Great Deals!!!!!!!

Great Deals!!!!!!!

Okay, so if you have been wanting to get the NYX Jumpo Pencil in Milk NOW is the time!!! You can get 25% off by using the code nyx25. Click HERE to shop. Not too shabby eh? Also, the only place I have found the Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs is at Walgreens and you can use the code beauty25 at the ReGiStEr and get 25% off!!!! No need to shop on line for that one =). Stock yourselves up Ladies!!!

The Lace Trend

The Lace Trend

You can’t deny it. There is something so incredibly feminine, classy and dare I say sexy about lace. It has been all over the runway and I LoVe the way it has been paired with contrasting textures. I found myself wanting to jump on board and had all of these images of Grace Kelly-“ish” outfits, gloves, pearls, DRESSES!!! A girlfriend of mine was wearing the most BeAuTiFuL lace long sleeve shirt underneath your average T-Shirt and I about fell over in my chair! Now other girls would tell you that to take advantage of such a darling look would set you back $50 (most of my friends have paid this). WELL LISTEN TO THIS!!!!!!! 

When in Utah I went to one of my FAV stores, Tres Chic Boutique.  I cannot tell you how giddy and excited I was to not only see SO many colors offered at but also the price was an AmAzInG $24.99!!!!! The mocha colored one is on sale now for $19.99!!! Girls, don’t let this pass you up. Go to the site today and grab one for yourself. I got a black one that I wear underneath ANY T-shirt (that isn’t navy blue) and it gives it SUCH a great look. It is also comfortable, long and breathable…duh, its lace =). I can’t wait to add the cream and white. I think I may even get some of the short sleeve ones. The owner of the store even suggests putting a cream one underneath a long sun dress…how romantic is THAT??? Now I am more conservative and would probably opt for a tighter T underneath, but shown here, you can wear the lace above…ahem…other things =).
Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs

Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs

I canNOT rave about this product enough!!!!!!!! My friend gave it to me to use one day and I have been hooked ever since. The reason that I use foundation on my face is to even out skin tone, bring it all to one creamy color and to hide imperfections. THIS Ladies, is foundation for your LEGS!!!! It evens out skin tone, hides imperfection i.e. spider or varicose veins, and just like tanning, it makes you feel and look a touch slimmer…..maybe by a couple ounces at LEAST!!! I KNOW RIGHT???? Why WoUlDn’T do it????? There are multiple colors to choose from and don’t be fooled, it is NOT spray tanning. It is water resistant so you can put it on with your suit to look even more flawless then it comes off with the combination of water and soap. You spray it either directly on your leg or on your hand and just rub it in. If you miss a spot, put some on your finger and fix it. It’s so simple!!!! Here is my leg model showing how great it looks. We did one leg with and one without. She is used the medium glow and that is what I use as well. Just flawless. Go and get it!!!



I’ve had quite a few people join lately and if YOU are the one that referred them, REMEMBER!!!! They have to leave a comment saying they were referred by YOU in order for that to count as an entry =). Thanks to everyone!!!!! Love ya!!!
100+ Follower Giveaway CLOSED!!!!!!!

100+ Follower Giveaway CLOSED!!!!!!!

CLOSEDHere we are ladies, we’ve reached 100!!!!! Can you believe it? I promised a giveaway and heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere it is!!!! This contest is open to all followers US, UK and international from today’s date till May 31, 2010! Now there are rules so read carefully and good luck. First and foremost, I want to tell you about the prizes!!!
– MAC Strobe Cream (trial size)
– A custom accessory piece by Adelyn Shop Designs
– Delicious chocolate Lindon truffles
– A Maxine’s Mop brush (comparable to MAC #239)
– Nicole Miller Bronzer
– Gwen Stefani (LOVE HER!!!!) L.A.M.B fragrance (trial size)
– The Brush Gaurd (includes 5 various sizes!!!)
– Lash Blast Mascara
– A fabulous Lancome bag to put it all in =)

Unfortunately the company that was putting in the sunless tanner never got it to me and hasn’t returned phone calls…be ye warned when dealing with them I guess. The winner will be the one with the most entries and this is how you get them (1 entry for every item on the list besides the last one):

1 You must be a follower of the blog…duh =)
2 First leave a comment under this post saying “enter me”, your favorite cosmetic product, favorite Classy post and why with your email address so that I can contact you if you are the winner.
3 Post the Classy Button on your blog
4 Become a subscriber on my new YouTube Channel (type in yt3880)
5 Become a fan on Facebook HERE
6 Copy the banner above and use it to post about this giveaway on your blog (or any picture from the blog) and make sure to tell them to push follow then comment to tell me YOU are the reason they are now a follower
7 For every person you get to follow this blog, you get one entry (they MUST comment to tell me you were the one to send them for it to count)

So that’s it!!! Get as many entries as you can and the one with the most will win. If there is a tie then those names will be written down, shuffled then one winner will be drawn at random. I’m SO excited!!! Again, good LUCK!!!
Hot Pink Tutorial

Hot Pink Tutorial

So I KNOW this one isn’t my best work as far as camera savyness. It is blurry but I can’t help but LOVE that it actually shows the true COLOR!!!! SO, what I am thinking is I will practice a bunch, get better and I can still use the camera for close ups. Sorry about the blurry but hope you love the pinks, I do =).

Jen’s Must Haves Volume II

Jen’s Must Haves Volume II

This is a request I received from someone asking what my must haves were NOW as opposed to, like, a year ago =). SO, here goes, I am going to be listing things I cannot LIVE without.

I NEVER go on ANY trip without this magical tube. It enSURES no creasing. I use this under paint pots and the NYX Milk pencil as well!!!! If you do not have this yet, I ask you…WHY???

