As some of you know our family has been SO busy this summer with vacations, missionary homecomings, swim lessons, soccer, birthday parties and one more…oh yeah BUILDING A HOME AND MOVING!!!!! Some of you have been gracious enough to share with me your favorite tutorials so that I might re-post them. Well cute Emily sent me her fav and it’s a more recent one so some of you may have seen it. The Sultry Smokey Eye? Ring any bells? Well, I know that I LoVeD this one as well and got lots of nice compliments from the hubs ; ). Who doesn’t LOVE that??? Well enjoy it and know that I really am coming back to play with makeup once the school year starts. Both boys in school = a LOT more time =D!!!
This was quickly put together for a follower that has a competition coming up and has cream foundation to work with =). I’ll do something a little more in depth in the future! Yay Stacey!!!!!
It’s about stinkin TIME!!! We were supposed to move about the 7th of July so naturally, we have all been packed up since the 5th. Living out of boxes is SO not fun!!! But guess what? {insert whispering voice} the movers are scheduled forTOMORROW!!!!!! I am so giddy I just can’t stand it HA! Am I giddy to be moving for the 13th time in 8 years? NO! Could it maybe be that we have put our heart and soul into this home we have built, thinking of eVeRyThInG we have liked and disliked in past living places? YES!!! I reeeaaallllyyyy hope this means no more moving and that we will stay there till we DIE!!! I love the colors, the flow, the space, the lighting, the view, the location….how much time do ya have ; )? Keep telling me your favorite tutorials and why? What did you learn from it? What made it a fav? I will be super busy the next few weeks with moving and unpacking! On a side note, I am happy to say that I will be starting up classes again here soon. Beauty Basics, Brush 101, Lip Colors and MORE!!! Same fun, different address =). Happy Summer!!!
Thanks Jordan for sharing your favorite tutorials! This is her first fav from the blog, the Peacock. This was SO long ago but still a goody =). No clue why it’s being weird when I try to transfer the video from You Tube but here’s the link to the first time I posted it =). Enjoy!!!
So I found this little ditty I had done a few weeks ago just WAITING to be edited. Can you beLIEVE it?!?!? I was SO excited amongst all the building trauma to bring you something =). I had a request for this picture AND another request to do a smokey eye using the Coastal Scents 88 Palette. Here is ONE tutorial to satisfy BOTH requests. I love being efficient ; ). Don’t forget to send me a note saying which tutorial from the whole blog is your fav and why =). I’ll post them and we’ll all laugh/learn together as we go down memory lane =).
I am LOVING Summer but I am also 1000% overwhelmed by all that is going on in said season. The boys are out of school (a given) and LOOKING for adventure!!! I’m sure it’s out there but we are now one WEEK away from our dream home being completed and I feel as though I am in charge of it all!!! My husband has been SO bogged down at work that he has YET to pack one box! Poor guy, I’m sure he really wants to (; D) HA! Well after getting off the phone with my mother (her being calm, me being stressed to capacity) she texts me to check my email and THERE right in front of my eyes is her TRAVEL itinerary!!!!!!! Bless her heart she came and for three glorious (exhausting) days we packed and packed and PACKED. Now, because of her, my kitchen, bedroom, the boys’ room, the office, bathrooms and laundry room are ALL packed and ready for the movers.
Here is the garage all organized with boxes labeled and ready to be taken. It was SO disorganized before and now there is so much more room to bring out more boxes!
(The view of one of the first fires from our soon to be finished house)
Another fire sprung up while she was here. This time in Alpine, Utah. This one started from construction work.
Our bedroom packed up.
I was so humbled and grateful for her service and how upbeat she kept me. With all of that going on plus wanting to play with the boys, aid any and everyone affected by the Utah fires (there have been many), doing makeup AND plan and execute a dear friend’s wedding reception I have found little to NO time to blog!!!
For that I am sorry but I think I have found a solution. I want to hear what YOUR fav tutorial is and we will play “Do You Remember the Time” (anyone else singing Micheal in there heads?) Just shoot me an email of what tutorial you have found either the most helpful, the most fun, the most silly WHATEVER and I’ll post it. Ladies this would be a HUGE help to me and I think fun for all of us to look back =). Plus the more I know of what helps you the more tutorials I can do in the future LIKE those!!! It’s really a win win if you think about it ; ). WELL, I already have my first “write in” and it comes from my darling friend Jenny (okay so I twisted her arm!) J/K Here is what she wrote and it can be an example for ya of what to do =).
Hey Jenni, So this was SUPER hard! When you asked me to find my favorite tutorial and write why, I thought, “oh sure, nothing easier!” Yeah, boy was I wrong. There are so many good ones to choose from because, as you know, your blog is my favorite! Before I tell you which one is my absolute favorite, I wanted to give a shout out to some of my other favorites- the Summer Look for Blue Eyes, the Elizabeth Taylor look, and the Kim Kardashian Smokey Eye are the runners-up because they’re amazing and fun to view But this is the tutorial I LOVE to watch, and I come back to it all the time because it shows how versatile makeup can be, and how a basic knowledge of colors can really get your eyes popping with an amazing array of color and depth! This is such a beautiful use of eye shadow; using colors that I would NEVER before thought to blend together. It’s gorgeous! WOOT and double WOOT to you! “How to use Vibrant MAC Colors”- (its on my favorites bar, of course) Love your blog, again. I’ve always loved wearing makeup (I started in 5th grade) and your blog has taught me SO much and inspired me so many times to step out of the box with my eye shadows and get creative! Besides that, I never would have found the wonderful Demi Wispies without your amazing help, not to mention all the other skin tricks I’ve learned just from spending time on your blog!
Thanks for this opportunity!
Thanks Jenn!!! Now it’s all of your guys’ turn to send in some favs. Can’t wait to hear from you!!! Either leave a comment or email me at
Okay so y’all know I am in LOVE with the Coastal Scents Blush Palette right?!?!? Well if NOT…now ya know! I use this bad boy every single day and just keep finding more ways to use it. I figured why not do a look where almost eVeRyThInG comes form it? I know lots of ladies are way into the Naked Palette and having that be their travel companion but I would MUCH rather take this palette. I can use the brown to contour AND fill in my brows, the blush can be used for shadow, cheek color (obviously) AND lip stain…betcha didn’t see that one comin! In this tutorial you’ll see how to use this versatile palette to create a soft, romantic everyday look AND learn how to turn blush into lip color. Hope you enjoy it!!!
Thank you to the men and women that fight and have fought so tirelessly for all of us. Who protect us without a second thought and have given their lives for the cause of freedom. We love you!!!!!