A touch of class with a side of laughs! Halloween has my heart, Disneyland was my home, makeup is my medium, & the garden is my escape. Welcome!


Brow Lesson From the Glow

Brow Lesson From the Glow

Here is beauty wisdom from the Glow {dot} com to make sure we all are sporting amazing brows. My comments are in red =). The right eyebrow shape not only visually lifts and opens your eyes, it also polishes your entire look. The best method for DIY brow shaping is...

Lash Out

Lash Out

The Daily Glow is a website I love to peruse through. It gives great tips and tricks for a well rounded healthy lifestyle. When I find something that I think is just fabulous I tuck it away and bring it to you on Monday. I've always heard of the stigma surrounding...



And now a word from our sponsors at SHABBY APPLE. Right now you can get 20% off accessories!!! What will YOU be wearing new in 2012? I have to say that I am absolutely in LOVE with the skirt I just recently purchased there! It's perfectly high waisted and fits like a...

Who’s Your Favorite?

Who’s Your Favorite?

American Idol is under way for it's next season and from what I hear there seems to be no lack of talent....and humiliation. I have long since stopped watching the show but LOVE to blast the radio on long and short car rides and belt it out with my favorite singers....

Hair Resolutions

Hair Resolutions

A somewhat silly video of me and my ambitions for hair in the new year. Anyone that knows me knows that I am AWFUL and always putting my hair back in a bun or a ponytail. Alas no more, my friends, I will truly be attempting to be better in every way at the anomaly...

Reese Witherspoon (& a red lip)

Reese Witherspoon (& a red lip)

I had a request from Ashley for a Reese Witherspoon look and also a red lip tutorial. I kind of just put them both together since they came from the same person =). You can also watch it in HD!!!!!!! SO much better quality. Click play and where you see the numbers...

My Flawless Face Routine (updated)

My Flawless Face Routine (updated)

With a few simple steps you can achieve a flawless looking face. Remember that the best way to HAVE a flawless face is to drink lots of water, wash your face everyday and have a skin care regime free of toxins. Look out for Parabyns and PEGs in your products. Lessen...

Coastal Scents SALE!

Coastal Scents SALE!

Have you been debating whether or not to get the 88 palette from Coastal Scents? Do you already have it but want to try out their blushes, lip colors, BRUSHES, or concealers? NOW is the time to act!!! Jordan, a lovely Classy reader, was kind enough to pass on the news...