Reader Request: Dark Under Eye Circles

Reader Request: Dark Under Eye Circles

I got an email from Erica asking about under eye circles. I know that a LOT of my readers have this problem!!! Those pesky critters (am I Davy Crockett?) are famously annoying and unforch, there’s no way to get rid of them. However, you have options for concealing them. So let us focus on the positive and we will do our BEST to get the right product in your hands and learn some tips for proper application. Let’s tackle your first option:
You should look for a concealer than is moisturizing and won’t give you “dinosaur skin” under your eyes. Of course with a creamier product, you need to set it well with a good setting powder. Try to pick a shade (remember yellow will combat blue) lighter than your foundation. If your circles are super dark then try two shades. PLEASE don’t go TOO light or you will look like a raccoon!!! I’ve dealt with models that have this problem and there are a few products that are my “go to’s”. I’ll share them with ya cuz I like ya so much =):
– Sue Devitt Automatic Camouflage
 – Erase Paste by Benefit (super creamy, use Powderflage to set)
 – Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer
– Laura Mercier’s Undercover
(best drugstore find? Maybelline’s New York Cover Stick) 

I also find that if you really want to pull out the big guns then use a highlighter on the inner corners to brighten! My most fav and an overall crowd please is the Yves Saint Laurent’s Touche Eclat. Did you know that this product is SO popular that one is sold somewhere in the world every 20 seconds??? You can use this also for contouring!
Now I have Gwen Stefani’s song (and maybe my ring tone) playing in my head,”Now that you got it whachu gonna do about it?” You have your concealer, how the JUNK do ya put it on??? Well I’ll TELL you…
  • Moisturize eye area and let it “soak” into your skin for a minute.
  • Add a primer to you face and coat your under eye well so that when you use concealer, it will be less likely to settle into fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Apply concealer with fingers or a brush (I aDORE using a MAC 217 for this!!!).
  • Blend softly so it becomes “one” with your skin. Don’t tug because the under eye is very delicate and you’ll just make the concealer travel.
  • Set it with a loose powder (I swear by Benefit Powderflage). I like to use a sponge or any fluffy soft brush (MAC 224 is a great example). 
Option Two:
*Eye Cream*
Invest in a vitamin-K based product. Basically buy an eye cream like Vita-K Solution gel or Peter Thomas Roth Power K Eye Rescue that can help strengthen capillary walls so dark circles and veins become less visible. 
Option Three:
*Laser Treatment*
If you have chronic under eye circles than you can contact your trusty doctor about lasers. Lasers can thicken the skin by increasing collagen production, so you are less likely to see veins, according to Los Angeles facialist Kate Somerville in InStyle mag (LOVE it!!!).
So that is what I have found to be helpful and I hope that helped you too! Remember that going to Sephora can be SO much fun because you can test out EvErYtHiNg!!! Do it and DON’T be ashamed. I look like an absolute FREAK by the time I walk out of there. Like I’m totally tribal and preparing for war! Join me, it’s fun to be “special” LOL.
Top 5 Cult Beauty Buys That Don’t Deserve The Hype

Top 5 Cult Beauty Buys That Don’t Deserve The Hype

These are my opinions. This means they are not fact =). Just a disclaimer before I say something not flattering about something you may be using. I just hope to save some fabulous ladies out there money. I am going to be starting a series for YOU to send me a review on a product and we’ll post it. You either rate it or hate it and it will be called Reader Review. Do you already have a product in mind? Write a review and send it to
Like I said in previous posts. This mascara is TeRrIbLe. I know there are a lot of lovers out there of this product but I don’t see it! There are SO many others out there that are better, that don’t clump and that lengthen. It is the most natural mascara out there, I’ll give it that…but that is ALL. For some odd reason, beauty editors and makeup artists alike love to put this down as the best mascara ever created, when it’s one of the worsts that I’ve ever tried. Keep in mind that all of those celebrities are being paid a nice sum to say it’s great. That’s my two cents, try it for yourself and come to your own conclusion. I recommend Lash Blast as a good budget buy.
This lotion was ALL the rage when it came out and couldn’t stay on the shelf to save it’s life. Let’s be honest, a lotion that could double as a tanner? That’s HUGE!!! But alas things have evolved and this lotion hasn’t. It isn’t water or sweat resistant and drips down your body as if trying to flee back to the bottle from whence it came. The smell is altogether not great and there are just better options now a days…aren’t we LuCkY??? I for SURE recommend Sally Hansen’s Airbrushed Legs!
Bare Escentuals/Minerals is clearly the “rage” with a lot of people that want something that is better for their skin. First of all, YES, I am all for that…but I am also wanting more. I want something great for my skin that actually gives me good coverage. I was not personally impressed with this line and hope that something better will come along in the future.  I will be trying the Matte foundation formula here soon and am hoping it will work for me. Let me be clear, I do NOT hate this line, I just think it is over-hyped.
I would NEVER buy another foundation from MAC and if they came out with something new, I would have my guard up like CrAzY. I used to love it until I tried other things and found out that this foundation is just not all it’s cracked up to be. I still have SO many of them though and will use them all up in tutorials. I have found Makeup Forever is great, Cinema Secrets is amazing, and Chanel hold its own as well. Like the post title says….doesn’t deserve the hype.
MAC started out as a great product founded by two men from Canada that saw the need in the industry for a stellar product for MUAs. With any line, however, when it gets bigger or is just there for a long time, management switches around, ownership changes and product quality, as a result, can also change. Estee Lauder acquired controlling interest in ’94 and completed “the deed” in ’98. Some higher up artists didn’t like what was going to happen to the quality, jumped ship and headed over to Makeup Forever (singing voice) which is amaaaaazing!!!!!! So, once my “rose-colored glasses” came off I saw MAC for what it was and is. They have some great shadows, I can get that LOTS of other places, all of their creamy things, Paint pots, blushes, color bases are terrible. The application is awful and FAR superior products used for the same thing can be found ALL over Sephora. I still like their lipsticks, I’m a sucker for a good palette and I love most of their brushes. I won’t stop buying MAC but I am no longer a slave to them.
Kohl’s Makeup Set

