Coming Soon…….

Coming Soon…….

My camera is being dumb. I have two tutorials just waiting to post but it isn’t working!!!!! Husband to the rescue!!!!!! He said that he will devote his afternoon to the cause =). The blue green look on the girl below is the Manish Arora Tutorial and I will do the purple and the orange look soon. I have another spin on it that I am trying to post right now too. Coming soon……

First Gig

First Gig

For darling Miss L and A we came up with some fierce looks for their 18th birthday parties. The theme was “Beauty and the Geek” where the girls were beautiful and obviously the guys dressed up nerdy =). They wanted fun smoky colors and by golly that is what they GOT!!!! If you are in the Portland area and want to book a prom “look” email me and we’ll hook you up!!!! =) Aren’t they gOrGeOuS?????

Answers For Becky =)

Answers For Becky =)

Great questions!!! To see what she asked, look at the comments under the last post. I LOVE the craft store brushes and recommend the Maxine’s Mop 1/4″ and the Mini Mop also from Maxine. The Mini Mop is PeRfEcT for doing shadow on the bottom lash line and the 1/4″ is comparable to the MAC #239 brush. When going to the department store, I would ask any of the girls to do your makeup!!!! Try not to ask on Friday or the weekend when they might be busier or all of a sudden Prom has come to town =). It seems Kev and I always decide to finally go out to eat and prom is going on…..annoying =). Make sure to tell them what you want and more importantly what you do NOT want. If you know that too much color looks AWEFUL on you to close to your eyebrows then TELL them!!! If you want to try something crazy, bring in a picture. Sometimes they will try to not go too crazy so that you will like it and maybe they don’t know that you are super adventurous and really did want something CRAZY!!! For the eyebrows, I went in with makeup done and really just had questions and asked her to show me the way to use the stencil. She took off what I had and did it for me…no charge!!! MAC girls are not commissions based but if one of them is helping you it is good etiquette to let them be the one to help you till you purchase. Try to choose someone who has makeup on that you actually like, maybe they could do that look on you. You can go with or without makeup because if they do your eyes then they can take whatever you have off. If you go to an actual MAC store, then you get your whole face done and you need to spend at least $50 for it.

Natural Look Tutorial

Natural Look Tutorial

I am so excited to bring you a new tutorial and quite frankly scared of this shot of me in the video. Am I trying out for American Idol??? This is the first time I have used this new camera so we will see how it works out for us =). Game for the day…how many times can Jen say soft, natural and beautiful all in one tutorial???

And We’re Back in Business!!!!!!!

And We’re Back in Business!!!!!!!

My DARLING husband called to surprise me today. He is bringing me home a laptop with a CAMERA!!!!!! First new tutorial will be tomorrow and I have SO many more to share!!!!!!! I have missed you guys =). Are you StOkEd or what?????

Did You See This Comment?

Codi made this comment under my tip about moisturizer. I think it is important for you all to hear =). Thanks Codi!!!!!

Ladies, this is something we address every time we do makeover events and finally Robert (the professional artist I work with) explained things in a way that completely made sense….
people with oily skin should definitely moisturize
#1: because all skin needs it and benefits from it
#2: and more importantly…. if you have oily skin and you’re not using moisturizer you are causing your skin to become even oilier. Why? Because your skin needs hydration and if it’s not getting it it will produce it own. Often when your skin has to compensate for your lack of moisturizing it will over-produce oil causing your oily skin situation to become even worse.
Also… what’s easier to repair? Damage caused from lack of hydration, or using a tissue or blotter to take a little bit of oil off your skin?
Just something to think about. Also… many people who think they are oily are actually not so make sure to go through the steps to really find out your skin type so you can treat it properly. If you need to ask a professional!