Starlet Series…Penelope Cruz

Starlet Series…Penelope Cruz

I can’t even tell you how much I aDoRe this look!!!!! The eyes were just stunning and I honestly couldn’t stop sneaking glances in the mirror =). Weird, I know, but the eyes are so FIERCE and I did double lashes this time (a first for me). I think I could have done the crease a bit stronger but I am seeing this WAY after the fact. I would suggest deepening the crease with a dark brown, Handwritten by MAC would be great!!! I would love to see some pictures of you guys after you’ve given it a go!!!

You TRIED  It!!!

You TRIED It!!!

So, one night I was sitting, sitting led to thinking, thinking led to an AMAZING idea =). I am VERY excited to let you all know that I am working on a link for you to go to where YOU are the star!!! I am putting together, and would like to cOnTiNuE putting together pictures that YOU have sent in. Be it for a contest, you made the brush holder and sent a picture, you tried a tutorial, or just tried something new and wanted to share, I want to POST it!!! It’s my way of giving you all a gold star on your nose (like that Amy? eh? eh?). I am working on categorizing them at this point and then will put a link or a button in the side bar titled “You Tried It“. It really is so great to see my mailbox filled with photos from you and I hope more of you will send, send, SEND!!!!!!! =)
Starlet Series…Reese Witherspoon

Starlet Series…Reese Witherspoon

Here Codi brings us Reese Witherspoon from the Vera Wang store launch in Los Angeles. These metallic colors ROCK on Codi’s beautiful green eyes!!! I LoVe how Reese paired it with a gorgeous purple dress!!! Thanks Codi…p.s. your eyelashes are INSANE….so jealous ; ).

Sham’Rockin Eyes

Sham’Rockin Eyes

Here’s something for you for good old St. Patty’s Day. After I showed it to my friend she was convinced it had to be named your “Get Lucky Look”, oh Hollie =). So wear this look on the 17th to avoid getting pinched…..or to GET pinched ; ).
NYX Milk Is A MUST!!!!!

NYX Milk Is A MUST!!!!!

I have seen SO many girls sporting this in their cases and using it in other tutorials that I HAD to check it out and see what all the fuss was about. Ladies…this stick is GOLD!!!!! Well, it’s white but you know what I mean =). You can use this as your only base or team it up with the UDPP for a specTACular look. It brightens any light color that you are using and goes GREAT peaking out in the inner corners of your eyes when using a darker color. *BEWARE* one of the great things about this product is that a little goes a LONG way so be sparing when applying. I will be showing you how in upcoming tutorials as well, but make sure you pat it in with your finger or blend with a synthetic brush to avoid creasing. You can click HERE to get yours online today!!! It runs $3.00 not including shipping and is worth every penny!!!! Have any of you tried it? Post your thoughts or send a picture using it!!!
A Tres Chic Boutique…Tres Chic Indeed!!!!!

A Tres Chic Boutique…Tres Chic Indeed!!!!!

Meet Summer!!!! Summer is a dear friend of mine from “growing up days” in California. I was able to have a few nights out with the girls while in Utah and caught up with Summer. She showed me around her classic and very fashionable boutique and to say I was floored would be quite the understatement!!!!! Tres Chic Boutique, pronounced {tray sheek boo-teek}, has been in business since early 2008. Unlike most boutiques, Tres Chic Boutique is a store you can afford to shop at either in person or online from the comfort of your own home. Tres Chic Boutique has been on television regularly, in magazines and featured in blogs all over the world!!!! I will be “modeling” some of the great looks from her boutique in upcoming tutorials. You are going to DIE!!!!!

Summer Adams, owner of Tres Chic Boutique describes herself stating,

“I’m a girlie-girl, most importantly a stay-at-home mom, who just LOVES fashion and home decor! Just call me….a Fashionista on a budget! My friends and family are always asking where I got “this” and “that” whether it’s a piece in my home, something I’ve made or something I’m wearing. I decided it was time that I picked some of my favorite things to sell to all of you who are as passionate about your personal style as I am.

Tres Chic Boutique offers high-quality products for the lowest price possible. My pieces are from lines I’ve bought from for years now and know are a great buy. If you’re a girl on a budget, you’ll be thrilled with our prices. My mission is for every woman to be able to afford to look fabulous! And I’m the woman making it possible.”

Click HERE or on the side bar to go to her site and just drool over classic to outrageously beautiful pieces she has. I DARE you not to fall in love =).

Be A Follower…..I’ll Give You Gooooodiiiiies =)

First of all I want to send out a huge thank you to all of my wonderful followers. A girl couldn’t ask for a better group o gals!!!! You know that time in life where things just start to…”happen”? My friends I am at the precipice. SO many wonderful opportunities are manifesting themselves and I am humbled, grateful and just a touch of scared. I need your help!!! I have different companies that are willing to fund our contests here at Classy Cosmetics, have giveaways and basically throw products at us for review. The catch being that they want to see that I have followers, people that listen and would be interested in their products. I am a girl of little means and I would LoVe to be able to show you different varieties of makeup, fashion and anything else that tickles our fancies. Your job (and of course mine too) is to share this site with any and everyone that you feel would benefit from tutorials, tips and tricks. Most importantly they need to click the follow button so that we can get the ball rolling….I almost typed running tee hee =). Let’s show em what we are made of ladies. We are at 38 followers at present. What will it be next week??? I love you all and am excited to have more contests where YOU have more chances to win BIGGER and BETTER goodies!!!!! Let’s DO this thing!!!!
Starlet Series…Camilla Belle

Starlet Series…Camilla Belle

Hi there lovelies. We are going to be heading into a series I’d like to call…..The Starlet Series. Basically if any of you see a picture that you want to have recreated then send it on in to my email address and I will do my best!!! I, myself, have seen some pictures that I want to do so I start it off with……my new muse. Camilla Belle is, in my mind, one of the most stunning actresses out there. She has style, grace, a natural beauty and is just the perfect starlet to start out our series. This is my interpretation of her look and I hope you like it. Let’s get the request flowing in!!!!

Lips Baby

Please help me welcome our first makeup guest tutorialista……what? It’s a word!!!! =) Codi is one of my dear friends from me serving a mission for my church out in good old Siberia. She brought you looks like the beautiful butterfly mask for Halloween and the gorgeous fall look with golds!!! She is SO talented and one of the funniest people I know. Without further ado heeeeeeeeere’s Cooooodiiiiiiii…..
Hey ladies!!! Just wanted to give you a few tips and pointers on how to get the perfect lip. I’m a true believer that a face is never finished without some color on the lips! Even if you only have 5 minutes for makeup, color on the lip is a must. Hope you enjoy the tutorial and I hope it helps you create your perfect lip!
~Quote of the day…. (from my friend Cynthia)~
” The way you look and dress tells people how you expect to be treated.”
So throw on some color and expect some lip action from someone special!!
*P.S. Please ignore the awkward pauses… this was my first movie tutorial. Some of us just aren’t as naturally talented as Jenni.*