Yippee Skippee!!!!!

Yippee Skippee!!!!!

So you know when you see something and you just MUST have it because of the prettiness of it? The sheer perfection? I love bows, this you all know, and I found the most beautiful pearl and rhinestone ring at Forever 21 years back. Well, my good friend Summer happens to be a fashionista and a HALF sharing her love of all things beauty through TV appearances, blogs and is the owner of the online boutique A Tres Chic. She happened to post on InstaGram the MOST perfect bow bracelet and I about FELL outta my chair (true story, it almost happened!). I had to share it with ya’ll since you might want to nab one before they are all gone! Behold it’s perfection:
It yearns to be on my wrist this SECOND! It calls to me….”Jen, Jen, I am a bow. You are not complete without me…..Jeeeeeeeeeen…..”. Almost haunting right??? Well me and the fam are all geared up to visit the ole stompin grounds of Cali next week and I am SO happy to be adding this little accessory to my packing list. Disneyland won’t KNOW what hit em!!! BTW Summer’s button is just on the side there so feel free to click and get yourself one so we can be twinsies ; D.
Interview With Nichole Huntsman

Interview With Nichole Huntsman

Loved this interview with Nichole. I really believe that she is hungry to help others in the best way possible. Soooo many good tips about low calories diets and why they don’t work. What can Revolt do for you? Why did she start? Why do we all “yo-yo diet”? What happens when I get to my goal size? Watch it!!!!! I am getting ready to go home soon and I want to get fitter than I am. SO happy with how sculpted my arms are getting, my butt is lifting (miracles happen) and my weight is staying at 129. How are YOU staying fit this summer?
Drab To Fab pt 2

Drab To Fab pt 2

Here’s part two of our fun series. Drab to Fab this time will be all about contouring a touch more and eyeshadow application. That is always everyone’s favorite since the eyes can truly be transformed. Have fun with it and send me some pics!!!
Summer Memories

Summer Memories

What does summer look like to you? What does it smell like? Taste like? Sound like? Early summers for me were spent in California where almost everyone had a pool in the backyard and if you didn’t, your neighbor did. Putting poolrings on our ankles and pretending to be mermaids. Diving, jumping, holding my breath, staying in the pool as long and as late as we could. It was carefree and smelled of suntan lotion. It was hot concrete and cool water. It was popsicles and the ice cream truck, flip flops and sandals, tan skin and rollerskating to loud music on our CD player (or tape player if we’re going way back!).
As years progress (which they always do even though we want time to stand still) memories of summer shifted slightly. Boys were introduced into the mix, freedom was explored, the beach became our “pool” and the nighttime was for play. BBQs on the beach, moonlight walks in the surf, crushes that made your heart heavy and friends that will last a lifetime. Road trips, tanning, magazines, music, dates,  movies, amazing food. It was also about this time (largely thanks to the magazines) that I became very aware of my body and how I didn’t look the same as my friends. No longer was I carefree in my bathing suit like they still were. I started wearing shorts or something ANYthing wrapped around my waist. I would get to the edge of the pool and take off my covering just before I got in. I would be so envious of not only the girls I felt had perfect bodies, but of those that were maybe a touch heavier than me but just didn’t CARE!!! I didn’t think for a second that my eating habits had too much to do with this, it was more that I probably wasn’t exercising like I should. I ate what my mom made and assumed it was good for me and didn’t question it.

Moving along in our timeline and we get to college years and a bit after. The beach was still my home and the tanner I was the thinner I felt. I worked out occasionally but my summers mostly consisted of parties, drinking and dancing. I had moved out and was exploring more freedom. I lived off of cheap fast food and time with my friends. Summer’s were a blur but still left imprints that I still feel today. I danced a bit for MTV and figured that was enough physical activity for me and continued poor eating habits but BOY was summer yummy!!! =) The body that I had “made” for myself I felt couldn’t be changed (put aside the fact that I never tried) and that I should just get used to it.

