Holy Makeup Mac Girl!!!!!

Holy Makeup Mac Girl!!!!!

So I went to Cotten Candy Sugar Rush (link on the side) and LoVeD it. She shared these pictures of a girl she found that was also MADLY in love with makeup. These are not the only photos but WOW!!!!! Can you even imagine having all of this? My mouth is watering…maybe in about ten years mine will look like this =).

The Ghost of Posts Past

The Ghost of Posts Past

Here is another post that was from the past and I wanted to put it up again. This is not a RULE for what you HAVE to wear but see what your eye color is and go to the opposite color and that will be the one that will make your eyes stand out, pop even. Read on……..

It may be just me but I think it is SUPER important to know your color wheel. Especially when you want to create a new look. See how the colors opposite each other on the wheel are complimentary and can add drama to your eyes? Find your eye color on the wheel and go to the other side to see what would be best for you. Green eyes=REDS!!!! Maroons, pinks red-violet etc. Blue eyes=ORANGE!!!! Maybe not pure orange but anything that has an orange undertone would be AMAZING!!! Peaches, golds and corals with orange undertones. Brown eyes=BLUES!!! Even purples with blue undertones are amazing. Analogous colors are ones that are right next to each other and can also be used to create a complimentary look i.e. green, yellow green and yellow. Look at an orchid and see that it’s so beautiful and vivid because the purple and deeper purples are complimenting the yellows. Use one as a liner and the other two as a base and crease color or whatever you want. Now there are also split complimentary colors and triad colors but let’s just keep it simple =)….plus I don’t want to sound like a text book. Go and check them out!!!!!

For Katy =)

For Katy =)

The colors that I have in my blue palette are all colors from MAC. You can buy the eyeshadow in it a “pot” at the counters or get what is called a refill from an actual MAC store. The palette can also be purchased there and you can pick up to 15 colors to buy and put in there or take your time filling it. If you buy the eyeshadows at a MAC counter then I have a site on the side for you to show you how to get them “de-potted” and then they will fit in the palette. These are the colors I have (going across each row starting with the lime green): Bitter, Mink & Sable, Aquadisiac, Clarity, Star By Night, Swimming, Humid, Talent Pool, Electric Eel (better than Clarity to me), Chrome Yellow (LOVE!!!), Sumptuous Olive (exactly like Mink & Sable), Newly Minted, Tilt, Deep Truth (LOVE!!!) and Contrast (LOVE!!!). I definitly did not buy these all at once but have enjoyed buying shadows every now and then and building up my collection so that now I have an “only blue palette”…..obviously when I buy another blue the Chrome Yellow will HAVE to go somewhere else =). The colors that I bought at Khols also fit into these and I will most likely buy a MAC palette for them as well. Tutorial coming soon on Newly Minted!!!!!!

For Brooke =)

For Brooke =)

Now I recommend ALL of these colors for you but obviously you are going to pick just 3-4. They are: Bitter, Wedge, Deep Truth, Nehru, Blanc Type, Humid, Parfait Amour, Plum Dressing and Beautiful Iris. Go and see what ones you like and buy buy buy!!!! Tell me which ones you get and I will do a tutorial for you based on those colors. Have SO much fun and don’t be afraid to try the deeper colors, they will look GREAT with your brown eyes…TRUST me!!!

More Brush Holders!!!!

More Brush Holders!!!!

The first one comes to us from Krystle in California and the second from Nicole in Colorado. Krystle, I LoVe the shape of yours!!! Nicole, what did you use as a filler? It looks so sparkly and beautiful!!!!! That tall brush in the back Nicole and I got together. It is also a craft store find that can be used as a powder brush. How much do we all love the craft store??? =)
Rihanna People Magazine Cover

Rihanna People Magazine Cover

This is a request but has SO much more in it!!!!! Not only do I do my take on the Rihanna PEOPLE cover but I also teach about cheekbones for those of you wanting them =) and false eyelash application. I LoVe this look and am VERY pleased with how it all came together. I did forget to record the fact that I used Vanilla as my brow bone color, oops!!! Let me know what you think and if you see any other pictures you want me to recreate, let me know!!!!
My Must Have Brushes For Leigh Anne =)

My Must Have Brushes For Leigh Anne =)

Having purchased quite a few brushes good and bad these are my must haves starting from #1 most important on down. If you are just building up your brush supply then start at the top =)!!!

These are the brushes that I LOVE and use ALL the time. I have 2 #17s and the #239. The 239 can also be found at the craft store for only $4.95!!!!!!!!! It is not the same brush but just as good. It is the Maxine’s Mop 3/4″ Loew Cornell brand. I have also gotten my eyeliner brush (see below) and many more paint brushes there. See older post: Brushes Can Be Cheap.
Yeah Becky!!!

Yeah Becky!!!

Becky has made a gorgeous brush holder. Just look how easy it is to find the one you want and place it back in =). Remember after washing do not let them dry upwards like this!!! I feel the need to review older posts and that was one of them. Most of the handles are wood. Over time the water will drain down into them causing them to rot.