and swabbed again…CLEAN!!!! No bacteria, nothing!!! I love that I can give them to my son to wash toilets and not have to worry about chemicals. I can hang it to dry and in 24 hours it’s ready to use again. I know, I know that sounds disGUSTing but I saw a cloth that had been used a ton swabbed and it was clean! Seeing is believing ladies. Click here to see and also watch the video below on how I wash my makeup off with the body rag.  

I buy mine from the lovely Kara who is always available to answer questions or help me out with my purchases. Not just because she is a consultant and amazing but she also happens to be a dear friend. I feel good handing you over to her to get your rags too =). Now here is my FAVORITE part!!! One lucky reader will win a body cloth and the suede face cloth!!!!!
Here is how to enter:

  1. You must be a follower of Classy Cosmetics and be 18 years or older to enter
  2. Go to Kara’s site and check out all of the products and comment back here on what product excites you the most! (her button is also on the right hand sidebar)
  3. Follow Kara’s Norwex FB page 
*Optional but will give you more entries*
  1. Follow me on FB
  2. Follow me on Twitter
  3. Follow me on Youtube
  4. Like this video on Youtube
  5. Share this on your own blog, FB or on any other social media site (entry for each site)

Comment here every time you complete one of the mandatory or optional “tasks”. Each comment equals an entry. If you decide to purchase other products from Kara’s site, that equals 5 entries. Any comments not adhering to the rules will be deleted. The contest will begin….NOW lol and end this Friday May 10th at 12 midnight MST. Good luck everyone!!!

Crafty Crafty

Crafty Crafty

Hi there! Are you ready for an unconventional post? YES??? Great cuz here comes one ; D. I am not a crafting queen per say but I sure do love doing it. I love stalking Pinterest for the next great idea to make my home more beautiful and more me. The holidays seem to make me go on a craft OVERload and I happen to LOVE it!!! I hosted a party last night and had SO much fun putting together giveaways and getting the house all “dressed up”. I am thinking of doing a house tour since some of you have asked about our new home. It makes me feel good that you guys remember what’s going on in my life and express interest so here’s a big MMMUUUUAAAAHHHH to all of you for being so sweet =). In this video I talk about apothecary jar making, Halloween wreaths, what to do with styrofoam balls, treat bags, paper pin wheels and a few more odds and ends =). Here are a few pics of the things I made and the decor around the house. Enjoy! Let me know if you would want to see more of these crafty videos sprinkled in with makeup how tos.

The finished ghosts

darling yet spooky jugs of poison


 pens disguised as straws from the dollar tree

fun paper pinwheels

a warning to all

subway art above the cabinetry

apothecary jars

the other side ; )

Trick or Treat banner going up the stairs

fun table display in the entryway

The doors to Kevin’s office (lots of taping newspapers went into this one)

also right outside Kev’s office

our bed with the cute pillow I bought from Shelley

side table in the living room

Sick Girl

Sick Girl

Can I please tell you how amAZING New York was??? I absolutely loved every second of it and am so glad that we were able to go! Sadly upon our return I got very sick and I just couldn’t function…enter the doctor saying I have strep. I have personally never been through this torturous illness before and am sorry to say I AM A WIMP!!!!! I have been in bed with no energy, feeling sore enough to think that maybe I have just run a marathon (go me!) and not able to even take care of my little boys. Thankfully I have a hubby that is 100% amazing and can occasionally work from home. Have you ever been through this awfulness? What made YOU feel better? HELP!!!!! *sniff* = (