A touch of class with a side of laughs! Halloween has my heart, Disneyland was my home, makeup is my medium, & the garden is my escape. Welcome!


the Girl On Fire

the Girl On Fire

This is NOT the makeup that Katniss wore on the chariot rather makeup inspired by the whole event. The jet black cape, the fire blazing behind them, warm colors. It really was such a good movie and this was what I imagined in my head as the makeup that would tell the...

My Shmesh

My Shmesh

I feel so blessed in this life to have such wonderful friends {insert big red heart}. They inspire me, lift me up when I am sad and encourage me when I need to get back up and try again. We laugh together, cry together and make silly and lasting memories. Today I feel...

My Fav Sigma Brushes

My Fav Sigma Brushes

Sigma has some of the most affordable brushes and I love the quality. I use them in countless videos and have had SO many people ask me about them and which ones are my favorite. I figured that I can tell all of you in one mass post =). I would have to say first and...

Effie Trinket

Effie Trinket

May the odds be ever in your favor ; ) Effie Trinket (Elizabeth Banks) was SO fun to watch in the Hunger Games. Have you seen it? Wasn't it great? I know there were things they could have done better or parts I would have liked to see but on the whole SO great!!! I...

How To Choose the Right Concealer

How To Choose the Right Concealer

Right from {} comes Dr. Jessica Wu's strategies on how to choose the right concealer. Try not to "conceal" your excitement as you read on HA! ; ) My patients often ask me which concealer they should be using. The answer is, It depends on your skin type,...

JC Photography Winner

JC Photography Winner

Thank you to all those that entered our fabulous JC Photography giveaway! I am so pleased to have them as a sponsor and just adore Janelle as an individual =). Of course only one person is allowed to win so let's get to announcing shall we??? And {remember when...

Arsenic and Old Lace

Arsenic and Old Lace

Hey there whipper snappers!!!! LOL So I am doing the makeup for a production in Salt Lake called Arsenic and Old Lace. It's a comedy about these little old ladies that lure old men into their B&B and end up killing them. I know it doesn't SOUND like a comedy but...

JC Photography & A Giveaway! {CLOSED}

JC Photography & A Giveaway! {CLOSED}

 You know when things are just meant to be? Like when jelly met peanut butter, lobster met butter, mayo met everything {sorry Russia moment}...notice all things with me are about food LOL. Well that is how I felt when I was stopping by a friend's house, minding...

Guuuueeessss What IIIIII’m Up tooooo?

Guuuueeessss What IIIIII’m Up tooooo?

This is just a practice run of Miss Effie herself. I am SO excited to see the movie and have scored some tickets the day before it opens!!! I'll be seeing the preview on the 22nd at 7pm and am just SO giddy =). My husband hasn't read the books but is happy to tag...