Random picture of the day, what I thought I wanted to be when I grew up and then what I became =). Yup that’s yours truly. I am now officially a freelance makeup artist and that means you can recommend me to anyone you want LOL. But back to the business at hand =) I’m back and it feels great!!!! After the longest move known to man and not being able to get on the computer or to my video camera I am DONE!!!! Not only did I do two more tutorials but I have also gone all the way back to the first post I ever made and answered any questions that you may have asked. Go to the post where you asked them and I will have hopefully responded to all of you. Be sure to check out my newest blog where you can follow and emotionally support me in my new career =). Love you guys!!!!
April 19, 2009
Reunited and It Feels So Goooood….