Jen’s Britney Look

Jen’s Britney Look

Here is one of my subscribers Jen doing the Britney tutorial. I LOVE the soft colored lip and the shape you did on your eyes is amazing. What colors did you use? Was it the Elf brand? What mascara too? Tell us, tell us!!!!! =)



Jen has brought to my attention that ELF makeup is only a buck-a-shadow!!! I did some looking and you can buy these at Big Lots…go figure, Target, and Big Kmart stores. I will be going out next week to get some and using the UDPP and some MAC paintpots to see how well they stay. If you go to their website (that I have posted on the side) you can see the many colors that they offer and at only a BUCK…. how can you go wrong??? They also have brushes that I will do a review on as well. =)

Makeup Bargain Alert!!!!!

Makeup Bargain Alert!!!!!

All hail to Kelie!!!!! She has found a KILLER deal at Kohls for a limited time makeup set. It is $25 for the whole thing and has quite a few colors. Kelie brings up a common problem:

I have been following your blog for a month or so now and I love it. I have tried a few of the tutorials and I really like it, my only problem is the whole color issue. I don’t have a whole lot of them in any brand so I have been using what I have. It is still fun. I found a little secret that I am going to check out and most likely buy. It is at Kohls so people can buy in the store or online. I thought it might help you with telling us what colors to use or even so more of us will have the colors you use. I love your blog and hope this will help.

Go get it ladies!!!! This is a steal and will give you many of the colors you need for tutorials and is a great way to start or enhance your makeup collection on a budget!!!!

Contest Update!!!!!

Okay, because Halloween is on Friday and our contest is a Halloween look start submitting!!!!! Let it begin =). The first Classy Cosmetics Contest…say that five times fast….whew!!! Now those of you that know me know that I take things too hard when my expectations get the better of me. In other words, it will REALLY make me sad if I don’t get any entries. I am just bubbling with excitement so send your pictures OR videos to by Thursday and we will announce our winner on Halloween!!!!! By giving me your picture, just know that it may be posted for others to enjoy. Voting is based on scientific methods, which means my 3 year old will decide….J/K. Get going, send them in, and the winner will get MAC shadows!!!!!!!!! Any Questions? =) I’m excited.

Just Wondering

Most of you have voted for a Halloween look for our contest. Unless something DRASTIC happens, that will probably be our theme..THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN!!!!! Just wondering though, how many of you will actually SUBMIT a look? Picture me with my skeptical face cuz I’m a wearin it =). To submit, have a picture of your scariest, funniest, most wacky, or original Halloween face sent to Voting will then commence, and a winner will be named!!! Leave your contact info in the email so that I can call you to get your fav colors and I will award you with three MAC colors!!!!! When we get bigger as a blog we will have other companies donating prizes. Asking again…..who will submit??? =)



So remember that I LOVE craft store paint brushes? Remember how I have encouraged you ALL to go out and get Maxine’s Mop? Remember how Maxine is a friend of my Mother-In-Law’s? Okay, enough of the remembers…I MET HER!!!!!! Let me just say that she is spunky, fun and FaBuLoUs!!!!! She was teaching a painting workshop out where my M-I-L also teaches so I went out there…and maybe I was a geek and got her to sign my brushes….and I was able to tell her about the blog and how we all love her brushes. I made sure to only use her brushes that morning too…I really am a nerd =). She was absolutely tickled and will be visiting the blog =). Isn’t she lovely?

Easy Everyday Looks

Here are some every day, I don’t have a ton of time looks. They are great for blue and green eyes and will pop on dark skin as well. Enjoy!!! I look like I’m saying, “Oh BOY!!!!!”

Colors Used:
– Rust Color
– Peach Pigment
– Cream (brow bone)
– Bronze Cream Base