So we have MANY prizes to giveaway to some lucky readers today =). FIRST we reached 200 in SUCH a short amount of time I am SO beyond giddy!!!! Thank you all for your fantastic support. I would loooooove to giveaway our first “FB goal” prize tooooooo:
CONGRATS GIRLY!!!!! Contact me within 48 hours with your contact info and I can send you off your prize. If I don’t hear from you within that time frame I’ll have to choose another winner so EMAIL me!!! ; D Our SECOND March MadnessPrize will be to reach 300. Can we DO it????? I think so =). {insert official announcer voice here} Suggest Classy to a friend today (giggle) ; D. The prize for THAT goal will be these babies:
Our beautiful black scarf is donated to us from the Brittany Rae Boutique. I LOVE me a big scarf and this one is awesome!!! The peel is from our very own Votre Vu gal Marti. It is a complexion renewing fruit acid peel that is said to make your skin feel HEAVENLY!!!! I am so excited to give these away so let’s make it to 300 ladies!!! =)
NOW, from my birthday contest we have a TIE!!! Emily M, Sarah G. and Lindsey M you are all winners!!!!!!! Here are the correct answers:
1980 baby!!!!
I will accept anything Ben and Jerry’s since I have two favs (Cherry Garcia & NY Super Fudge Chunk) mmmm I think I need a Walmart run STAT!!!
Russia (oh how I MISS you!!!)
Arnold is right! He was a hoot =).
California Girl ALL the way!!!
Vaca tomorrow would be Disneyland for SURE!!! I magically transform back into a little girl, run around, eat everything I want and giggle with pure delight at every magical turn. The attention to detail in that place is UNmatched, it’s sooo clean, it’s nostalgic, music plays from everywhere, the cast is the BEST, the shows are magical, the food is great {albeit pricey} OH the list could go on and on and on and on and on and on…you get the picture. Russia would be the second place though =).
Emily, I think you are the only one I don’t have contact info for so send me that withing 48 hours chica =). Thanks yto everyone for making my birthday such a special one!!! Love you all =).
Here’s my model pose…what do you think dawling? {muah} So this is the “do” I mostly sport. This was me after a job this morning. My hair needs to be dry and not done at ALL. It can be curled I guess but since I rarely take the time it isn’t a must. I then flip my head over, gather all my hair in a ponytail holder, flip back and make the highest messiest bun ever. I get SO many people that ask me if it’s all my hair. I’m so confused by that since I don’t feel it’s really that big but I guess it is {insert shrug}. What do you sport when you just want to get outta the house and want to look somewhat presentable? Send some pics too!
p.s. Don’t you love me in my boys lovely’ bathroom? If you could see any more of the sink you would see the remnants of sparkly toothpaste. Couldn’t edit out those streaks on the mirror though…even if I could, that’s just life with kids right? =)
Here is another hair tutorial. Are you NeRvOuS?!? {I am} This was inspired by Adele with all of her BIGNESS in hair. I LOVE it!!! Now, most of you know that I am NOT good with hair but I figure that if I do it in front of a “live audience” it will kick my butt into getting better right??? RIGHT!!!! It doesn’t turn out perfectly but I sure tried and will keep on trying till I perfect it =). Hope you enjoy and that you send me pictures of YOU doing the “twist”.
This magazine shoot was done back in October but is so stunning I wanted to do a version of it. I have gotten SO many Adele requests and will do more this week. I am also editing a full bouffant french twist to go with this look as well =). Head over to Facebook, like Classy Cosmetics for more prizes to give away!!!!! The higher our numbers, the more loot I can give away and the BIGGER the loot we’ll get =). Thank you all for the support you give, I appreciate and love ya! HUGS!!!
p.s. click here to see the Khol’s pallette color.
Today is my birthday and I just wanted to thank all of you for the emails and texts!!! Till Saturday I’m going to let you guess a few things about me and the one with the most right answers gets a prize =). Here are some fun questions for ya:
When was I born? Duh on the day but YOU guess the year!
What is my favorite flavor of ice-cream?
In what country did I live 1 1/2 of my life (and kind of left my heart in too)
What would be my “can’t live without it” makeup product?
What movie star did I work for?
Where was I born?
Where would I go to vaca if I could tomorrow?
Have fun with it!!! I want you all to know that I love and appreciate you SO much!!! I love hearing from you and getting to know you through your emails. It makes me happy to do this blog and have felt such support from all of you. HUGS!!!
Okay ladies, we are going to get some FB action here! The best way to get updates on Classy and stay “in the know” is to be “like” us on Facebook. This month will be considered FB March MADNESS!!!!! We are going to try and hit some goals as far as our numbers and for each goal reached a prize will be given out!!! Our first goal is to hit 200. Once we are there I will give these away…
My favorite lip balm ever and a China Glaze nail polish in my favorite color, mustard yellow. Once we reach that number of likes on FB I will come back to this post, use to select a winner from the comments. If you like us on FB then leave a comment saying you do, if you haven’t then head on over, “like” Classy on FB, come back and leave a comment. You may also leave additional comments for additional entries:
– Why you like Classy
– Posts you are hoping to see
– Say “hi” ; )
– Your favorite posts
– Prizes you’d like to win
– etc.
Here’s to seeing some more “likes” on Facebook and to handing out a lot of prizes!!! Yipeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! This is open world wide so good luck and HAVE FUN!!!
I am in LOVE with Shabby Apple. Their apparel is so current and fresh. I, myself am a TOTAL skirt girl!!!! I am so excited to say that right now Shabby is offering FREE shipping when you enter SPRINGSKIRT at check out. So go check em out and getcha some!!!!! ; )
For those of you that haven’t heard me RAVE about this primer then let me yell at you now…YOU MUST GET URBAN DECAY PRIMER POTION IF IT IS THE LAST THING YOU DO!!!!!
I have used other primers to keep my shadow on all day and to keep from creasing and this one is by far the BeSt!!!!! My friend Sarah also just sent me a link where you can get it for half the price!!! The reason Urban Decay is doing this for a limited time is because they have changed their packaging. I am so happy they have made it into a squeezable bottle but for those of you that want this “vintage” look for half the price ($9) then HAVE AT THEE!!!
Here they are in the new squeezable bottles….(insert singing voice) loooooooooove!!!!!
There were SO many lovely ladies of the red carpet this year for the Grammy’s. Even though the world was still reeling form the shock of Whitney, as they say in Hollywood “the Show Must Go On!” And go ON it did!!! Here were a few of my favorite looks. What were yours? I think with all of your requests for Adele and seeing her on the red carpet I have finally chosen a look of hers that I will do here shortly. Till then enjoy these lovlies and their gowns and of COURSE their makeup! =) All photos thanks to
Love Taylor Swift’s gold hues
Beautiful and classic black
Can I be tan year round too? Love that bright lip!
Oh Adele, we kind of adore you!
Rarely disappointed by Carrie, not starting now.
LOVE that purple and her voice is to DIE for!!!
No idea why Kate was at the Grammy’s but I ALL kinds of okay with it =).
Love her makeup but could do without my Grandmother’s dress on her…just sayin.