I signed up for Ipsy.com in January, did you as well? Ipsy is a beauty of the month club where you pay $10 a month and receive all kind of beauty products. The absolute excitement of getting fun girly things delivered to my door is almost more than I can stand! I did choose the one that was the least expensive (women with husbands feel me right?) so what I have gotten so far does reflect that…kind of. There have been some amazingly wonderful full sized products and a few trial sized things that I can now put in a travel beauty bag. I am also pretty excited that I can give away some of the products to you since I have already tried them out in the past and know that I love them =). Here is the video of me opening up the two very first bags that I received. Enjoy and don’t forget to enter the Shabby Apple contest, it’s the last day!!!
February 27, 2013
Beauty Of the Month Club