Cooking With Classy: Breakfast Burritos

Cooking With Classy: Breakfast Burritos

This recipe has to be one of the top if not THE top requested dinners in our family. I don’t know why but breakfast dinners aaalllllways sound good to me! Again. I am not the leanest of cooks….or girls lol, so this may be a meal that you can cook sparingly if you are watching the scale. The “innards” as we lovingly refer to them freeze beautifully so that you can just grab them out for a quick meal. Okay, let’s get out all of our ingredients.
– flour tortillas (any size and however many to feed the fam that night)
– 1 lb Jimmy Dean Sausage (natural with no MSG)
– 4 cups frozen tater tots
– 6 eggs
– 2 tbsp sour cream
– 4 cups shredded cheese divided (I use Cheddar)
– 6 slices bacon (I use Costco’s precooked bacon)
– 2 Tbsp Oil (I use avocado oil)
– mayonnaise (optional….but encouraged lol)
Preheat oven and cook tots according to package directions (you may also use hashbrowns if desired).
 I always do this first because tots can take quite a bit more time than the rest of the ingredients.
When those are about half way done, start to brown up your Jimmy Dean sausage.
In a mixing bowl combine eggs, sour cream and a 1/4 cup of the shredded cheese and mix well. Transfer into pan and cook just like normal scrambled eggs.
As your sausage is cooking, microwave bacon then slice up and add to the sausage.
Once eggs are done, add them to the meat mixture and blend.
In a bowl crunch up cooked tater tots and add to the innard mixture. If I am cooking for a large group and KNOW that I will be using up every last bit of innards, I add the rest of the cheese (more if desired) to the mix. If I know it will go into the fridge or freezer I skip this step.
Assemble burritos my spreading the thinnest amount of mayonnaise (optional) on tortilla to help the mixture stay together. Spoon innards inside, top with cheese (if you didn’t add it to the mixture) and roll. Pre-assemble all burritos and place on a plate.
In a separate pan pour in oil of choice and coat pan well.
Fry up them burritos and enjoy!!! I like to use a lil sour cream to dip each bite in…..remember I didn’t say it was lean lol!
Now the innards will make a total of about 12 large burritos and about 16 small burritos if using the smaller tortillas. I usually only make one burrito per person since they can be quite filling and freeze the rest of the innards. One other great meal that you can make with this is breakfast quesadillas. Pour oil in your hot pan, place one tortilla down, place some cheese down, spoon in mixture, top with a little more cheese and the second tortilla and flip when its ready. Super yummy!
There are so many things you can add to these delicious morsels.
– green onions
– white or yellow onions
– sweet peppers
– tomatoes
Hope you guys enjoy this as much as we do!
Cooking With Classy: Bean Muck

Cooking With Classy: Bean Muck

I have had sooooo many requests for this simple and somewhat silly meal that I just had to finally get it all down in writing. I say silly because it is just so ridiculously simple yet the kiddos LOVE it!!!!! Okay, here’s what you need:
 1 jar of salsa, any kind and temp you like.
image Your Home Based Mom
 3 of your fav beans (. Here’s a lil tip. I use two cans of non flavored beans i.e. black and kidney drained, and then for some sweetness, I add a can of flavored baked beans, not drained). You can do a can of pork and beans or honey flavored, whatever suites you. I you want to just use three cans of unflavored beans I would just recommend adding about a 1/4 (or less) cup of brown sugar for sweetness.
 MEAT! You can always omit this if you are an herbivore ; ) but we love our meat! I have done either a lb of chicken or a lb of seasoned hamburger meat.
Shredded cheese….and this you can use as much of or as little as you’d like.
I must insist that THIS is the right way to eat Bean Muck and that THESE are the chips you must use LOL!!! Okay, do what you want but I promise your taste buds will SING and dance when you scoop with the Fritos Scoops rather than any other chip or using a spoon.
Here are some extras that you can add to the “mix” if your family wants:
fresh onions
green onion
olives (we use the kind below for it’s clean ingredients)
Now for the easy part, how to cook it all. There are a few different options on how to add the meat based on your schedule. Set your crockpot to low (6-8 hrs) add frozen chicken and all the other ingredients besides the cheese (and chips). Add the cheese about 20 min before serving (or until melted) and serve hot.
Your other option is to add everything to the crock pot (besides the cheese and chips), then cook up and season your meat before mixing it into the “muck”. Still add the cheese about 20 min before serving. 
You can cook this quickly on the stove top as well if you cook up your meat separately and just add everything together till hot.
This is a great meal to bring to someone that just had a baby, is blue or had surgery and it freezes really well. It yields quite a bit too so I like to have tortillas on hand so the next day I can use the innards for burritos…mmmmm. Always good to have a meal that can help you out twice! 
xoxo Jen 
Cooking With Classy: Chicken Pot Pie