In the year 2001 I left to live in Siberia for a year and a half and my summer there was unforgettable. I had stopped drinking (wow calories), mended my relationship with my Father in heaven and took off for a mission of service. There isn’t a lot of processed things over in cities like Omsk & Tomsk so coupled with more clean eating and walking everywhere I lost soooooo much weight! I helped people plant their gardens, till their soil, taught them to dance, do makeup, how to pray. It was a remarkable experience and I made friends to last a lifetime. It was the first summer that I was pasty white (HA!) and didn’t care about missing the beach. I felt confident in what I was doing and found myself.
I came home, got married, had children and bit by bit gained back and then some all of the weight I had lost in Russia but felt I could hide behind the attitude of “I’m a mom and it’s okay to have a roll or two….or eight.” Now DON’T get me wrong! Our bodies go through a lot to have children and I appreciate the “battle scars” I have earned because my sweet children are worth every one. What I was NOT acknowledging was that it wasn’t okay to be super unhealthy and teach my boys that lifestyle. I wanted to teach them from a young age that being healthy is beautiful. Think about it. Whatever weight I am at, if I am strong, I am toned and have nothing to fear come summer time aka bathing suit time. I can be like the girls I envied and just not care because I take care of myself. 
Since starting Revolt I have found a peace in knowing that I control my body and what goes into it. I can look in the mirror and like what I see. I can change bad habits and replace them with good ones. Better yet I can replace good habits with the BEST ones. I have more energy for this summer that is coming up. I will run around with my kids at Seven Peaks (yay water parks) feeling confident, lighter and more like that carefree kid I used to be. I am stronger now. I eat healthy foods but don’t restrict myself (yay cheat Saturdays!). I love what I am becoming and am actually happy that it’s slowly progressing so I know it’s not a fad and I will gain it all back, but it’s a lifestyle change and I LOVE it!!! 
Nichole Huntsman before & after
Ladies, if you want to take back something you have lost, if you are wanting to become stronger and leaner and walk out into the sun then make the step now! The next “uprising” for the Revolt program starts tomorrow!!! Join a slew of people (not just women) who are learning how to get cut abs, arms and legs. Who are taking a stand against the, let’s be honest, not even real food they sell in grocery stores (ps VERY excited to have a garden this year!). Detox for everyone starts tomorrow and then you have weeks upon weeks of great meals and exercise videos you can do in your own home! If you want more information you can email me and ask anything you want or go to revoltnowfitness.com to see what it’s all about. For anyone in the Utah area I will be taking a group down to the Bodpod to get accurate numbers for body fat and weight. I am so excited for this summer. No wraps around the waist for me THIS year! What about you??? 
Welcome summer!!!
Beautiful Hair = No Poo???

Beautiful Hair = No Poo???

Have you joined the “no poo” craze? I myself had several reservations based solely on the NAME!!! I mean really? We couldn’t come up with anything better than THAT??? What is it you ask? I haven’t told you yet? Okay so it’s basically not using shampoo (hence the awful phrase “no poo”).  I explain in this video my journey to sheer desperation in even considering saying goodbye to shampoo. I do feel that all the years of using shampoos full of chemicals and harmful toxins have aided in the downfall of my scalp and I was hoping this would help. So far so good, but I’m still a newbie. Watch this video to learn more, visit this site and see what you think! Will you join this even if you don’t have a huge “why” like me? What are your thoughts? And PLEASE rename it for crying out loud!!!!!P.s. DyInG over Taylor’s flower headband here. It is my firm belief that a big obnoxious bow balances ones head out and should be worn on a daily basis…..just sayin.


Sadly the time elapsed for our winner to claim her Norwex rags so I had to choose a new winner. That should come as GREAT news to the rest of you!!! Okay, so I put the numbers into Random.org and here is the new winner!!!!

Please oh pleeeeaaaase contact me so that I can send you your fabulous rags that you are just going to LOVE!!!!! Congrats =).

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

I want to wish everyone a wonderful Mother’s Day. Mothers come in all shapes and sizes. They also come in the form of an aunt, neighbor, grandmother, sister, and friend. No matter your role here on Earth, we as women are nurturers, healers, friends, and companions. I want to give a special virtual hug and kiss to my sweet mother. This gal is pretty special to me and it is rare for us to go without talking long. Earlier in life I was her little girl, her only little girl with three other boys. She dressed me up in dresses (I rarely went a day without wearing one) only to dig in the dirt, play guns or trucks with my brothers. Later in teenage years we didn’t see eye to eye and, sadly, I was the reason for most of it. I am sad that I made choices that made her sad and sometimes hurt. It was only when we split ways and I moved out that I truly understood all of the wonderful things she did for me. Isn’t that sad that it took that long? She was in Sacramento while I was in Huntington Beach living very different lives. I called her with news about jobs, friends and life in general. I had a HUGE impression to move back home one year and I thought in my head,”She will NEVER accept me back. She will remember too freshly everything that I have put her through, no way!” She responded with tears that she had been feeling the same way and I will never forget feeling vErY grateful for such a forgiving and in tune mom. She welcomed me back with open and loving arms. A short year after that and I was packing to go live and serve in Siberia and we joyfully went shopping together getting me all ready. Tears were shed the whole week before me leaving and the airport was even worse. Leaving my mom was a very hard thing to do. We were allowed to speak to each other only a few times in the year and a half that I was gone and we made each second count. I came home for a short while before I was engaged to my prince and we were OFF and planning a wedding together. Kevin was out of state so my lovely Marmy was my date to look at linens, rental businesses, cake tasting (our favorite part!) and reception venues. My mother has grown into my very best friend. Someone that knows my faults and loves me anyway. Someone that has seen me at my worst and still saw potential (even if I didn’t). Someone that seems to know all the ingredients I need for every meal at the drop of a hat, the cure for every heart ache and sickness, the one that sends cards to all of her kids for every little occasion. The one who knew I needed her last year and came a total of THREE times in a manner of months to come and be with me. She is my partner in crime (when a hubby can’t fill in the gaps), my “go-to” gal for almost everything and the only mother I could and will ever want. I love you sweet Marmy and I always will. Here’s to many more years of giggles, hugs, long talks and special occasions. 
Forever, your Jen