Kohl’s Makeup Set

Thanks Melissa I fixed the numbers an the voting can continue =D. The light brown used to be #1 but now it is #3. Vote ON ladies!!!

 Here is the Kohl’s Palette that I have been promising to label for you for over a year now. Sad, I know. Here is the review on the palette that I made if you haven’t seen it. I think that since I de-potted them it was just such a daunting task to try and figure out where they all went. First to look online to see what one in fact I had purchased then looking back over old tutorials to piece together which colors went where. With the help of a friend (thanks Stef!), it took a good hour. Kids start acting up, I left for a second and came back to the shadows jumbled all over the floor. What happened after can only be explained in a 5 step process:

– Denial: No, that didn’t just happen right? It impossible. That much WoRk!!! All that TIME!!!
– Bargaining: Okay, I’ll leave the room and Father in Heaven can you put it all back how it was?   Please?
– Depression: Can I just crawl in a hole right now?
– Acceptance: (sigh) Okaaaay, but this is the LAST time!!! Believe it or not, I had to do it 2 more times!!!

I finally got them all back in order and took a picture as quickly as humanly possible and labeled them. I decided against naming them names that MAC has because not all of them were comparable. I have cute and individual names for them now =). My hubby may have helped with a few too…can you guess which ones? 

If you’ll notice, I have a few shadows without names. They are numbered and I can’t come up with any names so I need your help! What do you think their names should be? Leave a comment and I’ll pick my favs =).
Inquiring Minds Want To Know…

Inquiring Minds Want To Know…

Check out the poll on the left side of the blog. I have a post coming up and want to know how many people are troubled with this condition. Shelly brought up a good point that there is not an option for “I have no CLUE”!!! So, if you don’t, leave a comment and your vote WILL be counted =D. Thanks, you guys are truly the BeSt!!!

Natural Cut Crease

If you’re a newbie here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS Feed to get updates on new posts =). Welcome!
Love this look! “Cutting” your crease is such a fun technique and one I want to do more of.What do you think? What color would you like to see?


I have a fabulous friend that is CRAZY fantastic at crafting and EvErYtHiNg else she does!!! She is hosting a Classy Cosmetics Giveaway. I am donating the prize which is a makeup kit with over 100 pieces in it!!! Go to her blog to see how YOU can enter and win! Have SO much fun and good luck!!!

December Favorites

So, for the move I told you that I had recorded quite a few tutorials so that I can just publish them each day. Weeeeeeellllll I was silly for not doing this one FIRST!!! It’s December favs…….on January 12th. Hmmmmmm a little sketch don’t ya think? Sorry!!! = /
Urban Decay Primer Potion Testimonial

Urban Decay Primer Potion Testimonial

Here’s another testimonial of the Urban Decay Primer Potion. It can be found at Sephora and Ulta stores. Have YOU tried it or another product recommended here? Write to me at and tell us what you think!!!

Hey Jenni!

So I have to just tell you that I FINALLY got the Urban Decay Primer Potion that you talk so highly of all the time.  I’ve wanted it for a long time, but couldn’t make myself spend the $20 when I didn’t know if I’d really love it.  So I asked for it for Christmas and I just have to say that I’m kicking myself for not buying it sooner.  It totally works and I love it!!  Thanks for recommending it!

And the great thing about having my husband get it for me for Christmas was that he got the giant tube of it for me!