Cooking With Classy: Chicken Pot Pie

This scrumptious meal has become a go to comfort food dinner for our family. The boys love it and mom loves the fact that they are eating their veggies =). This recipe is from with a few “Jen” tweaks in there. Below the pie is shown just before baking and before I put the second pie crust on top. Hope you enjoy it!
 Here are just a few of the scrumptious ingredients you’ll find in this flaky amazing pie.
 I took a screen shot from so I’m sure the sale on chicken maaaaaaay have already expired LOL. Sorry for the tease =). One of my tweaks is that I use chicken breast and I add a few thighs in there for a more rich flavor. Also, if you know me, then you know that every time a recipe calls for bouillon, I use organic, reduced sodium Better Than Bouillon. You can find a nice big jar at Costco and it is WORTH every penny (not that it’s too terribly expensive). If you also want to add potatoes into the mix then by all MEANS do so!!!! I love me some good potatoes. Just make sure to boil them for about 20 min and then add them to the other veggies so that they cook long enough.
Now here’s the “how to” for everything. Super yummy and kid approved! Add a side salad and you are really getting your kids veggies in, which is awesome!!! Let me know what you think ; ).
Cooking With Classy: Jambalaya Y’all

Cooking With Classy: Jambalaya Y’all

Okay, here is what we made for Make It Monday and I have to tell you….I am obSESSED with this recipe. Forever and a day ago my husband worked for a company called Melaleuca and he was over the south district. He was able to go and visit many of those that he mentored and one of the sweet ladies gave him this recipe for jambalaya. If I could meet this woman and hug her forever….I would! There are very few things that I’ve changed about it (I’m a tweaker). Ready to die from an explosion of flavor in your mouth???? Okay, here goes!
Here’s the recipe card in the woman’s own handwriting…seriously a treasure! Instead of vegetable oil, I use either olive or avocado oil. For the chicken broth, I only EVER use Better Than Bouillon that you can find at Walmart or Costco:
And for the sausage I get this kind. There are a few that saw “beef” smoked sausage but do NOT be fooled…THIS is the sausage you are looking for ; ).
And the last thing is that I don’t put in as much cayenne pepper as it calls for. I do just a dash but I have it out on the dinner table in case someone wants more.  To make this even creamier (and just PROMISE you’ll try it before you knock it) add just a touch of mayo to your bowl and mix. This goes great with garlic french bread too! Enjoy everyone and let me know how it turns out for you!
Make It Mondays

Make It Mondays

Sooooooo let’s chat shall we? I remember when I used to come onto this lovely blog of mine constantly. Uploading videos, telling stories and having fun with it all. As time progressed I found it harder and harder to be consistent. Editing videos takes a super long time and is a little draining after a while for me. I still want to make them, don’t get me wrong! Maybe just not as frequently. Then Periscope hit the scene for me. I loved the idea of sharing content and answering questions LIVE! No more editing!!! It was fantastic!!! I have found that it is much easier to be consistent on there as well as IG. SO, if you are not already following me on those platforms and would like to, you can find me under the name @classycozmetics (yes the z is intentional so make sure to type it in correctly) ;). 
I have started doing a series called “Make It Mondays” on Periscope where I share some of my FAVORITE recipes. Tried and true, these will NOT let you or your family down!!! I do warn you though….I am not always a “lean” cook and love comfort foods. Maybe you’ll be able to make these meals once a month to keep that girlish figure LOL…..I’ve lost mine already ha! Since these are recipes that I have used a bunch, I have tweaked them for the ultimate flavor payoff and you can’t find them on Pinterest (till I make it happen). Ones that we have already made are: my famous sausage lasagna, the BEST garlic parmesan chicken and bean muck…..I PROMISE it’s better than it sounds LOL. Today we will be learning my favorite recipe for jambalaya. Oh my word my mouth is watering just thinking about it!!! I usually like to scope in the mornings for these so that you can learn and make it later that night. Come and join us!!!! Just download the app and search for my name in the search bar and you are set. Be sure you notifications are on so that you get a little whistle when I am live.
Magic Kingdom Meet Up and Cents Of Style

