I was working an event out in SLC remembering the 2002 Winter Olympic Games this weekend and wasn’t able to get our winner announced for the book! Here is our winner:
Sarah@Neoteric.Traditional said… I think Jackie’s tips are great for all women suffering from
illness, but especially those with children (or grandchildren). My
grandmother kept a comb, a powder compact and lipstick on her bedside
table and wore a nice bed jacket. It made it seem more like a visit with
grandma than a visit with some one ill – for both of us I think.
like you, I sort of know some of the things in make up aren’t great,
but I don’t know what they are or how to find alternatives that work
Congrats Sarah! Thank you for your comment and please send your shipping information to my email. Dollcosmetics@gmail.com. Look forward to hearing from you =).
So CrAzY about Whitney right??? I totally grew up with that woman’s voice in my home. I remember me and my mom grabbing our microphones and singing to “I’m Your Baby Tonight” and dancing all around. Belting out the Bodyguard soundtrack while rollerskating, yes rollerskating, on our street. Making up dances with the kids I would babysit to “I Wanna Dance With Somebody”. Seriously LOVE her music, voice, her perfect nose for crying out loud!!! I know that later in her life she had made some decisions that weren’t great. Things that we can’t look up to, sadly, but what a powerhouse of a woman and I would like to remember her this way. Happy, healthy and full of life. I’ve been thinking about the topic of idols since her passing. I know, not normal Classy talk but I just want to share this quickly. No matter how amazing someone is, how perfect their lives are, how well they sing, dance, act or how much success and money they have we can not hold them so high that we pattern our lives after them. No one is perfect and eventually they will let you down in some way. Without wanting to of course! No one is perfect other than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Yes, I am a church going gal and even though we don’t discuss these topics here on the blog I know that you watch me and hopefully follow me because of who I am. He is apart of who I am and the reason for all that I do. I went through a very dark time in my life where I abused alcohol. I remember coming back to my hometown for a visit and younger girls that had looked up to me had heard the type of life I was living and thought it was so neat that I was a nanny for a movie star, dancing on TV, singing at a club and I just felt sick that if they knew ALL the things I was doing they might think it was okay because, well, Jen does it. I didn’t want that and I didn’t want to let anyone down. Anyway back to idols. We look at them and assume they are uber happy or have nothing to complain about because of their wealth and fame. Maybe we make the mistake all to often of letting things they do that are really not okay slip because they are so gorgeous, famous, and everyone else is doing it or worse things. I guess what I took from this train of thought was I know in whom I trust and need a constant reminder not to idolize people. They don’t need the added pressure of trying to hold up to my expectations and I would hate for anyone to do that to me either. Thanks for listening to “Deep Thoughts With Jen” we now return you to your regularly scheduled programming ; ).
Thank you all so much for entering the Valentine Contest! It was sooo great to see you and all of your valentines =). I love this picture, it makes me giggle =). Did you have a fabulous day yesterday? My hubby and I went out with his sister and her husband and had such a lovely evening. We belong to a church that has temples and they are just the best places in the whole world! We went there first to do some service then went out for sushi. We ended up eating with the owner and left paying next to nothing for AMAZING food and coupons for next time. If any of you find yourselves in Lehi, Utah you MUST stop by Tokyo and tell em Jen from Classy Cosmetics sent ya ; ). Okay, ENOUGH about me, I’m sure you want to know who the winner is!!! The winner is Sadia, *yay you ; )*. She writes:
“I want this book because I love make up, but I get stuck in a rut way
too often!! I’d love to learn new styles and techniques from Making
Faces, and I hope it’ll give me some inspiration to branch out and make
my own style. I shot you the email, liked you on FB, and am following
your blog, so I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll win!! 🙂 Thank you!”
And here she is with her sweetheart:
I’m so excited to send you this book and have you love it as much as I do =). I will email you today to get all of your information. If I don’t hear back within 48 hours I will choose another winner. Thanks again everybody who entered. What did you do for Valentine’s Day? Share!!! Also, don’t forget to enter our other giveaway going on NOW!!!
A few weeks ago I got an email from Jackie telling me that she would love to write an article for the blog. She wrote her feeling about the effects cancer has on women emotionally. I was so touched and wholeheartedly said YES! I am so pleased to have this article on Classy and pray that no matter your circumstances you can feel beautiful. You can feel of your self worth and know that you are loved. When we love others we cannot help but radiate light and beauty. I love you all and hope that you are well, but if you are struggling in any way shape or form, I hope to help in some small way by bringing you this wonderful article. It is cancer specific but can be related to so many issues we as women have. I hope you find this encouraging and that you feel you can share it with the special, classy women in your life =).
The Benefits of Makeup While Fighting Cancer By: Jackie Clark
My name is Jackie and I do outreach for the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, a leading web resource for mesothelioma cancer.I have always had a passion for fashion-from shoes to makeup, nail polish to handbags, and everything in between! Coupled with that is belief that all women need to feel beautiful, no matter what circumstances they may be facing. Women are powerful beings and WE need to realize it! Sadly, many women are hearing those devastating words ‘you have cancer.’ Despite a cancer diagnosis, women can still feel beautiful in their own skin. Fashion is a wonderful way to feel strong and confident. I would like to share with your audience the reality of cancer and how women can say ‘YES I have cancer’, but I am no less beautiful than I was before my diagnosis.
Receiving a diagnosis of cancer can be devastating and can throw your life off-course. Whether you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure or have another form of cancer, such as breast cancer or stomach cancer, living and dealing with cancer takes precedence over everything else. Fatigue and side effects caused by cancer treatment can leave you with little energy to do much of anything, including putting on makeup. But even a light application of makeup can provide you with benefits that go beyond your appearance. Feeling and looking beautiful truly can help you as you battle cancer. Here are a few ways in which it can be beneficial.

