Thanks Mel!!!!!

Thanks Mel!!!!!

If you haven’t seen Mel’s comment under the fall look, she is letting all of us know about the brushes that MAC has on sale right now. The sets are $49.95 and there are three different ones to choose from. My friend Liv and I first got ours together about 3 years ago. WORTH EVERY PENNY!!!!!!! I was able to really see a difference using great brushes. They are trial sized brushes so quite a bit smaller as far as the handle is concerned but still great. Go see if you can still get a set!!!!!! GO!!!!!! =)
Fall Look

Fall Look

Here is Codi Code with a fabulous fall look. I am trying my HARDEST to get this girl to sit in front of a camera and do a tutorial for us all. It’ll happen, oh yes….it will happen.
Bridal Show!!!!!

Bridal Show!!!!!

Had so much fun as a guest of Alyssa Jul Photography at the Salem bridal show!!! Alyssa RoCkEd and even booked a wedding for Tahoe!!!! People loved jumping in their photo booth that her husband Corey made. If you know of anyone looking for a wedding photographer, this girl is GREAT. They also let you rent their photo booth for the reception. I was able to meet and speak with so many brides about their upcoming weddings. They were all so excited and happy, and why NOT right?!?!? Thanks for the memories of sneaking behind the booth to stuff our mouths full of Quiznos =) Alyssa and Corey!!!!

I’m Sorry…..Got a Half Hour For A Tutorial Much????

So here we are with one of THE longest tutorials I have EvEr done!!!!! This is a more avant-garde look but still fun and can be done with thousands of other colors. Enjoy!!!!

P.S. the new concealer I use in the video is called Boi-ing from Benefit =).

I look like I am about to be violently ill…..I hate these pictures..whaaaaaaah… =).
I’m sorry…Did I Forget To MENTION???????

I’m sorry…Did I Forget To MENTION???????

I got my 88 color PALETTE!!!!!!! How could I not have announced this, sung it’s praises, done a tutorial????? Well the below picture is a result of using this wonderful palette and I am quite pleased. I for SURE recommend using a primer still, though the quality is far better than drugstore purchases. I used the oranges and browns today and can’t WAIT to do purples and pinks for a more smoked out “punk” look. The ONLY thing I have to say and let me please note that this is not said in disappointment……they are really smaaaaaaaaall. I actually laughed when I opened them cuz they were so miniature and cute. My pygmy eye shadows as it were =). Aaaaanyhooooo, here is to fun with more upcoming tutorials and new products, products PRODUCTS!!!!!!

Sooooo Whadda Ya Think???

Sooooo Whadda Ya Think???

Had a lot of fun doing this look. I was strolling through Costco and saw an ad where a girls had some pink shadow on her lids and her upper cheek bone. I decided to use some other colors and not go down quite as much so it was still “daytime” approved and really liked it!!! I used some false lashes from Sally’s (Ardell #305) and a single lash on the bottom for each eye. I had actually done a lot more green on the bottom and it RoCkEd…but like I said, I was going for a daytime look =). If you guys like it I can do a tutorial on this with other colors too!!! I really am back ladies. I have neglected this blog for waaaaaay too long!!!!!!

Friends From the Start…Yeah, We Met In Sephora

Friends From the Start…Yeah, We Met In Sephora

Can you believe it? Two posts in a row??? I am trying hard to make up (no pun intended) for lost time!!!!! So anyway, whilst shopping today at the ever so amazing Sephora (I had a wedding that day to shop for) I ran into Kelly. She is my new friend. I really don’t know how it started but I was there, she was there and before you knew it she was putting lip gloss on her hand and having me smell it. We were picking up everything Stilla and testing it. She was giving me tips on all of her “time tested” products and I was just LoViNg being in her company. She said that her husband had just come to terms with the fact that his wife has an obsession with makeup and they have had a long marriage because of it =). I was so blown away with how many things she had tried and how in tune she was with what makeup should be, how it should work that I gave her my business card and asked her to be a guest blogger here on Classy Cosmetics. I was thinking it could be Kelly’s Korner (I know how to really spell it, it just didn’t look as cute) and she can have fabulous reviews on all of her finds and do some Q&A. Truthfully I was VeRy surprised she didn’t have her own blog already. I look forward to her first post and can’t wait to introduce her to all of you!!! Cheers to makeup and being a girl eh???
The Search Is OVER….for me anyway =)

The Search Is OVER….for me anyway =)

(singing voice) IIIIIII ammmm iiiiin LOOOOOOOOVE!!!!!!!! The search is over for me ladies!!!!The ultimate mascara, the one, the real deal (the expensive) mascara I’ve always DrEaMeD of!!!!! So first things first….I got my Eyelashes PERMED!!! What you ask? P-E-R-M-E-D. You heard it right. For about 45 minutes I was able to nap (miracle in and of itself) while lazily lounging in a fabulous chair while ladies ever now and then put some solution on my eyes. It was $20 bucks and will last about 2 1/2-3 months!!!! Isn’t that AwEsOmE?????
Well, back to the mascara. It doesn’t say much on the tube and they do have a few at the Chanel counter…don’t you just LOVE saying Chanel???? I do ; ). But it is the one and ONLY mascara that has this phenomenal wand. Notice the bristles, notice the comb. I even was using a trial size f this in a tutorial and WOW I couldn’t live without it. I will for SURE post some pictures of my eyes with it soon when I have a reasonably good camera…ours broke at the beach…I am SO handicapped when it comes to electronics which a whole other story. $30 for this miracle tube but if you are up for the splurge DO IT!!!!
When applying the directions say to “swirl” it in your hand so that the lashes get the bristle-comb-bristle-comb action going on and it is remarkably easier than I thought it would be. Again, I do NOT endorse things that I haven’t tried and tested nor things that are way too pricey unless it works like this!!!!! LOOOOOVE IIIIIT!!!!!!!