I have a new love in my life. I thought I was whole before but alas I was proven VERY wrong when my friend showed me this bottle of PeRfEcTiOn!!! Don’t think of it as spray tanning (cuz it’s not), think of it as foundation for your legs (cuz it IS). You spray it on, rub it in and you have AIRBRUSHED legs!!!!!! Totally flawless!!!! I am, as you know, not great at spraytanning, but this comes off with soap and water, yet resistant to water by itself. It hides bruises, veins, makes you look thinner and more toned, and makes your legs all ONE color!!! I missed a spot one day before going to church, but like if I missed a spot of foundation (ew, never!) you can spray it on your finger and fix the spot. It is FOOLPROOF!!!!!! I will be providing a few pictures on a leg model just as soon as she shaves….hee hee, love ya Megan!!! GO GET THIS!!!! Its about $14.00 at Walgreens and right now if you buy this you get another Sally Hansen product 50% off. You can’t LoSe. I bought the medium and light glow. You will NOT be disappointed!!!

Maybe the reason I won’t be having a “must have” for mascara is thanks to these babies. The Ardell Demi Wispies in black. I have said it before and I will say it again,”Lash extensions and serums are SO expensive whereas these bad boys, at a Sally’s near you, will run just under $4 and will last you a good month if you are good to them. Practice makes perfect. As soon as you have done this for a week…I may have slept in mine once or twice…EEK! you will be a PRO!!! Just follow my Perfect Lash Tutorial and you can’t go wrong!!!

Wedge, wedge, my beautiful Wedge. I use this color from MAC, no joke, E.V.E.R.Y single day! t is closest to my skin color which makes it a RoCkIn color for contouring and blending in the crease. Can’t live without it and neither should YOU!!!

#5:#222 from MAC is the brush that I use THE most often and that I wish I had 10 of. I use it for blending, contouring, outer V work, crease work, under eye smudging. It’s an amazing brush and I highly recommend it!!! It is a MAC Pro brush so you need to order it by calling 1-800-866-6464. From what I have been told you do NOT need to be a member but you may not get the Pro discount. This brush is WoRtH it Ladies!!!


The Coastal Scent 88 matte palette. This, believe it or not, I use every day as well. The dark and lighter brown that corner the bottom black color are my eyebrow colors. You can’t beat the $19.99 price and the colors are SO pigmented!!! I also am in LOVE with the yellowish color that is in the first column, 3 down from the white. It is so creamy and natural. The greens are intense, the purples are lavish and the pinks are just plain HOT!!! You could very well find your brow color here, your “wedge”, brow bone color. This could be ONE STOP SHOPPING!!!! I haven’t tried the shimmer palette but I am satisfied to no END with this one and it still gives me some with shimmer! Visit the website and grab one of your very OwN!!!


This is Myth from MAC. Isn’t that fun to say? I love that this is a lipstick so that it’s formulated not to give me those gross inner “rings” around my mouth the way foundation does. If I need to matte out my lips, this is what I use. If I want to create the 3-D lip, this is what I use on the bottom lip in the middle. LOVE pairing it with Girl About Town from MAC and love it for my lips when I do a super smokey eye (whiten those teeth first!). This is a must for ANYONE. It’s like the pair of shoes that go with every outfit!!! SO sensible.


I could not RAVE about this product more!!! My brushes look like NEW after using these guards. I will be getting like 5 more packages! When I clean my brushes and them let them dry, sometimes they bristle and don’t look as “sharp” as I’d like them to. Ever since I’ve had the brush guard (which is in the giveaway!!!) the bristles look like I just bought the brush and took it out of the wrapper. You can dry your brushes in there and put them on when you travel to protect your bristles as they are jumbled up against whatever in your purse. I love how they expand over your brush and yet are nice and snug once you get them into place. Like I said, LOVE them!!! 5 different sizes come in a pkg….my brushes might be fighting over who gets to use one since I don’t have enough =). With that said, I will be ordering more tonight HERE =).
So #’s 9 & 10 I couldn’t find good enough pictures of but they are BOTH from Mary Kay. Yes, the “Pink Ladies”. The eye makeup remover is BOMB!!!! Then the Timewise moisturizer is the best I have used, and I have tried a few ;). 
Those are my must haves at the moment. Who knows what next month will bring =). I think for you Mommies out there, anyONE of these things would be a great gift to ask for!!! Tell me when you get them and what you thought! What are products YOU cannot live without???

Let’s DO it!!!!

Let’s DO it!!!!

Here are some reasons to get going. I mean bathing suit season is coming up sure, but after having children you won’t catch me in one. SO, I think of this as get ready to look even better in my capris and darling short sleeved shirts this summer!!! =) It’s no big magical secret that when you are healthy and active you:
a- feel better about yourself
b- feel empowered, strong
c- sleep better, did you know that??? CRAZY!!!
It can also help some people who have mild depression and low self-esteem. Like Elle said in legally blonde,”Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.” LOL I heart that movie =). I also propose that exercise will give you more energy to put on your makeup and THAT is where I come in!!!! I have decided to start up my Jillian Michael’s DVD again (No More Trouble Zones) and I am not only sticking to it but I am going to start having small “meals” a lot more often during the day. I hesitate to post an exact regime because mine might be so different than what others will do. But who’s with me??? The DVD is only $9 at Walmart!!!!! It’s not easy but neither is getting rid of a muffin top or jiggly under arm. YOU MUST WANT IT!!!!!! I hope you don’t mind that every now and then I will post result and ask how you are doing as well. Here’s to no more TROUBLE ZONES!!!!!!!