Add Color/Enhance Appearance

Nausea and tiredness can drain the color out of your skin and contribute toward skin dryness. By smoothing on moisture and applying a sheer, tinted foundation you can add a healthy amount of color to your complexion. A swipe of bronzer or blusher across your cheekbones and down the center of your nose adds to the natural-looking glow.

Mental Boost

When you look better, you feel better. Your efforts to apply makeup…whether your normal makeup or something new…give you an inner boost that can help relieve stress and depression. It may not seem like makeup can have such a big effect, but it can help you feel much better about yourself while improving self-confidence.

Feel Empowered

Feeling better on the inside provides you with a feeling of empowerment and this is vital to your fight against cancer. When you look good and feel good, your confidence is boosted and you feel better able to handle things coming your way.

Have Fun

Experimenting with new makeup can distract you from concerns and difficulties faced during cancer treatment and provide some much-needed and deserved fun. Trying a new color of lipstick or eye shadow is a positive way to spend time and can help you feel beautiful and refreshed.

Social Life

When cancer treatment side effects set in the social life is often one of the first things to go. A makeup party or trip to the local department store makeup counter with your friends allows you to enjoy some social time with people who care while taking your mind off of cancer for a while.

Organic or naturally made makeup is a terrific option because it doesn’t introduce further chemicals to the body. Experiment with different types of makeup to find the type, amount and applications that suit you best. Pamper yourself by having your makeup done by a professional or at a makeup counter. By taking care of yourself and focusing on beauty rather than illness you can feel that you are putting yourself first, rather than allowing the cancer to take first place.
Thank you so much Jackie!!! In honor of this post I would like to give away a wonderfully important book from Stacy Malkan. I was able to meet Stacy and talk about her book and was SO surprised to hear about her research. I knew some of the things I was putting on myself weren’t the safest but I didn’t care a great deal =(. After reading her eye opening book I am convinced that I can do better! I think it’s a perfect book to giveaway alongside this article. We need to take care of ourselves inside and out and be informed of what we put inside our bodies and what we use topically! Will I be perfect from here on out, probably not. Will anyone??? I will strive to be better everyday and do my homework. I love my copy and want you to have one too! Please leave a comment below telling us your experience with cancer, loss, triumphs and dreams. You must be a follower, as always =). A winner will be chosen using random.org Friday the 17th at 12pm MST and then announced on Saturday.
SO late and just needing to get ready. I
like Sundays because I don’t get dressed up all the time and church
affords me the chance to do just that. We go to church at 9am and we
didn’t set our alarms, soooooo needless to say we were in a major rush. I
still wanted to look nice and not do a 5 or 10 minute face so here is
something a bit longer but still pretty quick. Products used:
Cream foundation from MUD Cosmetics
Concealer from Dermablend
Xango mineralized foundation
Coastal Scents Contour Palette (brown)
NARS cream blush in Maui
Coastal Scents Blush (bottom row in contour palette)
88 palette brown shadow (choose one light and one dark)
Cream color from same palette on lid and brow
Dark brown on the under eye
MACs Blacktrack Fluidline on inside waterline
Dark brown CG pencil for brows then set with 88 palette brown
It is short notice and I have been tossing the idea around for the last week. I have decided to just go ahead and DO it since I would love to teach it before Valentine’s Day!!! I will be having a basic smoky eye class at my home this Saturday at 10:00 am. It is $10 for the class and I have limited spaces so it is first come first served. I will be going over common mistakes and answering all of your questions about this must know technique. There will be treats, a gift bag and a door prize. Wanna come? Shoot me an email =)!
The classic bun or has been around for forever. Ladies have taken this hairstyle to different heights, sides of the head, they’ve worn it messy and sleek. My favorite used to be the side chignon which comes from the French phrase “chignon du cou,” which means nape of the neck. LOVE the elegance that it can bring to any occasion. I usually wear my hair back since I am not great at doing down styles. It’s usually in a bun or a pony tail. Well, I remember the first time I saw the ballerina bun. I had mixed reviews going on in my head about it. Sometimes I liked it but for the most part, if it had too much volume, not enough or was just a ball sitting atop someone’s head, I just wasn’t a fan. Then I realized this may be because I am SUCH a bow or ribbon enthusiast and THAT is what most of them were all missing. With that thought parading around in that same noggin of mine I made my own tutorial where, of course, we use a bow and make the ballerina bow sing. Enjoy!
Can you feel the love in the air??? I can hardly wait to spend a beautifully quiet evening with my hunny somewhere. Hopefully with yummy eats and delicious sweets! What will YOU do this Valentine’s Day? Classy wants to help you celebrate this day of love with some giveaway love! Would you like that? One lucky reader will win the makeup book I love above ALL!!!
The Making Faces book was the first makeup book I ever purchased and one I still take with me to teach seminars. If you would like to be the recipient of this marvelous and lovely book here’s what you do…
– Be a follower of Classy Cosmetics
– Like us on Facebook
– Send in a picture of you and your valentine to dollcosmetics@gmail.com
– Leave a comment telling me why you want this book and that you sent me a pic
– Sit back and wait to win!
February 14th will be the last day to enter and the winner announced on the 15th. Good luck and let’s see some sweet valentines!!!