Magic Kingdom Meet Up and Cents Of Style

Left to right Jen from Elevate Everyday, Jocelyn from HaggleKat, Abbey from the Butter Half, me, Jenna from Hello Fab, Megan from E. Interiors Design
This last weekend was an absolute dream. About a month ago I joined the fabulous world known as Periscope and have been so astonished at the community I have found on there. Women building each other up, sharing thoughts on everything from food photography to hair tutorials to advice on children and motherhood. One of these amazing gals, Jenna from the Hello Fab Blog (to my left, or your right) invited a few of us bloggers to do a Magic Kingdom Meet Up at Disneyland. We would meet followers and give away fabulous prizes. I was SO excited…I mean, my favorite place, with amazing girls and my sweet mom would even be flying down to be with me. The time came to choose my sponsor and there was one shop that stood out in my mind. 
I have known Courtney Brown (neon top/white skirt), the CEO of Cents Of Style, now for a year having done her makeup multiple times and have grown to admire her and I consider her a wonderful friend. Her mission with her company is to empower women to lead bold and full lives. To feel that they are capable of anything and should be able to do it while looking great! The feelings I have gotten from these amazing women on Periscope and the goal of Cents Of Style…it was a perfect fit! 
Their tribe bracelets have my heart…and my wrist. I love that there are SO many sayings that you can combine countless thoughts and motivators for yourself each day. I’ve had times where I want to really work on being a better mom so I wear the combo “Be the Good” to remind myself to be patient and kind, and “Be Here Now” so that I can remember to not be looking at any type of screen when my time with them is so precious. I love the “Get It Girl”, “Be Brave” & “Be Bold” for when I am walking into a situation I want to ROCK! They are great to mix and match and come in rose gold, silver and gold. LOVE them and I knew one lucky winner would love them too. Because it was a giveaway at Disneyland I chose “Believe” and “Be The Good” for our winner. How perfect??? Not only that, but they received a $50 gift card to get whatever else their little heart desired! I have soooo many shirts from their site, skirts, bows, jewelry. I really am obsessed!
Now how about some rides??? Being 6 1/2 months preggo I stuck with a lot of the kiddie rides and I wasn’t sad about it at all! Here we are, Jen Squared at Disneyland…because her name is Jen too…oh you got that already? You guys are so smart! ; D
Love these blogger babes! Sweet Jacque from Looks For Lovelies came up to visit us from San Diego and Jen’s partner in crime Summer came to tag along too! It was so great seeing them again and having them meet my cute mom.
Here’s one of our lucky winners with her darling brother. Congrats Heather!!! You seriously need to check out this babe’s story on IG (find it here). She’s kind of my hero right now!
Another Scope Sister, Abbey from the Butter Half blog. Her food, photography and puns are just too much! Love her!!!
Thank you Hello Fab for pulling this together and for Cents Of Style for being a sponsor for this wonderful event!
Magic Kingdom Meet-Up

Magic Kingdom Meet-Up

Who else gets down right GIDDY and can’t contain a smile when they see pictures from Disneyland??? It is my happy place, it is my favorite place to go, I miss it like crazy and GUESS WHAT????? I am heading there soon to meet all of YOU!!!!! This is just a teaser to let you know some BIG things are coming and some amazing giveaways can be yours!!!! If you are in Southern California…or you don’t mind taking a drive to the Happiest Place On EARTH then set your calendars for March 11th. More details to come….but are you salivating yet?????? I may be jumping up and down….baby bump included….and clapping my hands. Stay close, and don’t forget to follow me on all social media platforms so you don’t miss any details!!! MUAH!
Elcie Foundation Review

Elcie Foundation Review

This was the foundation that Jaclyn Hill described as “the best foundation of 2015”. That’s quite the statement….let’s check it out! Sadly, I got the wrong color….I swear I’m a makeup artist = /, so I haven’t been able to wear it on a consistent basis. But no worries!!! I have ordered the correct one and I’ll be able to use it a lot more =). What is your favorite foundation?
Smokey Glam

Smokey Glam

All products used listed down below.
Here’s the smokey eye with nothing on the bottom. No liner, shadow or mascara.
Here it is with the liner, shadow and mascara on the bottom. The top three pictures is using Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick “Outlaw” and Mac’s Mineralized Skin Finish in “Soft & Gentle” dapped on the lower lip, just in the center.
Here’s the ame smokey brown eye with Rimmel’s “Eastend Snob” lipliner, MAC lipstick in “Please Me” and a dap of MAC Prolongwear gloss in “Patience Please” on the center of the lower lip.
Hope you guys enjoyed it and I’ll talk to you soon! If you want to chat live, follow me on Periscope under @classycozmetics or follow me on IG, also under @classycozmetics.

Products from video: