(singing voice) IIIIIII ammmm iiiiin LOOOOOOOOVE!!!!!!!! The search is over for me ladies!!!!The ultimate mascara, the one, the real deal (the expensive) mascara I’ve always DrEaMeD of!!!!! So first things first….I got my Eyelashes PERMED!!! What you ask? P-E-R-M-E-D. You heard it right. For about 45 minutes I was able to nap (miracle in and of itself) while lazily lounging in a fabulous chair while ladies ever now and then put some solution on my eyes. It was $20 bucks and will last about 2 1/2-3 months!!!! Isn’t that AwEsOmE?????
Well, back to the mascara. It doesn’t say much on the tube and they do have a few at the Chanel counter…don’t you just LOVE saying Chanel???? I do ; ). But it is the one and ONLY mascara that has this phenomenal wand. Notice the bristles, notice the comb. I even was using a trial size f this in a tutorial and WOW I couldn’t live without it. I will for SURE post some pictures of my eyes with it soon when I have a reasonably good camera…ours broke at the beach…I am SO handicapped when it comes to electronics which a whole other story. $30 for this miracle tube but if you are up for the splurge DO IT!!!!
When applying the directions say to “swirl” it in your hand so that the lashes get the bristle-comb-bristle-comb action going on and it is remarkably easier than I thought it would be. Again, I do NOT endorse things that I haven’t tried and tested nor things that are way too pricey unless it works like this!!!!! LOOOOOVE IIIIIT!!!!!!!