Brow Class

Brow Class

Another month equals another class at my home! This month is all things brows =). How to shape, tweez, and fill them in.  It will be this Saturday from 2:30-3:30. We had an AmAzInG turnout for the false lash class and I had so much fun meeting all of you! There will be new friends to meet, munchies, a door prize and I have purchased a set of brow stencils for anyone attending. Like all of my classes it is $10 to attend, due on Friday. Just email me if you would like to come and join us! Look forward to seeing you all there!!!
Winner Announced

Winner Announced

 This year came with some ReAlLy good costume entries but one really BLEW my mind!!! Behold! Camille’s sister (since I never got a name LOL) is the winner of our Classy Halloween Contest for 2011 =D. Just send me an email with your information within 48 hours and I can send you your gift!!! Check this out everyone…

How gruesome and cool is THAT??? My mom also sent me some pictures of dArLiNg trick or treating costumes. Here are my favs!
 Audrey is ALWAYS classy!
 She’s PERFECT!!!!! Look at those brows! That expression!!!
 So beautiful
 LOVE!!!!! Darling, and perfectly Fall colored with the cutest pigtails EvEr!!!
 Bah ha ha ha haaaaaaa!!!!!

This little smoosh was at our church party and his whole family was dressed up as Legos. Notice the genius of using his costume as a double chin rest = D. I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!

Here’s me and my hubby for our Halloween party. We won best costumes yay!!! =) What did you dress up as this year?

Concealing Your Eyebrows

Halloween is upon us and for those crazy dramatic looks that call for no eyebrows are sometimes daunting. I don’t feel I did a great job in the Sally look so I did some more research and found better techniques =). Here you are and I hope you enjoy! Have you sent me a Halloween look yet??? Can’t wait to see them all this year!!!

Halloween Contest!!!

Halloween Contest!!!

 Are you so excited for our Annual Classy Halloween Contest??? This is one of my favorite times of year and I LOVE seeing what you come up with! Here is what you need to do:
-Be a Follower
-Submit a Halloween makeup look from this year (
-Tell all of your friends to come and do the same
That’s it! The contest will go until Halloween night (midnight MST) and I will choose the winner the next day =). Good luck and have fun with it!!! The prize will be a bag full of Halloween fun!!! Makeup, treats and some decor!

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me

Funniest kid costumes EVER!!!!! I was seriously dying when I saw these and shed a tear or two from laughing so hard! Can you STAND it????? I wanted to change my kids costumes right then and there but alas, Wolverine and the Blue Power Ranger it is. Maybe next year especially since my youngest has super curly hair and the other is stick straight…Bah ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!



Thank you to everyone that entered to win this amazing prize. It is valued at over $200 and is jam PACKED with amazingly safe and wonderful smelling products. We have at least two more giveaways this year that I am excited about too! THIS prize can only go to ONE lucky subscriber and that lucky girl iiiiiisssssss………

Kelie Scott!!!!!!!

Congrats!!! Send me your information for when to send your goodies within 48 hours or a new winner will be announced. I’m so excited for you Kel!!!!! =D
Picture of the day…what the JUNK am I doing????? What could possible have prompted this unfortunate face???
Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins

Practically perfect in every way! Here is Mary Poppins for our third Halloween look. Her lips were more of an orange brown but I wanted to do a more updated look with red. Hope Julie will forgive ; ). Hope you enjoy! A few items of business:
Our Annual Halloween Contest will be announced soon so keep a look out
the Xango Beauty Contest end TONIGHT! Tweet away and share this post with others to get more entries!
Lash Class

Lash Class

Yay Saturday is coming up! =) For those of you wanting to attend the False Eyelash night on the 22nd please RSVP and have your payment of $10 in by Friday ($6 if you bring your own lashes). If I don’t hear from you, I won’t be expecting you or have goodies for ya, so please let me know. I am so excited for all of those that are already coming and hope to hear from more of you. I adORE meeting new people and love throwing parties! There will be munchies and door prizes in addition to learning how to put your lashes on. I will be providing lashes and I have glue already here but if you have your own bring that with you. To get more details or if you have questions just email me at Look forward to meeting you!