First and foremost have you entered the 100 follower giveaway below????? DO IT!!!! Great prizes for ya! Okay, for your homework I want to have an OVERWHELMING response from this!!!! I want to see a TON of comments!!! I need requests from you. Not just for normal everyday looks but for crazy fun things as well. I am having a hard time being inspired with what you want to see. Google makeup fashion and pick your favorite picture. Send me the link. I’ve picked a few myself and LOVE them. What can YOU find. It doesn’t have to be crazy, just look and shoot me a comment…that means YOU!!! =)
Olive Green Eye

Olive Green Eye

Sooooooo I have worn this eye for the last three days. I know, but it’s not like I’m wearing the same oUtFiT right??? Anyway, it is super natural, light with just a touch of softness because of the smokey technique. The lip liner that I used from Forever21 is only &2.80!!!!! SO worth it and it lasts all day!!! I got this hat from Forever21 as well and it was only $4!!!!! I happen to love that store =). Pictures coming soon for this look.
Flash Bronzer Review

Flash Bronzer Review

I have only just recently entered the world of self tanners and have found it to be quite difficult if not impossible. Sure most of it is user error, but let’s be honest, can’t ANY product be “Jenni proof”??? With sprays I can’t keep it from splattering, which makes me dab off the excess, which then leads me to believe I just took everything off sooooo I reapply……much to my HORROR!!!!! I turn out looking like I’m from some freak planet where the sun oranges you (instead of browns) and was selective in where it decided to orange my skin. It was like the picture below but MUCH patchier!!! Let us skip now to my thoughts on the Flash Bronzer I just bought from Lancome while they were in gift. I purchased it merely to get the 6 a la cart gifts I was salivating over so I didn’t really give it that much thought. Especially after the travesty first trial of sunless products. I was shocked, I repeat SHOCKED at how much I loved this stuff!!! It was so creamy, tinted (so a fool like me could see if I missed any spots) and blended SO well! I also liked that it was buildable. Much like a foundation with coverage, if you need more then you slap it on. In this case if you want to be a touch darker just put on another layer after the first dries (30 min). If you are going to go out and get the gift, I HIGHLY recommend you getting the bronzer (singing voice) I LOOOOOOOVE IIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!
Lancome Is In GIFT!!!!!

Lancome Is In GIFT!!!!!

Lancome Gift A La Carte at Dillards
Receive a chic cosmetics bag stuffed with beauty favorites as your gift with any Lancome purchase of $32.50 or more. Customize your gift and create a look that’s just for you. Fill your bag with your choice of 6 makeup must-haves from the items above (there is a gloss and a few more skin creams not pictured). I just got mine!!! I bought the Lancome Flash Bronzer and got my choice of the 6 FaBuLoUs gifts!!!
Step-Up Bonus Cleanser Add your choice of bonus cleanser to your gift with your purchase of $59.50 or more. Choose from Creme Mousse Confort Comforting Creamy Foam Cleanser or Creme Radiance Clarifying Cream-to-Foam Cleanser.
Spend $50 and get it shipped for free. Call my friend’s store at 479-521-7171
One for all the redheads….

One for all the redheads….

All the years I have been doing makeup there has been one common comment from a particular group of ladies.

My beautiful redheads.
I love these ladies to death, and for the longest time was exceedingly jealous of their gorgeous locks. *As you can see in the photo, I recently decided to go for it and become one myself.*
The only problem I’ve had with these ladies was their universal statement of….
“I can’t wear bright colors because of my hair. I have to stick with only neutrals.”
Granted, neutral colors do look very beautiful and can make the hair the true statement. However, there are some very beautiful colors that not only accentuate the hair but can make your beautiful features stand out even more. Case in point…..
Purples and pinks. The purple not only helps bring out the green in my blue green eyes, but also contrasts the red beautifully. The light pinks in the cheeks and lips give a nice rosy glow to complete the simple look.
So redheads…. ENOUGH EXCUSES!! Try new colors, you’ll be surprised at what a difference you will see. Besides, if you don’t like it you can always wash it off and try something else!
To my beautiful redhead client (you know who you are) who inspired this little rant… thank you for trusting my advice and then going with it! The green on your eyes truly was gorgeous!
Spring Has Sprung

Spring Has Sprung

There is something about Spring. The sun starts to peak out from behind cold dark clouds. The grass starts getting greener and life starts popping out just about everywhere. I love to find inspiration from nature and right now is the BEST time to find color. Look at flowers, butterflies, and sunsets. What inspires you color wise? Do a look and send in a picture of how you are welcoming in Spring!!! Melodi requested a springy look and I was inspired, this time, by the 2009 Dior Spring collection.


I am really excited about getting to 100 followers. It really means a lot to me that you have all been so supportive and great!!! I couldn’t ask for better followers. I always enjoy getting emails and pictures from you so keep them coming! Once we reach 100 I would like to thank you by having a giveaway!!! Here is a video to highlight just a few of the goodies that will be included. Refer your friends and have them click follow and we will get there like there’s NO tomorrow!!! =)
The Brush Gaurd

The Brush Gaurd

I know sometimes after washing my brushes they fray out and don’t dry as well as I would like them to. How many of you throw yours into the depths of your makeup bag alone, scared and without protection? =) Well, check THIS out!!!!!

The Brush Guard is a stretchable, breathable tube which slides over brush handles onto the bristles to protect bristles from damage when not in use. The Brush Guard allows makeup artists and others to safely store these valuable tools in a roll or a bag without a worry.

The Brush Guard also offers a unique new benefit that has never been available before: it allows brushes to be dried with the bristles pointing down! When brushes are laid down to dry, moisture wicks into the ferrule, ruining the glue and causing the handle to swell – eventually spoiling the join.

By keeping The Brush Guard slipped over brush handles during a makeup session, artists keep oil and wetness off brush handles and improve the grip.
How COOL is that??? Click here to check it out and see what others are saying!!!