I got my 88 color PALETTE!!!!!!! How could I not have announced this, sung it’s praises, done a tutorial????? Well the below picture is a result of using this wonderful palette and I am quite pleased. I for SURE recommend using a primer still, though the quality is far better than drugstore purchases. I used the oranges and browns today and can’t WAIT to do purples and pinks for a more smoked out “punk” look. The ONLY thing I have to say and let me please note that this is not said in disappointment……they are really smaaaaaaaaall. I actually laughed when I opened them cuz they were so miniature and cute. My pygmy eye shadows as it were =). Aaaaanyhooooo, here is to fun with more upcoming tutorials and new products, products PRODUCTS!!!!!!
September 8, 2009
I’m sorry…Did I Forget To MENTION???????